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User: New Silence



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Posted in Men Wearing Bras on 2003-08-13 21:16:21

I usually make this more realistic with a silicone pad which gives about one cup extra size. I feel a little feminine, more soft and relaxed. I notice my breasts feel wonderful,held, protected. I feel warmer, more poised. I notice my body more - become more aware of fat that I have overlooked in my male 'laze'. I realise that with tighter fitting clothes, one becomes acutely aware of needing to be in good shape - and a good shape to just look in the mirror. It is a transforming experience - and it would be great if it was much more publicly acceptable.

Posted in Men Wearing Bras on 2003-08-10 22:36:23

========== In Reply To ========== A girl friend first made me wear bras and panties because they made me more docile and agreeable. When my wife found out she decided to see if it was true. She found this to be true, so now I'm kept in panties at all times and bras and lingerie at home and many times when we go out.

I find I too am more docile and calmer wearing bras and panties. My family is away on holiday and I have found myself working at home, taking care to avoid being seen, and very happily dressed this way. I do enjoy going for a walk in the country, where there are few other walkers - and having a bra under a loose shirt so that it cant easily be recognised. I would love it if men could wear bras and other female clothing in public. It seems pretty the unjust, unequal and sad that while women can and do wear any men's clothing - men cannot wear the wonderful clothes designed for women.