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User: Adrian00


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Posted in teen girls wearing diapers for special occasions on 2022-10-27 14:24:22


I don't think that is possible , there are a few of them and they are much bigger than i am , they enjoy seeing me aroused in diapers and they even showed me that boy like me belong in diapers , im outnumbered i don't know how you can try to get them to do what you ask . I am told girls mature faster and because im a diaper boy seeing myself in a diaper makes me feel small , girls are grown ups and are taking charge of me. I am told to put on my diaper which they will check and wear my white socks and white double velcro athletic sneaker shoes with a t shirt , my clothing are decided by them.

Posted in teen girls wearing diapers for special occasions on 2022-10-24 04:02:22


I tried to explain but they just wouldn't listen , one of them even shove a pacifier in my mouth and i was told not to remove it else they would post photos of me in diapers online , they definitely are NOT wearing diapers because they said only boys like me belong in diapers and that im a diaper boy , they said GIRLS like them are grown ups . They showed me that they wear normal underwear like bikini and thong but then they pantsed me to show that i wear tape on diapers like a baby. I was then tied up by them One of them even put her hand on my diaper and rubbed , it made me aroused till i gonna $%!@ but said i wasn't allowed to as a baby , i tried to beg them to let me $%!@ but they said no , i tried to thrust my hips to their hand but my restraints wouldn't allow it , they would just laughed and i look down at my diaper and realized i just wet my diaper.

Posted in teen girls wearing diapers for special occasions on 2022-10-22 14:40:22


On the subject of purity ball a group of girls about my age found out that i am still wearing diapers and they invited me to their purity ball , they said me being in diapers are part of their core values , the girls were very interested in my diaper discipline and punishment , the girls asked a lot of questions and thought that me being in diapers is a good thing as i am not an adult but a baby in their eyes . They like it that i wear diapers under my clothes and 1 of them pull down my pants to reveal my diaper , they were giggling and laughing that i am still in diapers so i guessed i was lied into the group. They just wanted to tease me because i wear diapers as a teen and i am the first boy they seen in diapers similar in age.

Posted in embarrassing costume on 2022-10-13 18:49:39

When i was 15 , my younger siblings made me wear a back zippered pjs for trick or treating , i was in diapers for issues and after they made me put on the back zippered pj and they locked it , i was told to put on my white socks and white double velcro sneakers and they put locking mittens and a pacifier gag on me and covered with the pj hoodie and i had to follow them out , it was embarrassing and they were laughing and teasing me and people thought i was in costume as a baby , my younger siblings even introduce me as their baby brother even though im older than both of them. I tried to protest but my pacifier gag prevented me from doing so , my siblings then told me to cooperate else they would show my diaper photos to my friends , i didn't have a choice and i followed their orders.

Posted in teen girls wearing diapers for special occasions on 2022-10-09 17:30:00


Yep i can do nothing about it , my sister would take photos of me in diapers and tease me , she and her girl friends would laugh at me when they come over , their girl friends even offered to change my diaper although its like a joke but still quite humiliating , my sister would say boy like me belong in diapers , she would show her friends photos of me in diapers and laughing when im like in front of them , they totally ignored me in a way and even did a diaper check on me . She said girls like them are mature and that i belong in diapers , they would dress in an adult fashion while i would be in baby outfit which is like a t shirt and my diaper , sometimes she would put a pacifier gag on me.

They would also put on a locking underwear on me when i go to school to prevent me from accessing my diaper , my sister would tease me together with her girl friends .I would get turn on when her friends put their hand on my diaper.