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User: MOS2



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Posted in Short trousers for all schoolboys on 2021-10-02 13:39:49

Hi Robbie,

As a boy I wore briefs/y-fronts up to around 11 years (1989) with no problem, it was starting secondary school that brought on the urge to be cool, fit in and becoming more aware of fashion that changed things, and I think this is true for most boys. I can recall both my brother and I being desperate for boxers as more and more boys started wearing them. Despite my parents being terribly outdated in the fashion stakes and notorious for buying clothes in bigger sizes that we'd wear in a few years time (nothing like a bargain when money was tight) they did buy us boxers - maybe aware of how boys can be cruel and teasing etc. though this doesn't stack up some years later.

We got the very loose 'zero' support style - truth be told I never found them comfortable but they were 'cool'.

Going back to briefs at 15 years (1993) was embarrassing - very few boys wore briefs by that time from what I could tell, yet alone Y-fronts. They'd been bought and we were both expected to wear them. My brother refused but I suppose I was more acquiescent by nature. I don't think my parents treated us differently on this occasion - as long as the clothes were being worn it was no longer an issue. Once I started wearing briefs again I did much prefer them and switched back to briefs completely - mostly Y-fronts.

I do think our parents treated us differently when later it came to shorts. It was again another case of 'we've bought them, you wear them'. As I said, these basic PE shorts were very thin, and very short - very out of fashion. As you put it they were 'mercilessly short'. This time my dad refused any choice requiring us both to wear them. However when we were made to try them on, my brother with his boxers longer than the shorts looked ridiculous with his underwear on display. On the other hand, as I was now wearing Y-fronts, I could wear them with no such concerns. I think my dad could have made my brother wear them too by also wearing briefs but again as long as clothes were not going to waste and being worn he was probably happy. So on my shoulders it fell.

So I ended up with several pairs of pull up short nylon shorts - he got new modern style ones. I don't think there was any favouritism displayed by our parents - I just think they didn't understand boys of our age, or the changing times and attitudes to fashion, but agree they could have made my brother wear these clothes too rather than one being in modern clothes and the other not. I mostly wore the shorts for PE and at home, but eventually would wear them when going out as I was comfortable enough with them.

I certainly initially resented wearing Y-fronts and short shorts but after a bit it was just a case of these being normal clothes for me, despite some teasing from friends and at school. Ever since these have been my preferred choice of underwear and shorts - as I find any other style either unsupportive or just too much excess material.

I would agree that there was nothing wrong with my parents making me wear Y-fronts and short shorts, and I would probably say I was better behaved too as a result - maybe wearing what were considered more juvenile clothes than other boys my age made me more passive for want of a better word.

I agree wholeheartedly that all boys should wear briefs until at least 18 years, it would be a leveller and reduce the competitive nature of boys fashion - which generally is impacted by parents levels of wealth etc. I also think it would remind growing teenage boys that they are not men at 12/13 years of age, yet alone 17/18 years of age, and would improve their behaviour - though perhaps I am reading too much into my own experience.

As a side note, thankfully M&S are still going strong as they are practically the last place in town where you can quality traditional Y-fronts.

You mentioned you treated yourself to a pair of shorts from BHS in the 90's - did you continue to wear short shorts after?


Posted in Being seen naked by family members on 2021-08-14 10:59:04

Around 15 I deliberately showed my mum my willy, taking off my briefs when she came into my bedroom. I made out like I was changing my clothes and was folding a T-shirt when she came in. She said something and I turned to face her, then casually hooked my fingers into the waistband and dropped by briefs as if it was totally normal for a boy to do so in front of his mum. I was embarrassed and I think so was my mum but she carried on asking me about this and that. I remained naked in front of her making no effort to cover my willy, she was probably curious as she hadn't seen me naked for years, I still had a small thin boyish willy which I know was small for a 15 year old, so she'd know I hadn't really grown much since when she last saw me naked. She didn't mention anything about me changing in front of her so I put on a fresh pair of briefs eventually after answering her questions fully naked.

This was the start of flashing my mum over the years and I always got a strange kick out of showing off my humiliatingly small $%!@. Total embarrassment every time but became a bit of addiction.

Posted in Short trousers for all schoolboys on 2021-07-24 18:32:37

I went back to shorts around 14/15.

I was born in 1978.......usual childhood, UK, nothing odd. My twin brother and I shared a room and we grew up in the usual way, we wore shorts (very short nylon sports shorts) in the summer and trousers in the winter. As an aside we wore briefs. I say that as we wore what our parents bought. As we got older and we were about to enter secondary school we realised that older boys wore longer shorts, boxers were in etc.....

We went to secondary school in long trousers eventually, though in the first year we were sent to school in shorts like lots of other boys.

I remember going to C&A with our mum and we asked for boxers and around that time we stopped wearing shorts to school too.

Some years later I recall finding some old but brand new y-front style briefs in our wardrobe - my brothers and my size. When we told mum and dad we wouldnt wear them we were told we would........money was tight and there was nothing wrong with them, they had been purchased "in advance"! My brother refused but I realised we didnt have much money so decided to wear them as my parents had bought them. It was embarrassing but only my brother knew - we shared a room, him in boxers and me in briefs at around 15 years old.

