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User: youngguy


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Posted in What About Piano Lessons on 2005-04-12 18:55:42

I really like piano. It lets me sorta put myself into the sounds, and I like reading about the composers, too. I'm 15 and play for the chorus at school some of the time, and that's fun Your a special person when you can sit at the piano and play while the other kids sing.
My parents really encourage me about it, too. sometimes I do stuff that makes my dad use his paddle on me, but I don't have it like the person who practiced to avoid getting spanked. I do it because i really like it.

Posted in spanking, yes or no? on 2005-04-06 01:08:07

I get it too

I'm 15 and get it, though I don't get it very often any more. I don't hate my dad for giving me the paddle when I do something that deserves it. It's my fault, not his.

Posted in First jockstrap on 2004-11-22 03:21:19

The poll asks if you got a boxing jock. What's that?

Posted in First jockstrap on 2004-09-18 15:03:50

Why do you wear a soft cup instead of just an ordinary gym supporter for gymnastics?

========== In Reply To ========== At our middle school I joined the gymnastics team. There were only 2 boys (me being one of them) and 20 girsl. The boys coach who was a guy in his 50's asked if we all owned a soft-cup jockstrap. The other guy said he had one, but I said no. The next day before practice the coach called me into his office and gave me a new sof-cup jockstrap still in the box. He told me to go into the bathroom to see if it fit. I did, and it fit fine. He then asked me to come out so he could check. I did this. He asked if it gave me enough "support" and I said yes. He said okay, and I got dressed. It was kinda embarasing, but at least I didnt have to go to the store and buy one.

Posted in What the Bible says about spanking on 2004-07-14 01:08:24

That's not why I get spanked, but ya know, I think that may be why one of my friends does stuff that he gets it for. We're good friends, but his dad left home, and his mom always asks the neighbor man to spank him when he does stuff that needs it. I'm glad my parents both love me. I love them, too, and I don't worry about whether they love me.

========== In Reply To ========== Ahhhhhhhh....Controversial topic in todays world.

There is no doubt that God instructed parents to spank their children when necessary. Spanking is not beating. There is a huge difference between a swat on the butt and a beating. But in our society now, God's law, doesn't mean a whole lot. But then, juvenile crime has increased many fold since the whole spanking debate arose. Each year, that spanking of children deminishes, juvenile crime increases.

My mother raised two of her grandboys. Those two boys would provoke her, until she spanked them, and then they were little angels for a few weeks, and then they would repeat the cycle. There was something inside them which initiated the actions for getting a spanking. Once they got it, they were satisfied. With them it was a security issue. Their mom and dad abandoned them, and they were always afraid that they would be abandoned by their grandmother, so they made sure she still cared about them, by pushing. They pushed until they got spanked. That was their way, of knowing that she still cared for them.

I was a missionary in my younger years, working with troubled kids, who were neglected at home and abandoned by their families. I discovered something very important. Parents that are too strict can cause their children to be timid and shy, but they don't loose their kids to the world. Permissive parents, who give their kids whatever they want, and ignore their bad behaviour, loose their kids to the world. Kids, as much as they fight it, want controls on their life. Those controls are their security. Everyone needs security in their life. Kids will test those controls, those boundries ever so often to make sure they are still their and that thei are still secure. Parent who are willing to spank their kids, very seldom have to, because most kids know where the boundries are and how far they can push. The ones who push past those boundries, actually want the spanking, even though they won't tell you that, to re-inforce their security.

The verse that deals with beating a child, so that he isn't lost. Back in Biblical times, there wasn't juvenile crime. Any child who refused to obey their parents, were taken outside the city and stoned to death. Open rebellion was not tolerated. So, what God is saying in that verse about beating your child in order to save him, is simply this. It is better to beat your child sensless, than for the authority of the city, to take your child out and stone him to death. For the parent to save their rebellious child, who refused to obey and be civil, no matter what, it would be better to beat him, than let him be put to death.

Today, we do not live under God's laws. If we did, then there would be a whole lot less crime. Today, a juvenile can kill a person, go to juvie jail until 18/21, depending on the state, and then go free with a clean record. That isn't the way of Biblical times. The kid would have been put to death.

So, when looking at biblical society, and it's laws and punishments, a spanking on the butt, isn't all that servere.

And if a few butt spankings, can keep children from going to school and killing their classmates, then which is better, the spankings, or a mass murderers.