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User: youngguy


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Posted in Do you feel comfortable wearing a jockstrap? on 2010-12-22 03:16:34

Jocks are definitely NOT gay.

Posted in When were you last spanked on 2010-03-06 21:11:50


My girl has talked about her "little brother" getting paddled, but I'd NEVER ask him about it. It's too embarrassing. He's 15, a really good student, a good wrestler, and plays the French horn as well. A neat guy My girl says he got paddled bare-butt, too, and her mom licked her bare butt -- or would come into her room and hold her while her dad came in with the paddle. Her mom would pull down her panties and her dad lick it on and then leave right away, and he'd came back in her room after she was dressed.

I don't think my brother necessarily got the paddle worse than I did. I just always hated hearing him scream after your butt starts to burn like fire. It's incredibly bad!! But I guess it needs to be that way. I sure ended up screaming, too, and it never took long until it was the only thing you could do because of how bad it hurt.

We talked about it sometimes after one or the other of us got licked. We did get licked for something we did at school, but we never knew that in advance of it happening at home. But we usually got it for something we did or more often SAID at home that was beyond the pale.


Posted in When were you last spanked on 2010-02-27 22:14:31


My girlfriend got it from her mom and dad with a wood paddle that had holes in it. Her brother (younger by several years) got it with the same paddle, but she thinks he got it harder. My girl is great, and her little brother is a great guy, too, and it might be that the very occasional experience with the paddle helped them to grow up to be really great people. I think it sure helped my brother and me.

My dad uses a lexan paddle with about a dozen holes. Actually, I'm 19 and a sophomore in college and I think I'm done getting the paddle. My brother is not so little any more, either, and I hope he's done getting it too, because it's horrible hearing him screaming from the hellish, fiery pain that thing gives you!!!

I would probably use one on my kids, too, just not too hard or too long when kids are in grade school. Just enough to make them cry pretty bad, so they're really sorry for what they did and learn their lesson. I just hope I can be as loving about it like my 'rents were, because getting the paddle always got followed up with a very gentle, loving, supportive talk. Some of the best talks I ever had with my dad came right after I'd stopped crying and my butt still burned like fire. You listen to your dad really carefully when you're like that!! So when you know that you got what you deserved because you messed up royally on what your 'rents kept trying to teach you in words, you take it, get over it, and move on. I gotta admit, it helped me to grow up.

Posted in When were you last spanked on 2010-02-25 04:36:27


< Would you follow your dad's lead in spanking your's some day or amend it in some < ways?

I"m 19 now and in college and dating a girl who also got it from her mom and dad. I've actually begun to think about this and even have talked about it with my girl, Nor a real romantic thing, but I think we're past just puppy-love and into some serious feelings for each other.

I think I'd use a paddle, either like my dad did (lexan with holes) or maybe one of those rubber paddle I've read about. I take it that they can be pretty bad, but you don't need to lick it on all that hard until the kid gets older and needs the extra-bad sting. But believe me, my dad's lexan paddle sure gave you what you needed if you deserved a good thrashing.

< You ever come close to grandpa using the strop or spanking your bottom as he did < your dad?

No, never. I have seen the strap, though, but I sure don't wish to experience it.

< Did you tell dad you thought you were too old for the paddle at 16 when you got the < ticket?

I'd NEVER have said anything like that to my dad!! You knew he loved you like mad, but if he decreed that you deserved the paddle, you also knew that he was gonna make it WORK the way a good dose of the paddle works.

< Was there a desire to just stay butt naked & stand or lie face down after that < paddling?

Dad always stays with us boys when it's over and hugs us and talks with us, and we usually do that standing up for a while and then sitting on the edge of your bed. Yeah, your butt burns for a while, but after a while you can stand it to sit on your bed, and you wanna do what you dad tells you to do, and when he "invites" you to sit on your bed, you do it, fire on your butt or not.

I think those days are over for me, and I'm sure thankful they are. I gotta admit, though, that in a strange way, I'm also thankful that Dad gave it to me when I deserved it, because I think I'm better off for it. Does that make any sense?


Posted in When were you last spanked on 2010-02-15 01:57:10

I think your dad and mine are alike. I never got licked except when dad had tried other thigns with me and I'd not paid attention and he sensed that I needed the paddle. That thing "burned" your butt in no time at all, and DAD saw to it that the "fire" was really hot before he stopped licking it on. Trust me, you got the message!! I don't think I ever got licked the second time for the same thing.

My speeding ticket paddling was by far the worst I ever got. I thought I was too old for the paddle, but Dad sure proved me wrong. I did not show my butt to my friends, because it was summer time and we did not have gym class at that point -- and if we were going swimming, I got dressed at home instead of at the pool.

I never saw the razor strop that Grandpa used on Dad. I guess it was pretty bad, too. He said it left you black and blue for DAYS after Grandpa was finished giving it to him.

It's sorta weird to think about my dad getting licked, but I guess it's part of growing up. My dad is a great man, and I want to be like him, and perhaps getting licked is part of growing up. I've begun to think whether I would lick my own kids, if I get married and have kids some day. Are you married, and do you lick your kids? What do you use? What position do you use with them? Or what WOULD you use?
