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User: mailmetrash


Polls Created


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Posted in Barefoot for Parents/Children on 2012-03-31 00:40:33

Please post the results to the poll as it's beneficial to others who vote. See my other polls for examples.

Posted in Boys going barefoot on 2012-03-24 19:10:19

Such an interesting idea

Posted in Shoes and socks taken off by others on 2012-01-27 07:23:13

Sorry to hear

Posted in Barefeet 2... on 2011-06-08 23:01:34

As suggested by a who voted in the poll, all of the responses are now posted in this thread. More questions were added to the poll at a later date, which is why the early voters answered fewer questions. I did not include any the responses that are considered spam.

Posted in Barefeet 2... on 2011-06-08 06:14:02

// Person 1 //

Q1: often

Q2: sometimes

Q3: all day

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, Whenever I am punished

Q7: Taken away by force and locked up

Q8: When going in the house, or when I visit a friend's house

Q9: They are taken away for the whole day and not given back until the next day

Q10: Can't remember

Q11: No

Q12: Tie me up and confiscate my shoes and socks, Rip up my socks and destroy my shoes, Throw away my shoes and socks

// Person 2 //

Q1: almost always

Q2: not

Q3: health reasons

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Q7: When I come home from school I turn in what I've been wearing. The rest of the time I'm always barefoot unless Dad thinks it's OK

Q8: Every day, when I come home from school.

Q9: Not possible. I don't have any to wear.

Q10: I can't remember ever not being barefoot almost all of the time. As a little boy I used to play in the snow barefoot. I really don't mind except when I want to go somewhere that requires that I wear shoes and I still have to ask to get some to wear.

Q11: I don't mind it

Q12: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

// Person 3 //

Q1: now

Q2: idk

Q3: summer at least

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Summer

Q7: We're at the lake. On purpose, when Mom packed she didn't bring any shoes or socks for me. I also only have one shirt and no underwear. Dad says we're gonna be here until September but Mom says Christmas.

Q8: When we left Columbia to come here Mom told me to just put on my shorts. I haven't had any shoes or socks or shirt or underwear since. Mom says I don't need any.

Q9: On day I borrowed Dad's sandals. Mom looked mad, made me take them off, and she didn't say why but she's had me sleep out in the yard since and all my jeans and most of my shorts are gone.

Q10: Mom thinks I should live natural. It used be I just didn't wear shoes around home as a kid and she liked me to get a good tan in the summer. But the last couple years she's really been pushing. If we stay here until Christmas like she says I'll bet I sleep in the yard until Fall, even longer. I'll be barefoot and probably no shirt or underwear the whole time. She talked about homeschooling. It snows here sometimes. She might talk Dad into keeping me here all winter He says "goin' skin" is good for me and makes me a man.

Q11: No

Q12: Throw away my shoes and socks

// Person 4 //

Q1: always

Q2: not

Q3: everything

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Q7: My Grampa says he "never wore shoes a day in his life" until he was drafted. Daddy says they made him wear boots at school and he hated every minute. He's had foot problems ever since and has always said his kids'd never have that happen. I don't think I have ever worn shoes or socks except one time. Mama says a nurse tried to put some on me after a doctor visit. Mama says Daddy almost hit her when she wouldn't listen.

Q8: Not everybody lives like you. I'm not being punished. I'm not underprivileged. I'm not ignorant. I'm glad I'm barefoot and I intend to stay that way. I hope my kids, when I have some, can feel safe to be barefoot too. However, the build-in assumptions and presumptions of your questions show how unlikely that is.

Q9: That never happens because I never wear the damn things!

Q10: Birth, but I don't remember it. Mama says it was a lot of work.

Q11: Yes

Q12: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

Response: Who says I live like you? This is just a poll about your barefoot experiences. I recently changed some of the questions around, and hope it helps a bit.

// Person 5 //

Q1: often

Q2: sometimes

Q3: cheating

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, Whenever I am punished

Q7: My choice was turning them in or sleeping in a shed without a blanket, not being able to bathe, and not being invited to family gatherings. I turned in all my socks and shoes (shirts too).

