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l was paddled in school today

This is a United States poll tracking midde(jr high), & high school students who received corporal punishment in the 2014-2015 school year in public schools in states that allows corporal punishment. Please take this poll with in 48 hours after receiving corporal punishment and be truthful in your responses. Thanks!


52% (264) Male
47% (242) Female

506 voters have answered this question.


88% (450) White
1% (10) Black
3% (17) Latino
3% (17) Asian
1% (8) Native American
0% (4) Other

506 voters have answered this question.


10% (55) 6th
13% (69) 7th
13% (67) 8th
19% (100) 9th
17% (91) 10th
9% (49) 11th
14% (75) 12th

506 voters have answered this question.

Choose what applies to you

66% (335) I'm in a state that allows corporal punishment and was paddled
2% (14) I'm not in a state that allow corporal punishment but was still paddled in school
3% (19) My school district/state doesn't allow corporal punishment so l was spanked at home for getting in trouble at school
19% (98) I go to a private school and was paddled. Can I take this poll?(Sure)
7% (40) I live outside the US and was spanked at school or home for getting in trouble at school and also want to take this poll(ok you can)

506 voters have answered this question.

I was paddled

4% (22) Before school
4% (24) 1st period
3% (18) 2nd period
10% (55) 3rd period
4% (23) Between changing classes
7% (36) 4th period
10% (55) During lunch
9% (50) 5th period
5% (26) 6th period
2% (14) 7th period
28% (142) After school
8% (41) I was spanked at home for getting in trouble at school today

506 voters have answered this question.

Please choose the one that's closet to what happened

38% (195) I was sent to office
26% (133) I was called to the office
5% (30) I was brought in the coaches office
22% (112) It happened in class or outside the class in the hall
7% (36) My parents were called

506 voters have answered this question.

I got in trouble for

20% (104) Being disrespectful/disruptive towards a teacher or staff
5% (28) Disruptive behavior when a substitute was teaching
4% (23) Fighting
6% (32) Using foul language
7% (36) Did not serve a detention/burned it off
15% (76) Was disruptive in class
2% (15) Hit another student (other student didn't hit back)
4% (25) Smoking
8% (45) Violating dress code
0% (5) Having drugs or alcohol with me
2% (12) Bullying another student
20% (105) General misbehavior/inappropriate conduct

506 voters have answered this question.

How was it handled?

66% (337) No option I got paddled
21% (110) I opted to take the paddling instead of detention/suspension or other corrective action
3% (18) I was spanked at home.
6% (33) I didn't opt to get paddled made the principal call my parents and to my misfortune they approved
1% (8) Parents were called they didn't approve. I got spanked at home.

506 voters have answered this question.

I received____swat(s)

1% (10) 1
1% (7) 2
14% (73) 3
10% (52) 4
15% (77) 5
14% (73) 6
35% (181) 7+
0% (4) Was spanked at home 1-6 swats
5% (29) Was spanked at home 7+

506 voters have answered this question.

My reaction while being paddled at school

32% (163) I yelled ouch (in some variation) with every swat
32% (162) I cried through it all
16% (82) I cried after it was done
12% (65) I gave no reaction
5% (28) I was spanked at home l yelled out or cried
1% (6) I was spanked at home l gave no reaction

506 voters have answered this question.

Were you spanked at home for being paddled at school?

6% (35) No just got a lecture and/or grounded
5% (28) Yes I got the same amount of swats
20% (104) Yes l got double the swats
32% (166) Yes l and my mom/dad didn't count she/he just wore me out
5% (26) I was spanked at home not at school
17% (90) My parents don't know l got paddled
11% (57) I was told l will be spanked for being paddled at school today

506 voters have answered this question.

Was the paddling at school or the spanking you received at home justified?

86% (439) Yes
13% (67) No

506 voters have answered this question.

Today I was paddled by

31% (158) Principal Male
9% (50) Principal Female
10% (54) Vice Principal Male
9% (50) Vice Principal Female
12% (63) Teacher Male
10% (55) Teacher Female
5% (26) Coach Male
0% (5) Coach Female
0% (0) Staff Male
1% (10) Staff Female
3% (16) Mom/Mum
3% (19) Dad

506 voters have answered this question.

Will the paddling effect how you behave in school

29% (150) Yes l won't do that again and be a more responsible student
32% (162) I'm just a kid who made a mistake l don't try to get in trouble
29% (147) I can't seem to stay out of trouble and I am sure l will be paddled throughout the school year
9% (47) I love being mischievous and the threat of being paddled makes it sweeter when l don't get caught

506 voters have answered this question.

What's the corporal punishment policy at your school?

39% (201) Consent to paddle has to be signed by the parent at the start of the school year
8% (43) Parents have to be called first
7% (36) The student can opt out and choose to be paddled or take a detention/suspension/Saturday school
33% (170) The school doesn't need parental permission to paddle
5% (30) I don't know l just took the licks
5% (26) Corporal punishment is prohibited in my school

506 voters have answered this question.

This concludes the poll. Thanks!

21% (111) I hope my parents don't find out l got paddled
8% (44) My parents found out l can paddled and stated it will be discussed at home
4% (23) I got i in trouble at home for being paddled at school (grounded)
59% (302) I got spanked at home for being paddled at school
0% (2) The school was called and told to never paddle me again
4% (24) Since my school can't paddle l got spanked at home

506 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-07-24 18:15:04 by aries44
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