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User: Linda 16



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Posted in Babysitters Bathing Boys on 2008-03-16 01:11:48

Maybe boys fantasizes about being dominated and bathed by girls according to some polls here ? I'm a 16 y/o girl and I have babysitted teenage boys since I was 12 y/o. I'm hired babysitting boys in the age group 12-16. I'm big and strong and the boys I'm babysitting always obey me.

Many here on misterpoll talk about babysitters spanking their charges. I regard myself very matured. I must have babysitted hundreds of teenage boys over the years. I could easily spank the boys I'm babysitting, but have learned how to make them obey me without having to even raise my voice. Try and actually talk with the boys ... their intelligent beings, it works !

Now ... No parents instruct me to bath their 14-16 y/o boys !! I do bath ONE boy - now 16 ... Although, this boy is handicapped. He can't manage by himself. I've babysitted him since I was 10. We know each other and trust each other. He's incredibly handsome and I must admit he has a beautiful body. But when I babysit boys, I'm professional and I bath his teenage body with utmost respect and dignity.

I babysit some 16 y/o boys who is not handicapped. Two of them actually need someone looking after them. They're small, boyish and not very mature. Fair enough. But that doesn't mean I have to bathe them ! They do know how to do that by themselves.

The other 16 y/o boy I'm babysitting in my opinion doesn't need a babysitter. His mom thinks he does, so that's it ... When I'm babysitting him we mostly sit and talk and I help him with his homework. When I tell him it's bedtime, he accept that and goes to bed. He of course manage perfectly well to mind his baths himself.

The 14-15 y/o boys I'm babysitting doesn't make much fuss and accept that I'm in charge. These particular boys are not mature enough to be able to look after themselves yet, in my opinion, but they manage their baths themselves.

My reputation as a big and physically strong and very experienced babysitter of teenage boys works in my favour. The boys know who's in charge and they are obedient. My experience is that they don't actually like having a teenage girl only a few years older than themselves as their babysitter who tells them what to do ... So they choose to obey me. That way we get along fine and I don't have to pull rank on them. Then they don't have to experience me having to punish them for being "naughty" boys ~ and I do not mean spanking ... there are several ways of punishing teenage boys - if necessary - without even having to raise your voice !

One 14 y/o boy I once grounded to his room asked : "I wanna go out and play wth my friends, can't you instead just put me across your knees, pull my trousers down and give me a spanking on my bare bottom and get my punishment over with?" But I don't spank boys unless they are so naughty there's no other alternative. "You black bitch," he yelled, "I wanna go out and play with my friends !" Well ... for that he instead got grounded for the entire weekend. Which in his case were a far worse punishment than if I had smacked his little bottom !

As for the 12-13 y/olds ... Mostly their parents don't ever instruct me to bath them or supervise their baths, but it does occur sometimes. I suppose it depends on the boy, not his age. Or maybe it depends on his parents.

One mother use me as her regular babysitter for her (now) 13 y/o boy. He used to have another girl (one year older than him) babysitting him. Even though he had a blue belt in karate and was considered a 'cool' boy among other boys his age, his confidence among girls was different. He and most of the boys his age had teenage girls their own age babysitting them. So the boys were used to having to obey girls.

His mom instructed the girl babysitting him to bath him when he was 12 y/o. She was unsuited for the job ~ it's not true that most girls are mature enough to babysit boys ... She took advantage of the situation and humiliated him when he was naked in the bathtub. She pinned his arms on his back, held both of them firmly in one hand and matrubated him with her other hand. She also spanked him a few times.

When the other girl was unable to babysit him and I started babysitting him, he was unable to bath himself, as girl babysitters (and his mom) had done it for him ... Well, I made him undress himself, put my hands across his narrow shoulders and led him upstairs to the bathroom. Instead of bathing him, I instructed him how to bath himself. First time I washed his hair, his back and his cute little bottom. Then I told him how to wash the rest of him by himself ... Now, after supervising his bath many times, he now bath himself perfectly and I don't have to supervise him anymore. He's ever so cute, but I have tought him how to be more mature and to believe in himself more. Now he's a little tough guy ...

He did confess about his problem with the other girl who was babysitting him. He said his mother hadn't listened to him ... When I confronted his mother with this, she apologized for not listening to her boy. I also told her I tought him to bath himself, and that she should let him grow up and not bath him anymore.

I couldn't help myself and gave her a slap to the soft seat of her jeans and said she should had her bare behind smacked for not listening to her son and allow his babysitter to treat him in such a manner ...

She blushed and said : "I agree. I deserve that you give me a spanking. But I'll be good now and I will do as you say. I'll fire the other girl who is babysitting him and I will let him start bathing himself. Then you won't have to give me a spanking on my ... uh ... bare bottom !" Appearantly she and her boy now have a much better relationship. But I must admit I wanted to spank her ... I'm very strong and could easily put this grown woman across my knees. And she knows that ! She really was nervous ...