Q8: When I came home the last day of school, I turned in my stuff. I'll be barefoot all summer unless I can get them back at fair time. I'm responsible for the garden. If I can get things good enough for a blue ribbon by fair time I may get a rules change. After that, it's hard to guess. Mom or Dad will probably let me have them back to wear to school. Most of the time when we're home, my brothers and I are without shoes or shirts or underwear or all three, or have no hot water or we sleep on the floor or eat from a dog bowl or something. I'm kind of worried Dad may make me drop out of school when I'm 16 so I'll be home all the time. I might never wear shoes again.

Q9: I'm not stupid. I like being able to sleep in a bed, take a bath with hot water and eat at the table with my family. I've learned when my parents say I'd lose those for wearing shoes they're not joking. Besides, fair-time is only late July. That's not too long and I actually kind of like never wearing a shirt or shoes and socks. I've got a pretty good tan. By July I'll be really, really dark and my feet will be hard.

Q10: I don't think I wore shoes until I was in the fourth grade. My teacher, Miss Hearst got me a pair, and socks too. They even fit! There's almost never been a summer since that I wore shoes more then a week or two. I learned Dad can afford them but doesn't buy for us boys. He says animals go unshod. Sometimes I agree. Boys should spend lots of time in the sun, out and away learning for themselves. On your last question: I think you ought to be barefoot, but I don't think you'd know how.

Q11: Yes

Q12: Rip up my socks and destroy my shoes

Response: Choosing otherwise is child abuse, and illegal. There are for basic necessities that you need to survive. That would be like kicking you out of the house before your 18, which is also illegal. It should be own choice weather to be barefoot or not. Having a tan can be potentially dangerous. Unless you are wearing UV protection, you could be killed by absorbing too much radiation into your body.

A general rule of for survival is to that you must breathe air within three minutes, find warmth/shelter within three hours, drink water within three days and eat food within three weeks.

// Person 6 //

Q1: often

Q2: often

Q3: most time

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Whenever I am punished

Q7: Locked away in case by time I got back from work

Q8: Kept barefoot all the time only allowed them for work

Q9: Feet punished hard if I do

Q10: Going to shop barefoot, couldnt be bothered with trainers so just went for it.

Q11: I don't mind it

Q12: Rip up my socks and destroy my shoes

// Person 9 //

Q1: sometimes

Q2: not

Q3: nights/wkends/summers

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Q7: My shoes and socks aren't really confiscated. I just know I'm not to wear them when I'm home or around there. My Dad doesn't believe that young men should wear shoes except for what he calls "good". So I wear shoes for school and church or when I went to my brother's wedding. But after school, weekends and holidays, and almost all of summer I don't.

Q8: I leave them in a box at the door when I come home from school or from where I last used them. Sometimes Dad has us take them off in the car and we put them in a bag in the back

Q9: I'm not ready yet to be out on my own so I haven't tried that. Besides, except when it's really sub-zero, I don't mind being barefoot.

Q10: I walked to Mrs. Atherton's across the swamp. That's 3/4 mile of mud and snakes and snapping turtles. Mom says I was about 3 and, when she missed me, she was scared to death. Mr. Atherton called to say where I was. I know I was barefoot. But the things I remember about it were Mrs. Atherton's gingersnaps, mama's tears, and out in the swamp there was a gray cat I saw, jumping from grassy tuft to grassy tuft.

Q11: I don't mind it

Q12: Throw away my shoes and socks

// Person 10 //

Q1: daily

Q2: not

Q3: being 2nd son

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Q7: Certain sons in our family are designated to serve the others. As second son I serve my elder brother. I haven't worn shoes or socks since my 16th birthday, when I left school.

Q8: When I turned 16 my elder brother acquired everything that had been mine.

Q9: That would be for my elder brother to decide. I'm sure it would depend upon the circumstances. He'd want to know if I did it willfully whether I had some specific intent.

