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Whats your favorite Dinosaur?

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Im bored just see what your favorite dino is.

Do you think Dinosaurs exisisted?

95% (135) Yes
4% (6) No

141 voters have answered this question.

Whats your favorite Dinosaurs?

11% (17) Brontosaurus
36% (55) T-Rex
22% (34) Triceratops
16% (25) Stegasaurus
12% (19) Brachiosaurus
35% (53) other
4% (6) neither

149 voters have answered this question.

Do you like meat eaters, plant eaters or both?

28% (41) Meat
12% (18) Plants
59% (85) Both

144 voters have answered this question.

Whats the biggest dino?

52% (74) Brachiosaurus
19% (28) Brontosauraus
15% (22) Diploducus
12% (17) T-Rex

141 voters have answered this question.

Whats the longest dino our of these?

14% (20) Brontosaurus
28% (40) Diploducus
22% (32) Brachiosaurus
34% (49) Seismosaurus

141 voters have answered this question.

Biggest meat eater>?

2% (4) Allosaurus
3% (5) Velicoraptor
71% (101) T-rex
22% (32) Megasauraus

142 voters have answered this question.

how tall is a brachiosaurus?

52% (75) 4 story building
23% (33) 3 story building
2% (3) 2 story building
21% (31) i dont know

142 voters have answered this question.

how heavy does a Ultrasauruas weigh?

41% (59) 100 tons
18% (26) 50 tons
9% (14) 1,000 lbs
29% (42) i dont know

141 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-08-09 05:53:41 by Guapo
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