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User: boizrus


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Posted in Did you have to leave naked? on 2015-01-31 00:08:12

A group of us had gone to the river and when we got there I suggested we skinny dip. Most of us got naked straight away and started to swim around. One of the guys and a few of the girls were a bit shy and so stayed on the bank and just watched us. After a while the clothed ones left to go home and the rest of swam a bit more. Then as time began to run out different ones had to get out and dress and go home to be there before they got into trouble. I was the last to leave and when I got out of the water I discovered that all my clothes were gone and I had no option but to make my way home naked. Most of the route was not a problem as it was through wild areas where there was no one else around. But the last four hundred yards or so I had to go along a road past a couple of houses to get to my house. I had to duck into a driveway when a car came along but when I did the son and daughter of that household were in the garden and they saw me and laughed. I made a mad dash the rest of the way home and my twin sister let me in the house and also laughed, but she was also angry that those who had taken my clothes did not leave me at least something to cover my modesty. I actually enjoyed it and when I saw the son and daughter from the other house who had seen me naked we had another laugh together and they said that they thought I had a nice $%!@ and balls.

Posted in Why were you seen naked? on 2015-01-30 23:44:12

I share a room with my two brothers and we are naked a lot of the time and see each other that way every day. My twin sister also sees us naked because we don't mind her coming in our room when she wants to so she has also seen us wanking and hard

Posted in Naked.. Brothers / Friends on 2015-01-30 23:25:47

I share a room with my two brothers (one older, one younger) we see each other naked every day as we sleep naked and often will wank together. I also get naked in front of my friends when we change at school or get together for sleep overs. I also am naked in front of my sister quite often and am comfortable being naked in front of some her friends. I like my body the way it is and don't mind others seeing it and even some of them enjoying it a bit more.

Posted in How often do you sleep in your underwear or naked? on 2015-01-30 20:57:59

Sleeping naked is the best. I share my room with my two brothers (one older and one younger) and we all sleep naked and have no problem with being naked in front of each other and my twin sister as well as our friends. We all say sleeping naked is the most comfortable and restful way to sleep.

Posted in Going Commando! on 2015-01-30 18:39:09

Going commando is the only way to be. I love the feeling of freedom and when I am in shorts and sitting in the food court at a shopping mall with my legs spread I get a real kick out of seeing the reactions of people who see up my shorts and get a sight of my tackle.