Q10: Before my 16th birthday, I'd frequently been barefoot before. I knew I was probably going to be chosen to serve my elder brother. So, around our house and when I mowed the lawn, worked in the garden, or raked leaves, I always did it barefoot. I don't know about earliest. I remember being about 7 and carrying my brother's pack over Schubert's Mountain and back. I was barefoot for all of that and I think it took us four days because it started to rain on the second day. My brother said I should walk off the path, which was meant for people. He said that $%!@ didn't belong on the path, and I was $%!@. This made the climb a lot harder for me. I was soaked from the first by the rain, covered with mud, scratched by brambles, soon eaten up by bugs, and though I was only 7 and it was raining, I was sweating rivers. I did manage to stay out of the poison ivy, there seemed to be less of it then. When my brother and his friends chose a campsite, they let me unload the pack I was carrying. But, because I was $%!@, I had to sleep outside the tent, on the ground like a dog, in the rain. Naturally, I was barefoot and, because my clothes were soon all torn up by me walking off the path, even the first night I was showing a lot of bare skin too. The mosquitoes feasted. I itched and cried and couldn't sleep a wink the rest of the way over or back. I may have done a few barefoot chores earlier, before this first trip as my brother's donkey, but I'll never forget this one. Fortunately, he's grown more considerate since.

Q11: I don't mind it

Q12: Throw away my shoes and socks

// Person 11 //

Q1: sort of

Q2: sometimes

Q3: to save money

Q4: Yes

Q5: I was allowed to keep my shoes and socks

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, Whenever I am punished

Q7: The only times I've actuly had my shoes n socks taken was when I screw up. I took the pickup to a all night party once n I lost my shoes an socks for weeks. But usly us boys jus know not to ware shoes an socks most the time cus they cost money an Daddy says our feet come free.

Q8: Other then the time with the pickup, another time Mama took my boots, said I didn't take care of em. I was huntin an cut acrost the swamp. It was wetter then I thot and I sunk in. I almost lost my boots and had to pullem out by hand. I carreyd my gun home on 1 arm n by boots in my other in my socks. Mama took my boots n socks til sometime the next summer. Daddy said Id get more carful n he was rite. Its hard huntin quiet when yer toes are freezen, but ya learn ways.

Q9: I only ever tried it once. I found where Daddy'd hid my shoes one time when I was bout 12. I dont rmember what I did at first. But I took my shoes n walked down to town. When I got home Daddy was waitin. I spent 2 1/2 in the cellar just wearin underpants. I got fed but had to eat it all with my fingers n no knife or spoon n nothin to clean up with. When he let me out I had to say I was sorry, so I whole bunch a chores like cut to lawn with a sissors and I didn't get shoes, socks and usuly no shirt cept at school til it got real cold.

Q10: Like I said. Mama and Daddy say that boys feet come for free so the boys in our family are barefoot cept when theres some reason not. An if were stupid n dont take care of what costs good mony then we hafta go barefoot even sometimes when we woudnta otherwise.

Q11: I don't mind it

Q12: Throw away my shoes and socks

// Person 12 //

Q1: occasionally

Q2: Occasionally

Q3: 7 days

Q4: No

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Summer

Q7: By friends. I lost a race while wearing shoes to a friend who was barefoot. The terms of the bet were one week barefoot if I lost. I reluctantly gave up my shoes and socks at the end of the race, and realized that I was IN LOVE with going barefoot. About a month later, I lost the race again (on purpose this time) and walked another week with bare soles.

Q8: Right after the race

Q9: I never tried wearing shoes and socks during my punishment period

Q10: I discovered my love for walking shoe-less when I wore flip-flops to the beach, and my flip-flops became useless when my friends decided to take a walk in the forest preserve afterwards. I removed them and we went exploring in the middle of the woods after a rainstorm, and I fell in love with the feelings beneath my bare toes.

Q11: Yes

Q12: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

// Person 13 //

Q1: alwys

Q2: alwys

Q3: evr

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring Summer, Whenever I am punished

Q7: Wen darul moved in with mom I got sen to the shed with my lawn mowr. Darul says i dont need shos or mutch els.

Q8: Darul tol Mom hed pay bills but id hafta do wat he sade. She said OK. I ben in the shed sinse with just 2 shorts. He kep my shoos and other stuff. I mow our lawn and lots of naibors too an give Darul mony. He says the mony i get is to rent my shed.

Q9: Duznt happn. Darul had my shoos. I think he burnt em wen i watchd him burn my othr stuff. He kept my PC.