Around this time we also found some advanced purchased nylon short shorts in the wardrobe or the back of drawer, and again we were expected to wear these as they had be bought, they were for an older teen. Fashion had changed and boys were wearing much longer style shorts. These were basic cut, thin, elasticated waist PE pull up style from the 80's....no buttons/zip/fly/drawstring etc.

Again my brother refused to wear them, but our dad said we had to try them on. My brother did, and his boxers stuck out beneath the hem of legs - they had an inseam of around 1-2". I was wearing briefs, and when I tried them on had no such problem.

It was so decided that I could therefore wear them, and my brother again was excused. He got modern long shorts and I had to wear out-dated short nylon shorts.

One pair was white and you could see I was wearing briefs through the thin material. My parents didn't think this was an issue...........decision was made. So my brother got to wear modern clothes while I was wearing pants and shorts that you wouldn't be seen dead in.

I got used to wearing them, but usually only wore then at home, and now I only wear short shorts and love them and wear them anywhere. It's my choice.

I have to thank my brother for not wanting to wear briefs too.........that was the start of my love of short shorts.

Posted in First time nude on 2021-07-24 15:47:26

I was a late developer and started puberty around 15. I was happy I'd got a few hairs above my willy and it had got bigger. I think I wanted to show my mum I was growing up finally and decided to show her by being seen naked, my willy was still quite thin and 2" soft but I was happy to have started puberty at last.

I couldn't just show my mum so I "accidentally" got caught getting changed one day. My mum came into my room, I was waiting to change my clothes and was stripped to my briefs. I was wearing a new pair of white Y-fronts that I had asked her to buy me the week before, I had worn boxers for a few years but had recently gone back to briefs. She said they looked very nice and I said thanks and casually removed them and handed them to her and said they were for the laundry basket. I took a new pair from my draw and was very nervous about remaining naked in front of her. I think I was bright red!

She didn't make any comment about my small willy but definitely was looking, she probably hadn't seen me naked since I was 11. As I put on another pair of new briefs I asked her if she would buy me more briefs as I preferred them to my boxers. She asked why and I said they were more comfortable or something lame like that. I actually wanted to wear them as they revealed my $%!@ more than boxers and wanted to be "seen" more by my mum as my willy hopefully got bigger.

I was now covered up and she said she liked me wearing briefs and that I looked like a little boy again, I hoped she meant the Y-fronts and not my small $%!@!

When she left I couldn't wait to have a wank and quickly shot a load into pants after a few quick rubs.

Over the next few years I found lots of ways to expose myself to my mum so she could see I was growing up.

Puberty ended in my late teens and I now have an almost 4.5" willy when hard - I know it's still small but I'm happy it's bigger than when I was a very embarrassed 15 year old late developer!

Posted in For boys who are naked around their moms on 2021-07-24 12:59:48

I wanted to show my mum my willy when I started puberty around 15 (late bloomer!) and found many opportunities to do so. Sometimes I would come home from school and change out of my uniform, I would also change my briefs but wait until she came into my room to take them off and put on a new pair. She was always embarrassed but did look. I was always embarrassed even though I was instigating these incidents and was very aware I had little pubic hair and a small flaccid willy. I wanted my mum to see that I had started puberty but because I was small it was even more shaming to be seen. Sometimes I would have a bath and after come out into the living room wrapped in just a towel. I would proceed to finishing drying in front of her and the drop the towel to put on my briefs. This was done quickly, I didn't expose myself longer than I had to but made sure she saw each time by talking to her or asking for a cup of tea. Sometime the thrill of being seen had my willy a bit hard and I don't know if she registered this but again added to my shame that she had seen me aroused.

I always wanted her to see me naked and yet it was so embarrassing. But I carried on and got a thrill out of "being naughty" thinking how mortifying it was to be seen naked as teenaged boy by my mum.

As I got older around my A-levels I wanted to be seen naked for longer and would start walking naked to the bathroom or staying naked after a bath. My favourite trick was to lay in bed and she would eventually come to wake me I up. I slept nude and would get out of bed in front of her on the pretence of forgetting I was naked and then stretch outg, ask for a cuppa and just delay getting dressed.

Only once did she ever shout at me - I had come home one night after drinking with some mates. I was a bit drunk and decided to take off all my clothes and watch TV in the living room. I was so excited to be sitting around nude I soon had a erection. I started to watch TV probably too loud she came in to the room unknown to me (I assumed she was in bed). She saw me stroking my little willy and went mad. I had to get up and go to my room though I didn't cover up. She then asked where my pubic hair was - I'd shaved it off and mumbled some crap that I preferred no hair (really I wanted my $%!@ to look bigger).

After that I stopped flashing her so often but from time to time I would still let her see me despite being in my twenties - I think I just wanted someone to see my small willy and not judge. I do think she did enjoy seeing me naked time to time and never discouraged it or admonished me.

I did go round in just my briefs a lot too so although she could not see my $%!@ I was kind of on display.

This carried on until I left home at 23.