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User: boizrus


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Posted in Bathing with siblings #1 (Females only) on 2015-03-15 21:52:00

If I had a step sister, or even a step brother I would be happy to bath with them. I wish sometimes that I could bath with my sister but my parents would not approve. I still sometimes shower with one or both of my brothers if we are pushed for time or even if we just want to. The only time I get to shower with my sister is if my parents are out and we want to which is something that has only happened a few times since we hit puberty.

Posted in School Punishment on 2015-03-14 09:35:28

Hi Rick,

Yeah my parents are open with us about all things and we are free to talk with them about anything so they know that I am bi and like to be dominated a bit and they know I currently have a boyfriend and we have intimate times together and while I can't say they approve they don't condemn either and accept that it is my life and they just try to give me good advice when we talk about it.

I have done things which my dad said would have got me a caning and some of them would have been "six of the best" type beatings. And yes if I got punished in school I could expect to get punished at home too and I soon learned it was best to tell my parents before someone else did. If I tried to hide it from them then the punishment was worse. My home punishments were always on the bare butt with dad's "spanking tool" - a wooden plank about two inches wide and shaped to a handle at one end. It was sanded smooth and varnished so that we never got splinters but boy did it sting and leave a good wide welt that he could not miss hitting on top with the next and subsequent strokes. But dad was always controlled and never gave us more than six paddles at any one time. Of course now I have learned to be more careful but sometimes I slip and then I get extra chores and loss of privileges as punishments and sometimes those are worse than a hiding would be. Not being able to see or speak to my boyfriend for three days is one of them and that really makes the days seem to drag out and last like a week.

Posted in School Punishment on 2015-03-10 22:21:11

Hi ya Rick

I agree, I think stopping corporal punishment was a step backwards in civilization not a step forwards. I have listened to my parents and other adults talk about how their discipline was managed including using the cane and it seems to me that they were better than we are today. In the UK now even parents are at risk if they use physical punishment. The child can go to the police and lodge a complaint and the police have to investigate and can even bring a prosecution against the parent.

To be honest I would rather take six with a cane than do four after schools of garden work. I don't get it now, but when I was younger it was not uncommon to get a bare butt hiding for doing something wrong and I certainly don't believe that I have been harmed by it. Rather the opposite. I have been taught to respect other people and to obey the rules adn believe that I am a better person for it.

Posted in Underwear poll on 2015-03-07 10:03:29

I am a guy and I go commando most of the time but that was not a choice so I had to use what I do wear if I have to wear underwear. something I have not done for over a year now

Posted in School Punishment on 2015-03-04 07:49:44

Hi RJ,

No I never earned a double detention thankfully, at least not yet and I don't think it is likely I will as I have not had a detention for over a year now. But I have been at the school for some after school activities when guys have been cleaning the toilets and often like when they are cleaning the urinal someone will come in a start to $%!@ into the urinal while they are there kneeling on the step to scrub the back panel and the guys pee spray goes bounces off the urinal onto them before they realise the guy is actually going to pee while they are there. And of course you get the mean guys who will purposely pee onto the urinal step (we have those trough type urinals) instead of into the trough where they can see you have already cleaned so that you have to go back and redo it. Also if a toilet gets blocked often guys will continue to use it, or pee into it making it much worse.