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User: dave


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Posted in Would you Vote to Remove Bush from Office??? on 2002-01-22 18:19:35

Ok people, get real. Vote to get Bush out? It doesn't quite work like that. The man cannot be voted out. Whether you like it or not, you are going to have to live with him. Hey, you lived through 8 years of the worst president in the history of our country (Clinton), so this should be a piece of cake!

Posted in Guys: What race of ladies do you like most on 2002-01-22 18:03:58

Hey, who made this poll? everyone knows that Asians (especially Japanese girls) are the best!

Posted in Cheating..Would you feel guilty? on 2002-01-22 14:24:13

The Pole was incoplete. There needed to be more questions. I've never cheated on anyone, buy I came close on a number of ocasions. I'm with someone now, and have been with her for 9 years. I think my possibility of cheating is gone. But every now and then ... The thing is, is it worth the risk? Do you really care for the person your with? Is it really cheating if you're only having sex? How bad will your conscience work on you? Do your eyes give you away? What age group are you in? How long have you been with this person? Do you intend on leaving this person some day? Is this person the one? You could have gone off with this pole if you really tried. I suggest a better pole be made, then an active search for responces. I bet you'll find some interesting results.

Posted in Underwear Change on 2002-01-19 19:37:53

I often wank inside my briefs i take them off b4 bed and $%!@ in them then put them in the wash. U might as well get the most out of them.

Posted in Who is stronger?Boys or Girls on 2002-01-16 18:56:16


Everyone on both sides is full of crap. The reality of nature is that men and women compliment each other. There are many kinds of strength. In some areas, women are stronger, in others, males are stronger. This is why men and women need each other. If you believe that one sex or the other is dominant in all categories you are a close-minded fool. Women and men are both beautiful creatures with different but complimentary roles in life. Stop hating and being sexist (all of you). Love your fellow people no matter what sex they may be. Arguments such as this are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
