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Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2023-04-29 22:11:49

If you’re planning on writing a literature review, you need to know how to write it well. There are many steps to this process.

First, choose a specific topic and make sure that it relates to your research. Then, sift through the literature to find relevant articles.

Choose a Specific Topic
Choosing a specific topic for your literature review is the first step in writing a successful review. It is helpful to choose a subject area that is narrow enough to allow you to become an expert on it, but broad enough to explore various issues within that field.

It is also important to find literature that is relevant to your research question. For example, if you are researching inequalities in migrant health outcomes, key themes might include healthcare policy, language barriers, cultural attitudes, legal status and economic access.

Literature reviews can be organized in a number of ways, including chronologically, thematically and methodologically (see below). They can also trace intellectual progressions, major debates or turning points in a field.

When writing a literature review, it is important to identify gaps in the literature and develop connections between your research and previous work. This can be done by referencing related literature that expands or challenges previous studies, fills in gaps in the field and supports your work.

Organize Your Literature
Once you have selected a topic, begin to gather literature on that subject. This can include scholarly articles, textbooks, and websites that you find on your topic.

As you read, take notes. These can be helpful later when you begin writing the paper.

When collecting sources, try to group them by theme or issue. This can help you organize your sources and give you a framework to compare them.

Alternatively, you may want to use a methodological approach and organize your sources by their methods. This way, you can assess the strengths and weaknesses of a particular method and decide whether to use it.

Organizing your literature by school of thought can also be helpful, for example, if you find that research differs significantly in one area. You can then contrast those schools of thought and discuss how they relate to each other.

Identify Gaps in the Literature
When researching, it's important to keep an eye out for gaps in the literature. These gaps can indicate the need for further research.

For example, if your study focuses on the causes of a disease, it may be that there are contrasting studies that suggest smoking is the cause, but also a large body of research that finds no link between smoking and the disease.

These gaps are the perfect opportunity to conduct more in-depth research.

One way to identify these gaps is to review the discussion and future research sections of your chosen articles. These sections will indicate where additional research is needed, and often point to previous research as a good place to begin.

Another type of gap is called a disagreement gap. This occurs when there is a set of similar studies that disagree about a certain research question.

Write a Conclusion
The conclusion of a literature review provides an opportunity to restate your research problem and discuss how your findings contribute new knowledge or fill an important gap in the literature. It also provides a place to discuss the impact of your research and how it should be acted on. See article review sample at wowessays.

It is essential that the conclusion is brief and clearly states your conclusions. This will help your reader understand the significance of your work and how they can benefit from it.

Conclusions should be logical and organized, moving from the broader concept to a more specific discussion of the research problem. They should also provide adequate critique of the limitations of the research.

This may include critique of study design or methodology, if this is appropriate to the topic.

In addition, the conclusion should provide a summary of your findings and recommendations for future research. Conclusions should be written with your own voice, and should not simply repeat what you have said in the body of the paper.

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2023-03-30 11:56:39

Essays are a great way to express your opinion on a topic. They are usually written to educate or persuade, and there are some basic techniques that you can use to make sure your essay is well-written and meets the expectations of your teacher.

The key is to come up with a thesis statement and then map out your ideas on an outline or diagram. This will help you to organize your thoughts and keep your argument on track as you write.

Organizing your thoughts

When writing an essay, it is important to organize your ideas. This will make it easier for you to write and for your readers to understand the main points in your paper.

Organizing your thoughts can be a daunting task, but there are a few techniques that will help you organize your essay. One technique is to create a mind map.

Another technique is to reverse outline your essay. This will allow you to see what parts of your essay are working and which parts need to be reordered or removed altogether.

Reverse-outlining can be done on a computer or on a printed draft. It is a good idea to keep your original draft handy so that you can refer to it during this process.

Keeping a journal or keeping notes on index cards are other ways of organizing your thoughts. You can also try creating a pie chart, which will allow you to assign different categories to your thoughts and organize them visually.


Reading is a brain exercise that stimulates memory and cognitive ability. It also helps to slow down cognitive decline and lower the rate at which beta-amyloid, a protein in the brain that is linked to Alzheimer’s disease, develops.

You can also use reading techniques to help you write your essays more effectively. Here are a few of the most useful:

Read other people’s essays

Reading others’ essays can be a great way to improve your own writing. It will give you inspiration and help you find ways to present your ideas in an effective way.

