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Compulsory Swimming Lessons in School

A poll for those who were required to swim at school in a physical education course or a similar situation.

What is your gender?

62% (58) Male
35% (33) Female
2% (2) Other

93 voters have answered this question.

At what age were you required to swim in a physical education course or similar scenario?

45% (42) 12 or younger
27% (26) 13
9% (9) 14
9% (9) 15
4% (4) 16
2% (2) 17
1% (1) 18

93 voters have answered this question.

At the time, did you enjoy swimming at all?

7% (7) No, not at all
10% (10) I felt indifferently about it
33% (31) I liked swimming a little bit
48% (45) I liked swimming a lot

93 voters have answered this question.

Did swimming in a school environment affect how much you enjoyed swimming?

31% (29) Yes, it made it less enjoyable
25% (24) Yes, it made it more enjoyable
43% (40) No, I enjoyed it the same

93 voters have answered this question.

What was the punishment for not swimming?

29% (26) There was no punishment, swimming was more or less optional
25% (22) You could fail a portion of the course
16% (14) You could fail the entire course
5% (5) A severe academic punishment
22% (20) Other

87 voters have answered this question.

Did your class swim in a pool or a natural body of water?

93% (87) A pool
6% (6) A natural body of water

93 voters have answered this question.

How many people were in the class, roughly?

2% (2) Fewer than 10
74% (69) 10 to 30
18% (17) 30 to 50
4% (4) 50 to 100
1% (1) More than 100

93 voters have answered this question.

Was the class Co-ed?

69% (65) Yes
30% (28) No, we were all the same gender?

93 voters have answered this question.

Were you required to wear a specific swimsuit?

36% (34) We were given specific swimwear that we had to wear
17% (16) We had to purchase specific swimwear that we had to wear
46% (43) We had some freedom to choose our own swimwear

93 voters have answered this question.

If you were required to wear a specific swimsuit, what was it like?

1% (1) It was similar to a wet suit that covered me from my thighs to my neck
1% (1) It was a pair of loose swim shorts
12% (9) It was a pair of tight swim shorts
40% (28) It was like a speedo and just covered my pelvis and rear
17% (12) It was a one-piece suit that covered from my pelvis to my chest
27% (19) Other

70 voters have answered this question.

If you didn't have a specific suit that you were required to wear, were there restrictions to what you could wear?

0% (0) Boys had to cover their chest
21% (14) Boys had to wear tight swimsuits, such that they couldn't fall off
3% (2) Boys had to wear swimsuits that covered their thighs
32% (21) Boys were required to wear suits that covered their genitals and their rear
29% (19) Boys had no such requirements
20% (13) Girls were required to wear a one-piece that covered their midriff
9% (6) Girls could wear a two-piece swimsuit, but all straps had to be wide
7% (5) Girls could not show any cleavage
6% (4) Girls could not show any of their rear
37% (24) Girls had no such requirements
17% (11) Other / more specific:

64 voters have answered this question.

What were the changing facilities like?

11% (11) Private stalls only
9% (9) Option between private stalls and open locker room
72% (67) Open locker room only
6% (6) Other

93 voters have answered this question.

How would you change?

13% (13) Using a private stall
4% (4) Come to school with my swimsuit underneath my normal clothes, and just take off my outer clothes
1% (1) Strip to my underwear, but put my swimsuit on over my underwear
7% (7) Cover myself with a towel while I change
63% (59) Change completely in an open locker room
9% (9) Other

93 voters have answered this question.

Were you embarrassed to wear a swimsuit in front of other people?

20% (19) Yes, a little
12% (12) Yes, very much so
66% (62) No, not at all

93 voters have answered this question.

If you wish, please use the box below to describe your specific experiences in Compulsory school swimming lessons

No graph available for this question

36 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2016-11-15 00:28:28 by blackhawke55
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