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User: boizrus


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Posted in When would you teach your kids about sex? on 2015-02-17 07:23:39

Thank you for your kind comments. I think I have an advantage of understanding parents who are willing to talk about these things openly and honestly and brothers and a sister who all understand each other and we are able to just as open and honest with each other which has helped us all to gain a good outlook on life.

Posted in School Punishment on 2015-02-16 12:08:57


This is Boizrus's dad using his page with him looking over my shoulder to see what I am writing. I know all of those places you have mentioned because we did do a lot of holidaying in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and visited all of those and some more. I am now, with the agreement of my wife going to let the cat out of the bag to our four children. In the summer holidays this year we are going to Zimbabwe and will be touring around the country so that I can show then and my wife all the places I have been talking about and they can see more than just the photographs I have. (there has just been a big whoop over my shoulder and a shout to his brothers and sisters to come and see this) I have also arranged for us to camp at the Scout camp ground in the Matopos National Park where I did a lot of my scouting and growing up so that they can experience a tiny bit of what I did, including the open air showers. (Not sure yet if their parents will use the open air showers or opt for something more private) (Just had an "eewwh" over my shoulder so guess they are not too impressed with this idea) I also will still keep a few surprises in store for when we are out there so a few months from now you might learn of some other things. There will be several "firsts" for them and to tell the truth, I am getting more excited day by day as contacts come back to me and we get our plans in place. Sorry I now have four somewhat excited children around me breaking my concentration and demanding more information. Thank you for being open about yourself on this forum because it has given our children an insight into how different people are and how we need to accept those differences and respect them. It seems that we will be having more conversations about these sort of "taboo" subjects in the future and I hope to be open and honest with my children as we discuss them and encourage them to be open and honest with me. I am glad my son has allowed me to see what he is doing and saying on this forum because it has helped me to understand all of my children a bit more. I feel sorry for those families that keep themselves closed to all of this.

Posted in When would you teach your kids about sex? on 2015-02-16 11:36:10

My two brothers and I share a room and we are naked most of the time we are in there and also sleep naked. We also are able to $%!@e openly in our room without another brother making any sicko comments or such like. More likely if the brother doesn't just ignore you he will come over and offer to help you which makes it so much nicer. Our sister also has the freedom to enter our room at any time because we have given her that freedom and don't mind her seeing us naked and $%!@ing and like it when she helps us out too. We have also seen our sister naked and because she is my twin, she has let me $%!@e her also. Our parents know we see each other naked and also know that we boys $%!@e openly in front of each other, but I don't think they know we sometimes help each other out, but I don't think they would freak if they did find out. They might freak if they found out about our sister helping us out, but they do know that she has seen us naked and at least erect. Out parents do not go naked in front of us and certainly keep their sexual activity private in their bedroom and we all know that we do not enter their bedroom, ever, without first knocking and waiting to be invited in. Likewise my parents do not come into our rooms without first knocking and waiting. Usually if someone knocks on our door, we check to see that no one is actually in the act before inviting the knocker in but don't worry about covering up even if we are hard. My parents gave all four of us the "birds and the bees" talk when we were ten, but we already knew the physical aspects of the act by then. What they taught us in the talk was the need to be a partnership and to show consideration for each other's needs etc. They also taught us that if we have any questions at all we can go to them and get an honest and open answer. I don't have any children, but I think I would raise my kids to be comfortable when naked in front of anyone; but not to flaunt nudity. To respect all people and especially their bodies. Each of us have wonderful bodies and we can enjoy them but to force something we enjoy on another is wrong. Not everyone likes the same thing. While all three of us boys like to $%!@e and be $%!@ed by someone else, we each do it in a different way that brings us the most pleasure and when one of them helps me out, I like it when they do it to me the way I find makes me feel the best. I would also allow my kids to go naked throughout the house and the garden, but also teach them that others do not think the same way and we need to be careful not to offend others and so they need to cover up when there are others around, at least until they learn if the others would be offended or not by their nudity. BTW while I am happy to have my brothers and sister help me $%!@e whether they use their hand or their mouth, I have no desire to go any further with them and don't consider this mutual $%!@ion incest. I have gone further with my best friend and also with one of my sister's female friends and will do it some more, but not with relations. Playing strip games and mutual $%!@ion with cousins etc is okay but nothing more than that.

Posted in School Punishment on 2015-02-10 03:37:47


Dad would like to know where you lived in Zimbabwe and which school you went to as his brother went to Milton High and a good friend went to Northleah. He says he lived in Riverside and they had 13 acres of land with a river and a dam to play in as kids growing up. Dad says that most summers he spent more time naked than with clothes on and had an all over even tan because they went skinny dipping in the dam so much. He has a suitcase full of photographs that he is slowly scanning and making in photo books with comments and all so that we will be able to look at them and share them with our children and grand children. But dad says that kind of life is now gone for ever. Kind of sad because I would have liked it I think.

Posted in Tied up naked or just tied up? on 2015-02-10 00:24:49

The other day my big brother had a friend over and I was sitting on my brothers bed when they came in the room and he demanded that I get off his bed, but I just smiled and refused. I had just come from the shower and so all I had on was my towel. We got disturbed because my mum called up to say she had to go out for a bit and my brother went out to the landing to talk to her first before she left about his friend staying over for the night. Mum said that would be okay and told my brother he would need to set up the camp bed in our room so that he could let his friend use his bed. Anyway they got out the camp bed and set it up with a sleeping bag on it and a pillow. I was still sitting on his bed and he told me to get off again but I just smiled and refused because I was teasing him. Next thing the two of them grabbed me and dragged me off the bed and over towards the camp bed. I struggled which was a mistake because my towel came off leaving me naked. Being two of them they had me at their mercy and I was held on the bed while they tied my wrists and ankles to the four corners of the frame. I was now naked facing up and had two teen boys looking at me. We share a room so my brothers have both seen me naked every day, but his friend had not seen me naked before. They left me tied there for about fifteen minutes while they did some stuff on the lap top and then they came over to me with some cord and began to wrap it around my ball bag, above my balls making my bag get tighter around my balls and tying it off they pulled the end of the cord towards my foot and tied it to my big toe so that every time I moved my foot I would tug on my balls. It was already tight enough to give some constant mild pain, but then they used a feather duster and started to tickle my foot so that I jerked it and kept tugging on my balls by that. the thing is I also got hard doing that and so they moved the feather duster up and started to tickle my $%!@ with it then my brother's friend just dumped the duster down and jerked me till I shot all over myself and needed to go and take another shower but I was still tied to the stretcher bed and the got some permanent markers and began to colour my $%!@ and balls so I ended up with a black $%!@ and one green and one yellow ball.They left that to dry before they untied my hands but left my feet tied up. I had to lean forward to untie my feet and get the cord off my toe before I could release it from around my balls. By this time the permanent marker had really dried and I could not get rid of it all in the shower and so had to go for a couple of days with fading colours on my goods.