Q10: Wen Darul came, the 1st nite he sent me out bak to the tin shed aftr dark. In the yard he tol me to take off all my close an get in the shed. Mom was there she said I needed somthin. Ther was ol greesy ragy scool PE shorts wit the mowr. Darul laft an said to put em on. I did but after a wile thay burnt me. The bugs weer bitin me but I took off the shorts aftr darul an Mom weer gone. I was nakid in the shed. the bugs bit n bit me. I cudnt sleep that nite or next. Aftr 3 days I slep anyways. Bites on toes itch alot. I put on pine sap and stay in smok wen i can. It heps som. Now I got anoter pr of shorts to. Thats al i can warre. I kinda like bareffot now but darul say now hes gona sel me to his bro on a farm. No mor scool. Mom sad thatd be good. No scool wood be OK cause I done write rite. But i dont wantto get sold away. I don trus darul.

Q11: Yes

Q12: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

Response: How do you have access to a computer? I don't see how you can live like this. If you aren't over 18, that would be like kicking you out of the house, and illegal. You don't need to live like this, go get some help.

// Person 14 //

Q1: constantly

Q2: constantly

Q3: bad grades

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Summer, Whenever I am punished

Q7: My parents said I couldn't wear sox anymore when I got my first F in science like a year ago. Then I got an F in geography. They said I wasn't earning my keep. Mom said I'd be responsible for the yard and garden this year and I could do it barefoot. So Ive been barefoot mostly ever since, planted the garden, been mowing the lawn and everything. But last quarter I got 4 F's. I tried to get it in the mail, but Dad read it on-line. Boy was he mad. From now on Mom says I'm to just wear my shorts and I sleep on the back porch. I think they're gonna let me back in sometime. I hope.

Q8: Sox were like a year ago. I had shoes for school but have been barefoot at home since before last Christmas.

Q9: I don't mind no sox much. My feet don't sweat mcuh, so I haven't tried that with sox. With shoes, a couple times last winter Mom told me to sweep orshovel the snow off the walk. I tried to borrow Dad's old shoes. Mom caught me and made me not only do our front walk barefoot, like she's first asked, but all the side walkways, part of the driveway, and some of the sidewalks in the back too. My feet were nearly blue. But by the end of the winter I was kind of getting used to it. I don't know how I'll do if I'm still in just my shorts in winter though.

Q10: As a little kid I always kind of liked being barefoot. I don't remember any one time.

Q11: I don't mind it

Q12: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

Response: It is like kicking you out of the house before your 18, and illegal. Taking away things will not make a person do better in school. 15.6 percent of the world is disabled in some way, and you could be apart of it. It's not exactly your fault, because you had no idea where to start helping yourself: lazy, being distracted in class or having troubles with your homework. I think parents should be encouraging? This will not prevent you from receiving more F's.

// Person 15 //

Q1: sometimes

Q2: sometimes

Q3: 1 month

Q4: Yes

Q5: I could only wear sandals or flip flops without socks

Q6: Summer, Whenever I am punished

Q7: Mom would come in my room and take all the socks and shoes and put them in a storage bin and lock them in the storage area of our garage.

Q8: Almost every summer

Q9: I'm made to remove them and walk around the block barefoot then more time is added to the punishment.

Q10: No

Q11: The user did not answer this question

Q12: Only allow me to wear flip flops or sandals

// Person 16 //

Q1: often

Q2: sometimes

Q3: all day

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, Whenever I am punished

Q7: Inside

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: Taken away by force by my parents, and on other occasions by my friend's parents

Q10: Varies, sometimes as soon as I enter the house, other times later, when I've been 'caught' still wearing shoes and socks indoors

Q11: They get confiscated and I get punished in some way

Q12: Don't remember

Q13: No

Q14: Tie me up and confiscate my shoes and socks, Rip up my socks and destroy my shoes, Throw away my shoes and socks, Secretly hide my shoes and socks, Secretly lock up my shoes and socks

// Person 17 //

Q1: ok

Q2: ok

Q3: The user did not answer this question

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Summer, Whenever I am punished

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Already barefoot

Q9: The user did not answer this question

Q10: The user did not answer this question

Q11: The user did not answer this question

Q12: ok

Q13: Yes

Q14: Tie me up and confiscate my shoes and socks

// Person 18 //

Q1: never

Q2: never

Q3: not one time

Q4: No

Q5: Summer

Q6: The user did not answer this question

Q7: nowhere

Q8: The user did not answer this question

Q9: never were

Q10: never

Q11: never "not supposed to"

Q12: I got to play with my neighbor's feet a lot when he was 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 years old or so. He like to lay them in my lap while we watched tv. He had cute toes and nice tan feet in the summertime.

