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User: Captain Fantastic


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Posted in coke or pepsi on 2012-01-30 17:09:30


Posted in Sizzler & Pizza Hut "all-you-can-eat" restaurants on 2012-01-30 17:08:21


Posted in Sandwichs on 2012-01-30 17:07:30


Posted in Food or Company: Choose one on 2012-01-30 17:04:11

Think about this: No matter which one you choose, you're bound to come out on the losing end of the deal. Anything which tastes good is going to either give you a heart attack or make you fat, and if you date someone new, they'll eventually break your heart by going out with your best friend, or something. It's like choosing the lesser of two evils.

Posted in Commit a crime on 2012-01-30 16:47:53

I noticed that a majority of the answers to the questions in this poll indicated "Not very likely" or something like that.

It kind of makes me think: I wonder if most people chose that answer because they really have a conscience, or rather because they're ashamed of picking a different answer, or are afraid of getting caught.