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User: Captain Fantastic


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Posted in prejudice on 2012-01-30 16:43:29

I wish all these foreigners, young punks, faggots, retards, religious freaks, fat whales, homeless bums and corrupt pigs would just go away and leave me alone! California is the land of the fruits, nuts and flakes! Man, I'm so glad I'm getting the hell out of here in eight short months!

Ha, ha, take that, weirdos!

Long live White America!

Posted in The Bucket List on 2012-01-30 16:37:23

Did you notice that I picked the items in the list that pertain to breaking society's laws and rules, but I left my friends and family out of it?

I'm more inclined to support the ones I love, rather than please "The Man"!

Posted in Abortion on 2012-01-30 16:33:50

I have a message for all you abortion foes out there--think about this: If life begins at the moment of conception, when the heartbeat begins, then how do you explain the fact that we indicate a person's "date of birth" as the day that the baby comes out into the world and is given a name, and not before?

Posted in Best Heavy/Hard Hock band on 2012-01-30 16:29:31

You forgot to include perhaps the best one of all: the Scorpions, from Germany, who recently put out their last album, "Sting in the Tail", announced a final world tour, and decided to retire after almost 50 rocking years!

I mean, c'mon, man...really...get with it!

By the way, I'm glad you listen to REAL rock, and not this rap and Disney garbage that comes out of the radio these days! Whatever happened to real music?

Signed, Scott Gould sdg1023@gmail.com

Posted in Music of 2011 on 2012-01-30 16:19:36

I only picked artists--such as "Paul Simon" and "Whitesnake"--that play real music...not this trash that you 2-year-old brats make and like!

And yes, kiddies, that's a crack against the so-called music industry today! Ha, ha!