Q13: Yes

Q14: Only allow me to wear flip flops or sandals

// Person 19 //

Q1: Not allowed shoes

Q2: Shoes off punished

Q3: Kicking my aunt

Q4: Yes

Q5: My socks were ripped up and my shoes destroyed

Q6: The user did not answer this question

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: Made to stand on a chair and shoes destroyed with scissors then socks

Q10: When i Am naughty

Q11: They are removed straight away

Q12: Kicking my aunt when i was about ten

Q13: No

Q14: Tie me up and confiscate my shoes and socks, Rip up my socks and destroy my shoes, Throw away my shoes and socks

// Person 20 //

Q1: not

Q2: usually

Q3: drinking

Q4: No

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Whenever I am punished

Q7: Inside

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: Takn from me

Q10: For punishment

Q11: Cornertime or spanking

Q12: no

Q13: I don't mind it

Q14: Tie me up and confiscate my shoes and socks

// Person 21 //

Q1: often

Q2: sometimes

Q3: 1 year except school

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Already barefoot

Q9: first I am a girl and I don't have socks. shoes were taken because I wore shoes when I was home.

Q10: when ever I wear shoes when I am not supose to. Don't have socks Mom don't wear any. She tells us girls we don't need any because we don't work outside like the boys and men do for long times.

Q11: I wore a pair of my brothers socks and boots. Mom caught me. She made me take them off and walk around the house 50 times in the snow in my barefeet. The next day I was told I lost my shoes except for school and given a pair of low thin dress shoes to wear to school and was told take care of them because they would be the only shoes I would be aloud to wear for a year and only to school. I also had to keep them on a stump in the front yard it rained and snowed in them. I was not even aloud to turn them over and set them on the stump. I had to go out the back door snow ice rain what ever and put them on before going to school. When I had to do things like get the mail or bring fire wood in I had to do it in my barefeet. I was also told part of this was because I wore shoes to many times when I was not to. We have to be barefoot at all times in the house and barefoot outside almost down to freezing. The year I lot my shoes I had to be barefoot no matter how cold it got and do my chores.

Q12: I went barefoot almost all the time before I went to school

Q13: I don't mind it

Q14: Secretly lock up my shoes and socks

// Person 22 //

Q1: Always

Q2: Always

Q3: The whole day

Q4: No

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Whenever I am punished

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: They are just taken off

Q10: When at school

Q11: The user did not answer this question

Q12: When I was in year 7 I forgot my trainers I had to do whole lesson barefoot first I did not want to but after about ten mins I liked it my feet were black at the end of the hour lesson but it felt good

Q13: Yes

Q14: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

// Person 23 //

Q1: often

Q2: never

Q3: The user did not answer this question

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were thrown away

Q6: Spring, Summer, Whenever I am punished

Q7: Outside

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: The user did not answer this question

Q10: The user did not answer this question

Q11: The user did not answer this question

Q12: i had to walk around barefoot wile shopping

Q13: Yes

Q14: The user did not answer this question

// Person 24 //

Q1: Always

Q2: Always

Q3: The user did not answer this question

Q4: No

Q5: My socks were ripped up and my shoes destroyed

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Already barefoot

Q9: The user did not answer this question

Q10: The user did not answer this question

Q11: The user did not answer this question

Q12: had all shoes and socks taken while i was tied up. then forced to stand in snow for 30 min everyday.

