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What to wear on a school trip?

You and your class are going to a school trip in a warm May, to the Mountains. Almost every day there's mountain climbing, long walks around the local lake, or going out to see local museums in the village. What do you wear then?

Are you a male or female

60% (17) Male
39% (11) Female

28 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

32% (9) under 14 (primary school)
50% (14) 14-18 (high school)
14% (4) 19-24 (college/university)
3% (1) over 24 (Are you a teacher?)

28 voters have answered this question.

What do your PJs consist of?

76% (19) Top
92% (23) Pants
4% (1) Footwear: If you sleep barefoot, don't check this

25 voters have answered this question.

What do your daytime clothes consist of?

96% (27) Top
100% (28) Pants
71% (20) Footwear

28 voters have answered this question.

Do you have "freetime" clothes? (you wear them before and after daytime programmes, at the accomodation)

32% (9) Yes, explain
3% (1) Yes, I wear them instead of PJs too, please explain
42% (12) No, I wear daytime clothes all day
21% (6) No, I wear PJs while at accomodation, and daytime clothes on the bus

28 voters have answered this question.

Do you change clothes before going to bed?

7% (2) Daytime clothes. Sleep barefoot?
85% (24) PJs. Sleep barefoot?
3% (1) "Freetime" clothes. Sleep barefoot?
3% (1) Clothes I wear tomorrow. Sleep barefoot?

28 voters have answered this question.

OK, Let's do it: Today, the class had an intensive mountain climbing. It's evening, and - after a long day - the class is having a BBQ, sitting around the campfire. Some of your classmates have already had a shower, and changed clothes. What about you?

35% (10) Wear whatewer you wore during the day
0% (0) Wear clothes you want to wear tomorrow
14% (4) Wear your PJs
50% (14) Wear "freetime" clothes

28 voters have answered this question.

Another evening, after a warm, but cooler day. Class is having the well-known BBQ, but tonight, some classmates are going to put in some music, and having a party 'till 3 am. If you are over 18, there will be alcohol too. What about you?

32% (9) Wear daytime clothes in the party
25% (7) Wear "freetime" clothes in the party
21% (6) Wear PJs in party - classmates will like it
7% (2) Wear PJs in party - classmates will laugh at you, but no matter
14% (4) Don't go to the party. Instead go to bed!

28 voters have answered this question.

Next day - class is going to go to the lake in the afternoon. Almost all of your classmates are go for a swim in tha lake. What about you?

0% (0) Don't go swim - go back to accomodation
3% (1) Don't go swim - stay on the beach
14% (4) Don't go swim - Dip your barefeet into the water, and enjoy
60% (17) Go swim in your underwear
7% (2) Go swim in your daytime clothes. Barefoot?
7% (2) Change to "freetime" clothes at accomodation, then go swim in clothes. Barefoot?
7% (2) Change to PJs at accomodation, then swim in your PJs barefoot.

28 voters have answered this question.

The trip is ended, and the class will go home by a 10-hours-long bus travel, with 5 stops. Teachers allow students to remove footwear while on the bus, but PJs are forbidden. You are in your "freetime" clothes. What do you do?

64% (18) Remove footwear, even if you are the only one
10% (3) Remove footwear if some classmates remove theirs
17% (5) Don't remove footwear
7% (2) Despite the rules, change into PJs, and teachers will tell your parents, that you behave badly

28 voters have answered this question.

If you want to, please tell me stories, about what you or some others wear on a school trip for various activities. You can even give me tips about how to be barefoot on a schol trip (maybe flipflops/sliders?). Forum is also available :)

No graph available for this question

6 voters have answered this question.

Uh, one last thing. This is a 5-day trip. How often do you shower?

3% (1) After daytime activity AND in the evening (twice a day)
71% (20) In the evening OR after the daytime activity (once a day)
10% (3) Once in every two days ":|
7% (2) Only once, Oh my god!
3% (1) Never shower or have bath, God please save the world!
3% (1) Better to not tell

28 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2017-03-10 18:45:32 by Durmi
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