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political poll

How do you feel about equality in America?

14% (4) It's great. Everyone is equal and happy.
60% (17) It's okay. We are have more equality than other countries but we still have some issues to address.
28% (8) It's not good. We have major issues that need to be called to attention.
3% (1) No opinion.

28 voters have answered this question.

How well do you feel our government handles equality issues in America?

17% (5) They do a great job. Equality issues, if any are handled well and efficiently.
46% (13) They do an okay job. Equality issues are addressed but decisions aren't make efficiently.
32% (9) They don't do a good job. When they do address issues on equality they don't address them in the right manner.
3% (1) No opinion.

28 voters have answered this question.

How do you think the Trump Administration will effect equality?

32% (9) The Trump Administration will be beneficial to equality in America.
14% (4) The Trump Administration will not impact equality in America.
50% (14) The Trump Administration will worsen equality in America for minorities.
3% (1) No opinion.

28 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2017-02-01 15:22:21 by kalle415
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