Q13: Yes

Q14: Tie me up and confiscate my shoes and socks, Rip up my socks and destroy my shoes, Throw away my shoes and socks, Secretly hide my shoes and socks, Secretly lock up my shoes and socks

// Person 25 //

Q1: hardly ever

Q2: never

Q3: a lost bet

Q4: No

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Summer

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: Taken away and hidden.

Q10: "The only time I was forced to go barefoot, outside of kickboxing classes, happened last Summer. I was staying with a friend at a beach and we decided to have a game of volleyball; if I lost, I'd have to go barefoot for the entire week, with the exception of flip-flops for public toilets and places which didn't allow shoes, but if my friend lost, he'd have to go vegetarian for the entire week.

I lost, so I had to hand over my trainers and socks to my friend so they could be hidden. I then had to buy an ugly pair of pink flip-flops (my friend picked them). My feet are quite tough and the weather was nice but I got some funny looks when I wasn't on the beach, which was quite embarracing. After 3 days, my friend said I could have my footwear back if I agreed to be buried in the sand for an hour. I considered doing this, but I decided not to because I'd have been banned from changing my clothes while having to keep my trainers on for the entire day after I was dug up, which would have made it more uncomfortable."

Q11: They would have been destroyed if I violated the forfeit.

Q12: When I started at school, I never wore shoes for PE to save money. I didn't really mind this because some other students went barefoot too.

Q13: I don't mind it

Q14: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

// Person 26 //

Q1: no longer

Q2: no longer

Q3: one year

Q4: Yes

Q5: I was allowed to keep my shoes and socks

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Already barefoot

Q9: It started as an April Fool's joke my sister(14) played on me. She took my shoes and secretly threw them away in the garbage. It just so happens that the garbage pickup was that day. I told my parents about this and they said that I should be walking around in bare feet and didn't punish my sister.

Q10: My shoes were confiscated on 4-1-10

Q11: I happen to not have any shoes because of my sister.

Q12: I had to walk on a concrete sidewalk with little pebbles on it. When I got to school my feet hurt and was slightly scrached. I saw a few of my mates there(3) who were barefeet. I knew they had sisters around 14 so I knew that it was planned.

Q13: Yes

Q14: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

// Person 27 //

Q1: 2 times

Q2: 0 times

Q3: 10 hours

Q4: No

Q5: My socks were ripped up and my shoes destroyed

Q6: Winter

Q7: Outside

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: The user did not answer this question

Q10: The user did not answer this question

Q11: The user did not answer this question

Q12: lost a shoe

Q13: Yes

Q14: Tie me up and confiscate my shoes and socks, Rip up my socks and destroy my shoes, Throw away my shoes and socks, Secretly lock up my shoes and socks

// Person 28 //

Q1: Sometimes

Q2: Sometimes

Q3: School

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Q7: Inside

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: The user did not answer this question

Q10: The user did not answer this question

Q11: They get confiscated

Q12: No

Q13: Yes

Q14: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

// Person 29 //

Q1: Always

Q2: Always

Q3: The user did not answer this question

Q4: No

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Whenever I am punished

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: They are just taken off me

Q10: The user did not answer this question

Q11: They are cut off

Q12: When I had to do pe at school barefoot

Q13: Yes

Q14: Tie me up and confiscate my shoes and socks

// Person 30 //

Q1: never

Q2: never

Q3: zero hours

Q4: No

Q5: I was allowed to keep my shoes and socks

Q6: Fall, Spring, Summer

Q7: No where

Q8: Already barefoot

Q9: They aren't.

Q10: Never.

Q11: Nothing.

Q12: Yesterday barefoot felt wonderful.

Q13: Yes

Q14: Throw away my shoes and socks

// Person 31 //

Q1: often

Q2: in winter

Q3: 8 week ends

Q4: No

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Summer, Whenever I am punished

Q7: outside in winter after school

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: Mom made me take them off and give them to her. School rules are must wear shoes. I am only given shoes no socks to wear to school and must take them off as soon as I get out off the bus and leave them outside in all weather like rain, snow what ever. The next morning I have to go out barefoot and put them on. The rest of the time I am barefoot.

