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User: j0shuk



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Posted in Clothing and Circumcision on 2009-09-11 12:46:44

Yeah, thanks for the reply Wizzard.

I think most guys are uncut too, but know a couple of cut guys , and they never seem to mention anything bad about it lol , although my poll seems to either be pulling in on,y the cut guys... in the UK, or it's showing that more than I thought were cut... lol hard to tell with polls sometimes isn't it lol.

But I do find the idea of it still appealing, but then other times I like as I am now... it's quite hard for me to decide either way. Will most likely continue thinking about this for sometime. Not seen any cut guys that find it hard to climax anyway, they always seem to be able to get there, although depending on how tight they are depends whether they require lube or not...

Only thing with going commando some say is that it gives the head more friction to deal with and they say about the thickening of the skin on the head ... but I found that even when I keep my foreskin back after several days the head feels amazing when I apply lube to it hehe.

Posted in Clothing and Circumcision on 2009-09-03 17:49:34

Hey Wizzard, very nice for you to reply :-) , I'm still thinking about it, I did try keeping my foreskin rolled up (folded under itself kinda) for a while, just under a week and I must admit I did get used to it in my underwear, and the head became a lot tougher and easier to handle without any pain. I must admit I didn't notice a great deal of pleasure from the glans when I was hard when they were dry... but then rubbing on the ridge part of the glans was quite pleasurable :P

I am very interested to find out how yours goes for you, whether you find pleasuring yourself without lube is as stimulating as before? and if so how do you do it, do you stimulate the glans... I can say that when I applied lube rubbing my glans felt simply mind blowing, and I even numbed my inner foreskin , and still managed to orgasm just from the glans alone... felt awesome.

I'm also quite surprised as to the results of my poll... seems there's more cut guys in the UK than I thought... and all those who answered appear to know at least 5 or more guys who are cut too... I thought it was the other way around and most guys were uncut in the UK..

The cut I'd go for is high and tight I think, cause I'd want as much inner foreskin remaining as possible.. out of interest did you keep your frenulum? mine isn't too long so will prob have to be removed, not sure if you lose much sensation there from it being removed...

Look forward to your reply, Josh.

Posted in Clothing and Circumcision on 2009-08-18 11:45:33

Yeah this is something I have often wondered about, I would imagine the nerves from the inner foreskin remain fairly sensitive as in most circs unless they remove all of the inner skin .. which is insane in my opinion, you should still have quite a bit of sensitivity, as for the glans the only thing I guess is the toughening up of them which can result in a duller sensitivity there... dunno if the same happens for the inner foreskin I guess it must do over time, so I guess that would be my only concern really, otherwise I think it can look quite decent if it's done right.

Posted in Clothing and Circumcision on 2009-08-17 12:45:23

I've been recently keepingmy skin back for a week now (and before on and off) to see what it'd be like circumcised and so far I quite enjoy it, glad to hear you've had a posotive experience since being cut, dunno if I'll pluck up the courage to ever have the op or if after a few weeks / months of having it back I'll still enjoy it, if so perhaps I might think again about it... but apparently the foreskin does contain a lot of nerves.. .and this way I can go back to square one if I so desire..