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Why is America the worst country in the world?

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We all know the U.S. is a terrible place. Why?

When in its history was America great?

14% (108) 1776-1820
1% (13) 1820-1861
4% (33) 1861-1890
6% (48) 1890-1910
72% (520) None of the above

722 voters have answered this question.

How long has the U.S. been a terrible country?

31% (221) Since 1910
9% (68) Since 1860
59% (418) Since 1776

707 voters have answered this question.

How long will it be before the U.S. collapses?

21% (152) 50 years
17% (125) 25 years
14% (102) 10 years
13% (93) 5 years
5% (40) 1 year
27% (197) 6 months

709 voters have answered this question.

Why is America a terrible country? (Check all that apply.)

40% (284) It is too rich
70% (497) It hogs world energy resources
82% (580) It is hypocritical
71% (506) It is insulated from global reality
63% (451) It is run by rednecks
62% (440) It refuses to accept the enlightened ideas of socialism

707 voters have answered this question.

How often do you burn the flag?

34% (209) Once a year
4% (28) Once a month
3% (21) Weekly
56% (341) Daily

599 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-07-31 12:03:05 by licky
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