Q10: for punishment in winter

Q11: I don't

Q12: Don't know for sure

Q13: I don't mind it

Q14: Throw away my shoes and socks

// Person 32 //

Q1: not

Q2: not

Q3: The user did not answer this question

Q4: No

Q5: The user did not answer this question

Q6: Fall, Spring, Summer

Q7: nowhere

Q8: The user did not answer this question

Q9: They weren't

Q10: Never

Q11: Nothing, because I'm never not supposed to

Q12: No

Q13: Yes

Q14: Tie me up and confiscate my shoes and socks

// Person 33 //

Q1: often

Q2: routinely

Q3: the whole summer

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Fall, Spring, Summer, Whenever I am punished

Q7: as directed; always at home and usually away

Q8: Already barefoot

Q9: Dad told me to hand what I had over. Mom took what was clean from my room. They give me what they'll let me wear when they'll let me wear it.

Q10: Right now I can wear shoes if I want. But Dad took my shoes the last day of school, last spring and I didn't get them back, except a couple of times when we went places, until school started again in September.

Q11: It just doesn't happen. You can't wear what you don't have. All through July and most of August Dad also confiscated my shirts and jeans. I like being outside, so I just wore my shorts. I got a really great tan.

Q12: Aren't we all born barefoot? I don't remember it but I'm sure I was there. This is a dumb question.

Response: You broke Mister Poll, congratulations... just kidding. It is not a dumb question since you are unable to remember your experience.

Q13: Yes

Q14: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

// Person 34 //

Q1: always

Q2: always

Q3: a year

Q4: Yes

Q5: My socks were ripped up and my shoes destroyed

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, Whenever I am punished

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Socks

Q9: held down and ripped off.

Q10: soon after im told i am being punished

Q11: Punishment will extend longer

Q12: Very young i can not remember

Q13: No

Q14: Tie me up and confiscate my shoes and socks, Rip up my socks and destroy my shoes, Throw away my shoes and socks, Secretly hide my shoes and socks, Secretly hide my shoes and socks

// Person 35 //

Q1: not

Q2: never

Q3: nothing

Q4: Yes

Q5: I could only wear sandals or flip flops without socks

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Already barefoot

Q9: they weren't

Q10: they aren't

Q11: nothing

Q12: went barefoot in gas station

Q13: Yes

Q14: Secretly lock up my shoes and socks

// Person 36 //

Q1: Sometimes

Q2: Sometimes

Q3: A day

Q4: No

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Whenever I am punished

Q7: Inside

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: Told to take them off by teacher

Q10: If you do shoeplay

Q11: The user did not answer this question

Q12: The user did not answer this question

Q13: I don't mind it

Q14: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

// Person 37 //

Q1: not

Q2: not

Q3: a hour at aunts house

Q4: No

Q5: I was allowed to keep my shoes and socks

Q6: Summer

Q7: aunts house

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: I was in the sandbox and my aunt said everyone in the sandbox take their shoes ans socks off I was just Little girl back now I would pose an arguement and put on other socks from my purse

Response: It is common for kids to go barefoot at the beach, where there's sand.

Q10: never anymore

Q11: I didnt try to put them back on I should have cause it has been bothering for a long time so in that case I dont know what would have happened

Q12: when I was seven or eight years old

Q13: No

Q14: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

// Person 38 //

Q1: sometimes

Q2: always

Q3: talking over others

Q4: Yes

Q5: My socks were ripped up and my shoes destroyed

Q6: Whenever I am punished

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: Teacher saw I was wearing wrong shoes and brightly colored (wrong) socks so he lifted my legs and took them off ripping them with scissors on his desk..

Q10: School in the classroom

Q11: Taken and locked away so I can't put them back on my feet

Q12: I can't remember it happened a while back

Q13: I don't mind it

Q14: Tie me up and confiscate my shoes and socks

// Person 39 //

Q1: yearly

Q2: not

Q3: summer

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were thrown away

Q6: Fall, Spring, Summer

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Already barefoot

Q9: On may 1 i turn inand on nov 30 i get new ones

Q10: may first

Q11: It sounds bad but: I get a whipping and miss a few meals

Response: It does sound bad and is illegal. I'd advise that you seek help immediately if you ever see this.

Q12: I didn't wear shoes until i was 9 and then just to do chores.

