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User: S.O.A.D.


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Posted in Illegal Immigrations on 2006-08-13 21:33:33

The major kick in the balls was in the 90's, when no one in the White House had the wisdom to foresee or predict this problem. Just think of all the overpaid athletes (even though i am a sports fan). They make 2+ million dollars a year. Think if even just a fourth of those athletes would have given 1 million dollars to the Hispanic countries. And yes, I mean in "free handouts." That's AT LEAST! AT LEAST 700 million dollars going towards their economies. Think of all the employments they could install with that money. Think of how much better condition they'd be in. And freakin' athletes are just one category. Take into account everything else I've said over and over again, where the money is being wasted away on things that America does not need at all. And when did I ever say anything about taxes? I never once mentioned the word taxes. I'm talking about the current government, along with millionares who would still be plenty rich if they only gave some money to a just cause. If we had the brains to take this route early, none of this would have ever gone haywire.
I promise you, no immigrants want to leave the homelands where their ancestors were. It's just a matter of life or death for some of them. They haven't much of a choice but to immigrate if they plan on living. It's easy to criticize when we're both sitting in front of an air conditioning and a working computer. See, Americans take all the lives being lost per day for granted. Seeing and hearing about death on TV and Video Games have numbed us to it, taught us to really not care who is dying every day. You honestly don't give a $%!@ if Hispanic people are in life-or-death situations every day. Instead, you say close the border in their face...they're failed counties! And I'm worried for you if you can't make the common-sense connection that i spoke of, concerning womd's and gas prices. That was a list of ways WE have "failed." You label other countries as failed when we have thousands and thousands of faults and failures of our own. Furthermore, your response to my statistic about us leading the world in murders..."we're close to Europe if we removed the black class." Well, my friend, black people are a part of America, and if they're the main contributor to the murder rate, then that's the way it is. They're still AMERICANS. lol. You keep bringing up how my points are wrong or unclear or something--here. Let me lay it out in black and white for you---if we had the brains to send money over there that we really don't need, earlier, then it would not be such a factor today. Is that clear enough for you? Or do you not see the connection to that either? Oh and by the way, you're making progress on the spelling. Your grammar is up to about a third grader's level...keep up the good work!

P.S. $%!@ America!!

P.P.S. I have done no researching whatsoever since the second we have been posting these messages. Keep posting links up here and claiming that you haven't researched. lol.

Posted in Illegal Immigrations on 2006-08-13 06:22:35

I think just about everything you said was true. I just think a lot of this could have been dealt with a lot earlier. No one in the White House earlier in the 90's had the wisdom to foresee this problem and deal with it way before it got out of hand. This is just my opinion, but I think if we would have started helping Mexico and the other countries become better places, so not as many immigrants would choose to migrate, I think we would see less immigration today. I'm not saying we have to send 500,000 dollars in envelopes marked out to random Hispanics. I'm saying a lot of the money America spends could be spent on much better causes.

Posted in Illegal Immigrations on 2006-08-13 05:48:21

Wow, lots to blow you away on...where should i start? Ok, your little question doesn't pertain to what i said. "Would Mexico allow millions of whites to pour into the country and change their culture?" Nothing I said had anything to do with allowing or not allowing. I said, maybe if in the past, or perhaps in the future, we would help a little bit down there with the economy, we wouldn't see nearly a vast immigration rate. Yeah..."think before you type." Secondly..."well the whites are just coming in and making us a minority, and we should just learn English and deal with it." Yeah, that's a neat little metaphor, but i assure you the white folk won't die out. Lmao. I don't think it will be the end of the world if we're the minority. And I think it's very funny how you call other nations "failed" nations. Let's expose some of our precious USA's failures. We lead the world in annual murders by roughly 5,000...We went in an bombed Iraq with "Weapons of Mass Destruction" being Bush's number one justification, when there are no womd whatsoever...I guarantee the people in other nations who are literate, have the discipline, especially if they're in college, to type messages over the internet without displaying any grammar mistakes....we have gas that costs 3 DOLLARS A GALLON...we have around 5% of the world's population, yet we consume around 20% of the world's oil....the list could run forever. Fourthly, i honestly do not understand your "confirmed facts" about Mexicans and the border and 9-11...there are so many run-on sentences, and stray words. Please take the time to properly display a sentence before trying to convert me to your opinion. Fifthly, I know illegal immigration isn't good for the U.S. Did I ever say it was? No. Look, I know eventually it will become overpopulated at this rate...i'm all for eliminating that possibility..but let's go about it in a way to where perhaps there is some peace. I really don't think it's too much to ask that instead of Kobe Bryant buying a 4 million dollar ring for his already-rich wife, give a little of it to a just cause...asking NC's government to instead of spending millions of dollars on a ridiculous parking lot, giving a little of it to a just cause...asking $%!@ing George W. Bush to instead of spending billions of dollars on a war, to give a little of it to a just cause. ...oh, there's more. You said that people are making you learn Spanish, yet now you say that you worked hard and learned to speak it fluently. That's "odd logic." ...Oh, there's more. Placing a link on the page proved that you did research this, yet you claimed that you didn't. I did take a look at that, however. And I find it funny that US's motivation for doing that was because they were losing money to other, foreign, car companies. It's all about how we can make money. But even with that employment, not everyone can work for a car assembly line.
Oh, there's more. We're obviously not keeping many illegal immigrants out right now, because they're accelerating to become the majority. So your methods have failed. Oh, there's more. I know I've already told you this, and you probably hear this from a lot of people, but it's very sad that you have a college level of education and still misspell words frequently. Where do we all learn that, kindergarten? Lmao. It's hard to take someone's opinion seriously when they don't know how to write a sentence.

Posted in Illegal Immigrations on 2006-08-12 22:28:29

Wow, this is quite a fantasy. You act as if Americans have to put up with so much, like we have been mistreated so badly. You're crying about having to learn Spanish, because you're lazy and apathetic, and it makes you think. That's the American way--anything that makes us think is the enemy. We don't want to think, we just wanna be entertained. Oh and you obviously have no knowledge whatsoever of NAFTA. The exports weren't just to America, they were to lots of countries (you probably had to go and research it). Oh, and 9 dollars an hour? what the $%!@ are you smoking? America never offered 9 dollar wages. Furthermore, even if you're not Christian, is it still so terrible and wrong to want to help someone? is world peace such an evil thing? apparently to you it is. See, factors like this are why the whole world hates us, and wants to bomb the twin towers. Oh and while you're out researching some more, learn how to spell.

Posted in Illegal Immigrations on 2006-08-11 01:35:50

I like your message, you had some good points. But generally, I don't think it's that simple. Everything isn't that black and white. You and me don't have a full perspective on the whole issue. It may be a lot harder than it seems to come here "legally."