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War with Iraq, Should we or Shouldn't we?

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America is the aggressor. America wants to attack Iraq. The claim is to replace the leader, Saddam. Should America be the one to replace another country's leader?

Did you know your President is determined to wage a war against Iraq?

50% (8) YES
18% (3) NO
31% (5) DONT CARE

16 voters have answered this question.

Were you aware that most of our Allies DO NOT support a war against Iraq?

15% (2) I did not know and dont care
38% (5) I know and dont care
46% (6) I did not know and am concerend about this

13 voters have answered this question.

Did you know that the U.S. destroyed all of Iraq's infrastructure during the Desert Storm War? and that there is still nothing of real value to destroy today?

18% (3) No I had no idea
43% (7) Yes I am aware
37% (6) I dont care

16 voters have answered this question.

European, Middle Eastern leaders and experts have already determined that Saddam and Iraq pose NO THREAT to it's neighbors. Were you aware of this?

37% (6) YES
37% (6) NO
25% (4) DONT CARE

16 voters have answered this question.

Are you aware that thousands of U.S. troops could lose their lives if Bush wages war against Iraq?

93% (14) YES
6% (1) NO

15 voters have answered this question.

Did you know that leading experts have determined that if the U.S. wages a war against Iraq, that the already unstable (middle east) region could become more unstable and lead to a larger war, possibly even nuclear?

73% (11) YES
26% (4) NO

15 voters have answered this question.

Did you know that an attack on Iraq would cause some of our allies to seperate themselves from the U.S.?

57% (8) YES
42% (6) NO

14 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that Bush wanting to attack Iraq is more about wanting to deflect attention from his scandals at home?

40% (6) YES
60% (9) NO

15 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that Bush is wanting to use WAR as a means to gain a political advantage?

66% (10) YES
33% (5) NO

15 voters have answered this question.

Are you aware that those closest to Bush (members of his cabinet, family and friends) are going to be the biggest benefactors (monetarily) if a war is waged against Iraq?

0% (0) No I had no Idea,
20% (3) Yes and I dont care
40% (6) I dont care
40% (6) I am concerned about this

15 voters have answered this question.

Are you aware that a war with Iraq could cause more terrorist attacks to occur on U.S. soil in retaliation?

66% (10) YES
33% (5) NO

15 voters have answered this question.

Did you know that Saudi Arabia is concerned that if U.S. attacks Iraq, that it could cause them to go into civil war?

35% (5) YES
64% (9) NO

14 voters have answered this question.

Do you support a war against Iraq, even if most of the world DOES NOT?

40% (6) YES
60% (9) NO

15 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that the U.S. should be trying to resolve this matter diplomatically first rather than jumping right into war?

53% (8) YES
46% (7) NO

15 voters have answered this question.

DO you think that the U.N. should step in at this point and work towards a resolution? (another words, the U.S. should remove itself from the situation completely and let the U.N. decide what the best course of action is?)

50% (7) YES
50% (7) NO

14 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe Bush is intoxicated with WAR?

60% (9) YES
40% (6) NO

15 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-07-15 14:17:24 by computerexec
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