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User: Interesdom


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Posted in The Problems With Feminism on 2016-03-16 08:26:14

Regrettably, child abuse happens in England, too.

In Russia, there is a great (general) respect for women and femininity, since feminism has not taken a strong hold there. In England, like most nations overcome by feminism, the respect for women is far reduced from what it was.

In every nation I have seen statistics for (including UK, USA and Australia), women commit more child abuse than men.

Taking our one individual circumstance as a guide for the rest of the world is always likely to lead us to false conclusions.

Posted in what do you think of feminism? on 2016-03-16 07:54:05

Is that feminism has created huge sexism and inequality.

Most western nations now have legal quotas that enable women to get opportunities even against better qualified men. No nation has quotas for men, even though there are many areas where men are underrepresented.

Most western nations (including the USA, UK, Germany, France, Canada) have statute law which discriminates in favour of women but they do not have any laws that discriminate against women [next time a feminist claims otherwise, remember to ask them to name the specific law].

Feminism, which is resisted by roughly equal numbers of men and women, does no good for men, children or women. Marxist in all its basic tenets, established by women who were mostly lesbian [this is not rumour - just look each of them up in detail] and with stated aims to disband the family, reduce masculinity, and cause harm to children, feminism is possibly the world's largest terrorist movement: yet still has its lies believed.

Posted in would you dump her on 2016-03-07 23:13:43

Many times, my response would be to either give up on the girl or, if there is something redeeming about her, to dominate, control, train and condition her to be a better person. "Get mad at her" is pointless, really: what is the point of having a partner who gets you mad? Teach her how to behave, what is acceptable, what you want .. and if that doesn't work, have done with her and get better for yourself.

The biggest entity holding back the U.S. is the United States (as can be seen.by the "United Stats" in the poll).

Posted in Is the UN irrelevant ??? on 2016-02-25 13:01:00

The poll states many good reasons not to have invaded Iraq. However, there are main ones missing:

1) Invasion of another sovereign state that has not declared war is illegal under United Nations rules and international law. To invade another country, without provocation, is a dispicable act.

2) War involves people dying. While in hindsight, we are aware of the millions of deaths, it was easy to predict deaths - even among civilians - in the order of tens of thousands. This was always known to be a far greater casualty rate than was being caused by the so-called 'harsh regime' of the elected government in Iraq that the war deposed.

3) Regional destabilisation. The politics (and religions) in the middle east are complex and need great understanding before blithely disrupting them and expecting any specific outcome. As it is, the entire region, including north Africa, has been destabilised by the removal of a determined and powerful leadership in Iraq. This was completely predictable at the time.