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User: youngguy


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Posted in wrestling on 2008-02-01 22:32:12

I've gone to bunch of wrestling meets and almost neve see leg straps through guys' wrestling singlets. Sometimes I see a big bulge at a guy's "package" that looks like he's wearing a hard cup.

What DO wrestlers wear?

Hey, that's a kool name: Greenshoe. What does it stand for?

By the way, I tried to e-mail you at the address you gave, and it didn't work. If you wanna e-mail me, try youngguyguy2222@yahoo.com. It outta work.

I like baseball, though I've stopped playing a couple of years ago. I'm 16, almost 17. My dad and our coach made us wear jocks with hard cups for Little League, and it's not a bad idea.

Have you ever been hit there? Did you have a cup on, or did you get hurt? I got hit several times, but my hard cup protected me. I hear, though, that it hurts like hell if you get hit there without a hard cup on. I have a Bike and a Bike cup, and it's O.K., though I really don't like it and would never wear it unless it was necessary.

I always wear a jock for gym, too, and for running. I like cross country, and I run track, too, and sometimes I just wear a swimmer supporter, sometimes my regular gym supporter with a 3" waist for running. I like swimming in a sleek Speedo suit and always wear a Bike swimmer supporter under that, in case I get a hard on. You can see my leg straps through my Speedo, and I think the girls like that. :-) Sometimes I run a comunity road race in a pair of white Adidas soccer shorts with a pair of compression shorts under them, but you can still my leg straps. That's pretty cool, too.

I'm white, but if a black guy dresses like that, it would be a lot more obvious. Are you white or black? Do you ever do stuff that let's your leg straps show? One of my best friends is black, and he really shows off that way!! :-) :-) :-)

Did you ever see the International Jock web site It's cool. But there's no need to pay shipping from them if you can find a jock at a drug store or sports store.

What kind of jocks do you wear? Where do you get them?


Posted in High School Teachers that paddle students on 2007-09-25 00:53:47

I must admit, I gotta agree with Mr. Jones, even though yeah I would never tell my dad that. Well, at least not until I'm a lot older and done getting the paddle. I think I may be done with it. I hope so.

Some of my friends grew up never getting it, and they're O.K. My girl never got spanked in her llfe, and she's neat. Some other kids probably should have got it, though, because they're like outta control!!!

I'm really a good kid, don't get in trouble, get good grades, like music a LOT, especially playing my cello, run cross country and track and like baseball a lot, too, and sing in school chorus and the church choir. So I guess I'm glad my dad didn't take any chances with me, because life is good for me now.

Posted in Athletic supporter (jockstrap) for school on 2006-12-16 03:29:15

've seen guys take gym with nothing whatsoever under their gym shorts. I don't think I'd like that. You have a lot better put-together feeling and more energy when you wear a jock for gym or working out or running, and I even like wearing one when I go swimming.

Posted in Athletic supporter (jockstrap) for school on 2006-12-08 22:12:22

I can't IMAGINE playing sports or taking gym class in your underwear and then walking around or sitting in class in sweaty, smelly shorts!! And besides, you just feel looser or freer when you wear a jock, and it's like a turn-on.