I have 'supervised' other 13 y/olds a well ~ but these boys finds that I'm an excellent teacher in learning them to bath themselves. I never wash their private parts ... they feel me washing their ever so cute, tiny little bottoms embarrassing enough ! I only wash their jellysoft cheeks, you don't find me putting my fingers elsewhere on their tender little behinds. This is what I will teach THEM to do themselves, by words alone.

They find that I do not wish to make fun of them or embarrass them in any way. They learn to trust me. I teach them that washing themselves is the most natural thing in the world - something everyone need to learn to do alone. The same with the 12 y/o boys. They soon learn how to do it alone.

I do babysit an incredibly cute little 9 y/o boy. Bathing him is the most innocent thing I know of. Prior to his bath, he likes to undress himself and run and play in the nude for a little while. Ever so innocent. This little darling of mine is my favorite.

Posted in Babysitters Bathing Boys on 2008-03-13 00:24:32

No I only babysit teenage boys. Not girls.

Posted in How people think about Spanking on 2008-03-13 00:16:39

I'm a 16 year old girl. My boyfriend is 16 and he still get spanked. He told me he one weekend came home drunk. His dad took him to his room, put him across his knees, pulled his trousers down and spanked his bare bottom with his hand. Luckily he had me the next day to care for him ...

I put my beautiful boy across my knees, pulled down his trousers and massaged and kissed his jelly soft, babysmooth, totally hairless, boyishly cute little bottom better.

Posted in Babysitters Bathing Boys on 2007-07-09 16:08:06

One time I was asked to babysit a 14 year old boy. This boy was quite famous. He was a child actor in movies and on tv. Very popular especially in a teen ninja serial on tv where he played a little ninja expert. Allright, I thought. He was used to have young girls a few years older than him babysitting him. Normally the parents of 14 year old boys don't ask me to give them their baths, or to even supervise their baths. With this famous young actor, he lived home with his mother. She asked me to supervise his bath. "Make sure he wash himself all over, and you are permitted to spank him on his bare little bottom if he protests."

Well, his mother left and the boy went outside to play with his friends. Appearantly his babysitters was, to his embarassment, used to seeing him naked and sometimes spank him. That's not my way of babysitting teenage boys. After dinner he again went outside to play and eventually he came in for the evening. I told him he would have to get ready for his bath. "Go upstairs to your room and get undressed, and I come up when you're ready," I told him. "Yes, babysitter," he replied, without any protests.

Fifteen minutes later I went upstairs, only not to find him in the bathtub. I went to his room, and there he stood, in the middle of the room, completely naked. He stood there, in the middle of the floor, his arms hanging down to his sides. "Why aren't you in the bathtub, taking your bath ?" I asked him. "I'm waiting for you, of course," he said. He was used to go to his room, get undressed and then wait for the girl babysitting him to next tell him what to do.

I stood behind him, put my hands over his shoulders and led him in front of me to the bathroom. I told him to fill the bathtub with warm water and climb in and start bathing himself. He did so. I didn't touch him, just sat there watching him. "Aren't you going to bath me ?" he asked ... I told him he did a perfectly well job of it himself. He smiled and continued washing himself. Eventually he stood up and turned his back to me. He washed his privates, his legs, his cute little bottom and eventually he was finished. He climbed out of the bathtub and dried himself. I told him to go to his room, put on his pajamas and then come downstairs.

When he came downstairs, in his pajamas, he smiled all over and we had a nice evening together, and eventually a nice weekend together, before his mother returned. I was now his favourite babysitter and he request me to come babysitting him whenever his mother leaves for business. So ... I only saw him naked that one time, since that I've told him to take his bath without me present, which he of course prefers ... and spanking him ? That's never been necessary and we are the best of friends.

So, why should a girl help a 14 year old with his bath ? Even being in the bathroom, supervising him sounds ridiculous to me. And spanking him, for whatever reason, sounds like assault to me ! He's just a beautiful 14 year old boy, not naughty in any way. Almost refined in his polite and obedient manner. I like babysitting teenage boys, but I don't like treating them like litttle boys and embarrass them.

Posted in Babysitters Bathing Boys on 2007-07-05 19:29:07

"Posted by meug: Linda, do you realy bathe 16 year old boys?" // No, not really. I babysit and bath one boy who is soon to be 16, but that's because he's sick and need help. Otherwise ... 16 year old boys don't honestly need a teenage girl giving them their baths. I have bathed teen boys, but not 16 year olds. I prefer not to bath the 12-13 year old boys I'm babysitting. Their parents must have done something wrong somewhere if these healthy, normal teenage boys need help in the bathtub or the shower. Don't you think ? I know some boys are very childish, but honestly ...