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User: chrisinsac


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Posted in Parents and Spanking on 2004-02-13 22:19:12

Liz, I took this poll seriously. I have two boys, ages 9 and 11, and I would never spank them or allow anybody else to spank them. It is a useless, sadistic, ineffective method of discipline. The people who still spank their kids are either hard core bible thumpers or from the South, not well educated, and were spanked/beaten as kids and don't know any better. The trouble with these types of polls is that you have a lot of perverts who like to fantasize about spanking. In actuality, very few people spank their kids anymore because of the social stigma and tougher child protection laws. If a daycare center or public school were to spank a kid out in California, there would be a lawyer calling them within 24 hours wanting details for a lawsuit.

Kids are not animals. You don't beat them to change their behavior. I have read about the pervert who likes to use the Lexan paddle on his kids and the other liar who likes to spank a kid's testicles. Child Protection Agency would be parked on their doorstep if they were telling the truth. Children liked to be paid attention to, shown affection, and given positive reinforcement when they do things right. That is also known as effective parenting.

Thank you for my two cents worth.

Posted in I spank my children.(What of it?) on 2003-12-27 07:55:43

You are a lazy $%!@ parent. Quit abusing your kids. Start using birth control.

Posted in WHat Do You Like To Wear To School? on 2003-11-19 04:00:25

========== In Reply To ========== John, in reply to your message, Stubbies cold be purchased at most US clothing retail stores in the 1980s, but fell out of favor as kids started wearing the longer shorts in the 90s. I still have a bunch of them, but rarely wear them, except sometimes to the gym.

Posted in WHat Do You Like To Wear To School? on 2003-11-08 21:26:24

I went to high school in the mid 1980s (84 to 88). We were allowed to wear shorts, but they had to be clean, no cutoffs, no gym shorts (except for PE), no sandals, had to wear white socks and either tennis shoes or regular shoes. They weren't too concerned about the length of the shorts, as long as they weren't too short (barely covering your butt cheeks). I usually wore OP, tennis or Stubbies shorts, with Polo or short sleeve shirt, white socks and tennis shoes, kind of a jock/preppy look. I always wore shorts in the spring and early fall, jeans in the winter (Southern California). Shorts were more comfortable, plus most of the kids wore them. In high school, I was 5'8 140 pounds, very athletic, and played soccer, swam and ran track, so I wasn't self conscious as some kids may have been about wearing shorts.

Posted in Men's shorts- How short? on 2003-06-09 04:12:19

========== In Reply To ========== My personal preferences for the wearing of shorts are as follows:

Speedo - Competetive swimming.

Very short (1/4 thigh) - Running and swimming.

Short (1/4 to mid thigh) - Basketball, soccer, rugby, working out at athletic club, school gym classes, volleyball.

Longer (mid thigh to above knee) - Daily wear to town, around house, traveling, etc.

Long Pants - Church, school, social occasions, work, etc.

I think that the longer swim suits create too much drag in the water and are cold when out of the water. The longer basketball shorts would not seem to allow freedom of movement. I think that speedos are good for competetive swimming on those who are well built. However, they are uncomfortable and revealing otherwise.

Shorts that go to mid-knee or below do not look appealing to me. I prefer long pants to that.

I would be interested in other opinions as to shorts lengths and activity and if you agree or disagree with my preferences.

I am 27 yearsold, 5'9" 150 pounds, very athletic.

Speedos for swimming laps.

Short nylon running shorts (Nike, Adidas, Dolphin, New Balance, etc.) for long distance running and weight lifting in the gym.

Tight spandex shorts for bicycling long distances.

Short Tennis Shorts for tennis (duh!).

I don't like the longer shorts that go below the knee. They look stupid. I rather wear jeans.

During the summer, I wear short courderoy shorts or gym shorts to the library, grocery store, grad school classes, hanging out.

I wear jean shorts and mid length shorts (halfway between kneecap and waist)to the bars, church (college campus church), and work (computer geek).

I shave my legs because I swim and bike competively. I always wear white socks and tennies with shorts (socks are rolled down, only geeks and old men wear them pulled up).

Because I'm a gym rat with a 28" waist and look like a kid (I still get carded), nobody has ever given me grief for wearing short shorts at the gym. When you are covered with sweat, thet take you more seriously. I rarely see guys my age or younger wear the shorter shorts which I prefer. I don't like the longer shorts. They are not conducive to working out.

By the way, I am straight. I have gay friends who think I look hot in shorter shorts, and are disappointed that more young dudes don't dress like I do. I've had some interesting propositions, including an offer for a good spanking (no thanks).

To each their own. Whatever makes you comfortable.