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"PET" Peeves

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It has long been proven FACT that pets offer love, companionship, comfort and a feeling of being wanted / needed. Yet, daily, adverts for houses or apartments for rent claim 'pets not permitted'. I'd love to obtain some feedback on this pool concerning that issue, please...

Are you a pet owner?

89% (17) Yes
10% (2) No

19 voters have answered this question.

Do you like pets?

83% (15) Absolutely YES
5% (1) NO! I can't stand them.
11% (2) I don't mind them, but couldn't care less if I owned any.

18 voters have answered this question.

Assuming you have a pet, what kind of pet is it?

38% (7) Dog
55% (10) Cat
0% (0) Bird
0% (0) Rabbit
0% (0) Gerbil
0% (0) Turtle
5% (1) Fish
0% (0) Other (as in Tarantula, snake, whatever!)

18 voters have answered this question.

Do you have more than one pet?

72% (13) Yes
27% (5) No

18 voters have answered this question.

Do you rent your dwelling place?

27% (5) Yes
72% (13) No

18 voters have answered this question.

Does your landlord / landlady allow pets?

71% (10) Yes
28% (4) No

14 voters have answered this question.

Assuming your response to the previous question was 'Yes' -- are you permitted to have only a cat, no dogs?

14% (2) Yes
85% (12) No

14 voters have answered this question.

Still on the same vein, are you permitted to have a dog, but no cat?

0% (0) Yes
100% (13) No

13 voters have answered this question.

Are you forced to have only 'small' pets?

14% (2) Yes
85% (12) No

14 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe it's fair to say in a rental advert: "ABSLOLUTELY NO PETS" ?

25% (4) Yes
50% (8) No
25% (4) Unsure

16 voters have answered this question.

Should a landlord be compelled to permit a pet if that pet is a sole companion for a tenant?

28% (4) Yes, absolutely.
21% (3) No, not at all.
50% (7) Unsure

14 voters have answered this question.

When a pet dies, should a tenant ask the permission of the landlord before getting another pet?

29% (5) Yes
23% (4) No
47% (8) Unsure

17 voters have answered this question.

If you own your own place, do you believe a beloved pet should be allowed burial in your yard?

88% (16) ABSOLUTELY ! Why not? They were a well loved part of the family.
0% (0) NO WAY! They were only an animal.
11% (2) Unsure

18 voters have answered this question.

Do you think the government places too many restrictions on pets and pet owners?

22% (4) Abso-BLOODY-lutely, YES.
50% (9) No, not really.
27% (5) Unsure

18 voters have answered this question.

Many adds contain the phrase 'no pets allowed' . Do you think that ads should also be allowed to specify 'no children' as well?

44% (8) Yes. Often, kids do more damage to a rental property than a pet ANY day!
27% (5) No. Children should come first.
27% (5) Unsure

18 voters have answered this question.

Some people own cats merely for 'mousers' in the rental or owned cottage for the summer months. Do you think these individuals are justified in leaving the cat to fend for itself when they leave the cottage?

11% (2) Yes-- the cat can catch wild mice to survive.
66% (12) NO-- the cat is accustomed to the people and deserves to go back home with them.
22% (4) Unsure

18 voters have answered this question.

Do you think pet owners who simply abandon their cats at the end of the cottaging season should be charged with animal neglect/cruelty/abuse?

0% (0) No
27% (5) Unsure, considering it's hard to prove who owned the pet that was left behind.

18 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-09-13 14:14:25 by Romath
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