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User: boizrus


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Posted in School Punishment on 2015-02-08 18:49:21

Hi we don't get punished with a canning at school but get what they call detention. But a detention at our school means at least four hours after school doing chores at the school. This could be some sort of gardening or cleaning classrooms. If you get a double detention (or two detentions in the same week) you know you will most likely be cleaning toilets or the change rooms.

My dad went to School in Rhodesia and he said that most punishments were either a caning or a detention. But their detentions were time spent in a classroom with a teacher who set you work to do and then checked it at the end of the detention and if you did not do it properly you just got another detention or a caning. He also told us that the prefects could give punishments for minor offences and that there were some prefects in every year that took it to extremes. Tearing up a two or three page essay was the norm. But those who took it to an extreme might also give a canning. for those cannings you had to go to the prefects common room and the prefect generally made you strip naked and then bend over and grab your ankles he would then use your belt to whack you across the butt but the belts would also wrap around you body and if he hit you so there was enough wrap around it would also smack your genitals. BTW he went to a boys only school.

Posted in blowjobs- getting and giving on 2015-02-08 17:32:21

My older brother taught me to give a blow job when I was 11. My friend was sleeping over with us and he asked my brother outright if he knew how to suck $%!@s and so m brother asked us if we wanted to learn and he had both of us get naked and into a 69 position and then guided us as we sucked on each other's $%!@s to a dry orgasm each. It was not long after that that I started to shoot $%!@.

Posted in Spanking boys in the nude on 2015-02-08 17:09:01

AS teens now we don't get spanked. Instead we have privileges taken away for a period of time. When we were younger we would get spanked in our underwear by our mother but if we were bad enough to have to wait until dad got home we knew that we would be bare butt spanked with a good paddle and know that we had been bad for at least four days afterward every time we sat down.

but whether it was with mum or dad our spanking was always done in private and although our brothers and sister knew exactly what would be happening we never got to witness any others getting the punishment.

Posted in School Punishment on 2015-02-08 16:52:09

At our school they did away with the cane some years ago, before I ever got to the school and now we have work detentions which means that we have to wear a yellow arm band for the week and after school each afternoon we have to do some sort of chores for an hour. We have to do four after school work hours for one detention. The work can be anything from mowing lawns to sweeping classrooms and if we have a double detention in one week we can be guaranteed we will be cleaning toilets for detention.

Posted in nudity for teenage boys on 2015-02-08 16:39:27

We are not allowed to be naked at home when our parents or visitors are at home but we do stay naked in our room most of the time we are in it and we let my sister come in when she wants as she is my twin and has seen all three of us naked and been naked in front of us. If our parents are not at home we will sometimes go naked all over the house and in front of our friends and my sisters friends. It is nice to have that freedom and not having to hide that we want a wank from each other.