Another great technique is synoptic reading, which means you compare one argument or essay with a variety of other arguments and works on the same subject. This allows you to gain a fuller understanding of the topic and avoids skewed viewpoints.

Thesis statement

The thesis statement is the central idea or argument of your essay. It tells your readers what to expect and gives them a roadmap to follow in the body of your paper.

A good thesis statement should be clear, concise, and compelling. It should also be factual and based on sound evidence.

Ideally, it should be specific enough to sustain an entire essay.

In other words, it should reveal the topic of your paper, the claim you will make about it, and the major points you will support with evidence.

There are many different formats for writing essays, but they all have one thing in common: a thesis statement. Depending on the format, a thesis statement will vary in its content.

Body paragraphs

The body of an essay is where you explore the main ideas that relate to your thesis, as outlined at the beginning of your paper. It is a place where you weigh evidence that supports or challenges your thesis, as well as where you provide the logical reasoning to back up your argument.

A great body paragraph demonstrates an understanding of the topic through research and resourceful analysis. It also presents evidence from reputable sources, including academic books, journal articles, and studies.

A good body paragraph should include a topic sentence that states the main idea of that particular section, and then provides evidence and explanations to prove that idea. This part of the paragraph is usually the longest, so it’s important to make sure that you include a variety of information and explain it in detail to give your reader the full picture.

Essays are a great way to express your opinion on a topic. They are usually written to educate or persuade, and there are some basic techniques that you can use to make sure your essay is well-written and meets the expectations of your teacher.

The key is to come up with a thesis statement and then map out your ideas on an outline or diagram. This will help you to organize your thoughts and keep your argument on track as you write.

Organizing your thoughts

When writing an essay, it is important to organize your ideas. This will make it easier for you to write and for your readers to understand the main points in your paper.

Organizing your thoughts can be a daunting task, but there are a few techniques that will help you organize your essay. One technique is to create a mind map.

Another technique is to reverse outline your essay. This will allow you to see what parts of your essay are working and which parts need to be reordered or removed altogether.

Reverse-outlining can be done on a computer or on a printed draft. It is a good idea to keep your original draft handy so that you can refer to it during this process.

Keeping a journal or keeping notes on index cards are other ways of organizing your thoughts. You can also try creating a pie chart, which will allow you to assign different categories to your thoughts and organize them visually.


Reading is a brain exercise that stimulates memory and cognitive ability. It also helps to slow down cognitive decline and lower the rate at which beta-amyloid, a protein in the brain that is linked to Alzheimer’s disease, develops.

You can also use reading techniques from PaperHelp to help you write your essays more effectively. Here are a few of the most useful:

Read other people’s essays

Reading others’ essays can be a great way to improve your own writing. It will give you inspiration and help you find ways to present your ideas in an effective way.

Another great technique is synoptic reading, which means you compare one argument or essay with a variety of other arguments and works on the same subject. This allows you to gain a fuller understanding of the topic and avoids skewed viewpoints.

Thesis statement

The thesis statement is the central idea or argument of your essay. It tells your readers what to expect and gives them a roadmap to follow in the body of your paper.

A good thesis statement should be clear, concise, and compelling. It should also be factual and based on sound evidence.

Ideally, it should be specific enough to sustain an entire essay.

In other words, it should reveal the topic of your paper, the claim you will make about it, and the major points you will support with evidence.

There are many different formats for writing essays, but they all have one thing in common: a thesis statement. Depending on the format, a thesis statement will vary in its content. Otherwise, you can buy coursework at Paperhelp writing service.

Body paragraphs

The body of an essay is where you explore the main ideas that relate to your thesis, as outlined at the beginning of your paper. It is a place where you weigh evidence that supports or challenges your thesis, as well as where you provide the logical reasoning to back up your argument.

A great body paragraph demonstrates an understanding of the topic through research and resourceful analysis. It also presents evidence from reputable sources, including academic books, journal articles, and studies.

A good body paragraph should include a topic sentence that states the main idea of that particular section, and then provides evidence and explanations to prove that idea. This part of the paragraph is usually the longest, so it’s important to make sure that you include a variety of information and explain it in detail to give your reader the full picture.