Q13: Yes

Q14: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

// Person 40 //

Q1: not

Q2: not

Q3: nothing

Q4: No

Q5: I was allowed to keep my shoes and socks

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Q7: none

Q8: Already barefoot

Q9: not

Q10: not

Q11: nothing

Q12: walking

Q13: Yes

Q14: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

// Person 41 //

Q1: Frequently

Q2: Sometimes

Q3: One Week

Q4: Yes

Q5: I could only wear sandals or flip flops without socks

Q6: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, Whenever I am punished

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Already barefoot

Q9: Shoes that I am allowed to wear when outside of the house are taken away and I am then forced to go barefoot everywhere.

Q10: Anytime I am being forced to be barefoot as a punishment.

Q11: I have to go barefoot everywhere for a longer period of time and for the duration of time that I am forced to go barefoot everywhere I am not allowed to wear a shirt in the house.

Q12: I honestly do not remember.

Q13: Yes

Q14: Only allow me to wear flip flops or sandals

// Person 42 //

Q1: sometimes

Q2: sometimes

Q3: one week

Q4: No

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Whenever I am punished

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: If I disobey my parents, they take all my footwear and hide it somewhere. Then they force me to take off my shoes and socks and give them to them.

Q10: Whenever I disobey my parents.

Q11: Some of my footwear is destroyed and I miss a meal.

Response: Clothing restraints can be beneficial to some but having to miss a meal is poor parenting. Even though it may not be illegal in some states/countries, you should seek help immediately.

Q12: No.

Q13: No

Q14: Tie me up and confiscate my shoes and socks

// Person 43 //

Q1: sometimes

Q2: always

Q3: 1 month

Q4: No

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Whenever I am punished

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: I am called into the living room and given a bag and told to go and put all my shoes and socks in it and return to the room. then I have to take off the shoes and socks I am wearing in front of everyone and put those in the bag. Then give them to my Mom

Q10: When I am being told of my punishment

Q11: I get a bare butt spanking in front of the family

Q12: When I was about 10 and Mom realized that I always was wearing shoes and socks and she decided that it would be a good punishment to use with me. The first time I was so upset that I would not go out until one day Mom made me.

Q13: No

Q14: Secretly hide my shoes and socks

// Person 44 //

Q1: sometimes

Q2: never

Q3: several hours

Q4: No

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: The user did not answer this question

Q7: at my friends house

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: I was at a friend's house and my friend told me we had to take off our shoes and socks he then proceeded to rip off my shoes and socks he then hid them from me where I could not find them when I was ready to leave my parents came to pick me up and he wouldn't tell me where they were, he said he thought it would be "good for me" to go barefoot more often. I found it very embaressing and when I got into the car I tries hide my bare feet, I hated it! I have not visited him since.

Q10: When I go to my friends house

Q11: There really is not a time when I am not supposed to.

Q12: I've always avoided it, visiting my friend recently was, as far back as I can remember, the first one.

Q13: No

Q14: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

// Person 45 //

Q1: always

Q2: not

Q3: my health

Q4: Yes

Q5: My shoes and socks were confiscated so I could not wear them

Q6: Fall, Spring, Summer

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Already barefoot

Q9: I give them on the last day of school

Q10: last day of school

Q11: I get a whipping

Response: This is illegal, get help immediately.

Q12: I never wore shoes before school

Q13: Yes

Q14: Allow me to keep my shoes and socks

// Person 46 //

Q1: sometimes

Q2: always

Q3: one month

Q4: No

Q5: My shoes and socks were thrown away

Q6: Whenever I am punished

Q7: Everywhere

Q8: Shoes and socks

Q9: The most recent time I came home from school wearing what I uaually wear (including shoes and socks), my parents told me to sit down and told me I was grounded and to go to my room. Before I got up my mother took my shoes and socks off my feet and. Upon returning to my bedroom I found all of my shoes and socks gone.

Q10: My shoes and socks are confiscated whenever I am punished for misbehaving.

Q11: I am never found wearing them when I am not supposed to.

Q12: Not really, I spent a lot of time when I was very young barefoot.

Q13: No

Q14: Secretly lock up my shoes and socks

// Person 47 //













