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User: Nicholas F



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Posted in Babysitters Bathing Boys on 2006-10-01 09:49:04

Hi Linda,

Claire our babysitter bathed me up to the age of about 12½. It wasn't embarrassing or anything and yep, like you she mentioned my "cute little bottom" when I was bare. I think I sometimes blushed a little when she said this but at the same time I felt proud that she liked my bottom!! I hadn't matured sexually then and still had child-like genitals so none of this was a big deal. Also I know Claire wouldn't have found anything sexual at looking at a real skinny 12 year old like me when she had a 21 year old fairly strapping boyfriend!!


Posted in Babysitters Bathing Boys on 2006-08-20 10:29:01

Hi Issoire,

For me 12½ or so was a good cut-off age for Claire to stop bathing me and 13 a good age for Mum to let me take over, too.

I still can't understand why you weren't allowed to wash your own privates and at 14!! That seems a little strange - u must have been really embarrassed!

Posted in Babysitters Bathing Boys on 2006-07-09 10:01:31

Me and my twin sister were babysat until 12 by Claire who was 6 years older than us. While Rhainna my sister took baths on her own from the age of 8 or so Rhianna would check she was ok from time to time. With me Rhianna gave me a bath and it wasn't a big deal even at 12 as I hadn't started puberty then. Also I was used to being bathed and being seen naled bacause Mum washed my hair and bathed me once a week until i was 13.


Posted in At what age did you start bathing your self on 2006-06-11 15:44:11

Although I bathed myself during the week from around age 8 or so Mum still washed my hair once a week while I was in the tub. If I was dirty and sweaty Mum would give me a bath as well up to the age of about 13¼. It wasn't a big deal as I kinda started puberty a bit later than average for most boys.

Posted in Sons who are bathed by their mothers on 2006-04-16 10:22:48

Hi, I'm from the UK and I grew up in the 80's.

My mum bathed me regularly until around age 8. After that Mum still shampooed and washed my hair while in the bathtub once a week. Up to the age of 13, if I was particularly dirty and sweaty Mum would supervise me while I bathed myself although Mum would wash my hair, back and bottom.

I had no problems with Mum bathing/supervising me as I began puberty kinda latish around 13 years of age.
