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User: S.O.A.D.


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Posted in best movie of 2008 on 2009-01-16 17:46:35

The Dark Knight is nowhere near 2008's best film. Probably 6th place at best. Slumdog Millionaire will win Best Picture in February. Hell, it's already won the golden-globe best picture. Its writing is more intelligent, its dialogue is richer, its plot is deeper. Period.


I love Rage. They're unbelievable. They're intelligent. They're controversial. They've got a knack for writing great songs. But...I wouldn't identify them as the greatest band ever. They lack a certain amount of diversity to bear that title. The rap vocals/metal guitar choruses grow old too quickly. If only Zack would just sing a little bit...you know, mix it up. Just my opinion.

Posted in Manliest Movie Ever on 2008-11-10 23:21:15

...on how you define the word "manly."

Posted in TV and Profanity on 2008-11-01 17:01:57

TV isn't what it used to be...that's for sure. Nor are people's attention spans. And in general, film has gone downhill. There are still some good ones though.

Posted in Voting Based on Race Only? on 2008-10-29 19:16:42

I applaud the creator of this poll for his/her observation. Indeed, this election isn't Obama vs. McCain, but rather Obama vs. racism and ignorance. In no way, shape or form does logic apply to the belief that John McCain would make a better leader of a nation than Barack Obama. Thus, although I don't mean to be cruel, but realistic instead, any one person who votes Republican in this election is plagued by either racism (whether conscious or subconscious) or ignorance.

Having said that, however, this poll will fail to yield valid results because ignorance and racism are much more concentrated in rural areas like the South. If I had to guess, I'd say the vast majority of the Mister Poll population is composed of people who are not from, or do not live in, the South. Therefore, you're really only polling Obama supporters. It's gonna be a landslide.

I did like the poll, though. I'm glad this issue was finally addressed.