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User: Captain Fantastic


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Posted in 2011 Oscars on 2012-01-30 16:14:49

Why wasn't "The Iron Lady"--with Meryl Streep--nominated? I saw it; it's a great film!

Posted in Nuclear Weapons? on 2012-01-30 15:45:35

The way you worded the first question is a bit confusing. We can use nuclear power in the world without resorting to using them as weapons. Nuclear power isn't dangerous; Man is. Think about that one.

Posted in Bizarre Foods Poll on 2012-01-23 05:03:14

About chicken embryos. What do you think eggs are? I don't like to eat eggs because they're laid by hens. Inside is a baby chicken trying to form so it can have a life. I think that when you eat eggs, what you're actually consuming is a chicken embryo. Think about it. There's a young life growing inside there, and when you kill it and eat it, you're taking away a life (or rather...you're taking away its chance at a life, because it hasn't had a chance to hatch and be born yet). It's very cruel and unfair.

Would anyone like to comment on this? Email me: sdg1023@gmail.com

Posted in What is your diet? on 2012-01-23 04:56:19

What the hell is a flexitarian?


Posted in Genetically Modified Foods on 2012-01-23 04:53:18

Dear Pollmaker, About the third question in your poll: the way it was worded made me think of other questions that it could have led to:

"Do you believe that genetically modified foods can be dangerous?"

"Do you think that the federal government should do more to inform the public about these foods?"

I may not be able to get back to this poll on the site that often, so if you'd like to make a comment, email me: sdg1023@gmail.com