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User: Andre 99


Polls Created


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Posted in Assault or justice? on 2014-12-31 23:04:36

Abigail should be sent for psychiatric treatment, and the mother sent to jail for child neglect/abuse. Michael was right to hit his sister, tho breaking her nose was possibly slightly extreme, however, he should immediately be sent to a family that would care for him, after first being sent to hospital for treatment of his possibly irrepairable damaged balls.

Posted in Self defense or abuse? on 2014-12-31 23:00:25

I agree, the mother is a very bad mother, she should loose both kids for not taking action (this is basically child abuse/neglect), and the sister should be sent for psychiatric help.

Posted in Incest after a spanking on 2014-12-07 21:37:50

Probably withold the sex! I know I would do it that way ;)

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2014-10-05 20:26:07

I think you should wear nothing to bed, nude and covers to keep you warm. If it is too cold when you get up, then a nice thick robe will do :)

I sometimes use both ears for my phone, and am ambidextrous, so I could not do your poll.