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User: Night Vision



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Posted in Girls in men's changing room on 2021-09-09 11:09:35


I don't know if I sit 'proudly' in the sauna, lol, but I don't tie my legs together. My nieces and I don't get to go often; just with friends on the oft-chance. As we are nudists, it doesn't bother us to be seen and don't feel we have to hide. I don't want my nieces to feel at any point that they have to feel ashamed. When we go to the pool, we always use the men's changing room, no matter if they are the only girls, which they have never been. I think slowly, very slowly, it is becoming more acceptable.

Posted in Girls in men's changing room on 2021-07-03 17:31:32

It happens frequently. I bring my nieces into the men's as well to change and shower. I take it that you don't have kids. If you did, you would understand that the best place for your kids is with you.

Posted in Girls in men's changing room on 2021-07-03 09:08:51

Yes, you have to ask permission. It was unapproved by the school board, the DOE and the parents. It usurped parental rights. You don't tell the parents they can't do anything about, when they certainly can. This was all about her and her agenda. She turned everybody against the idea when if she really had the best interest of the kids at heart, she would have sent a form letter to all the parents entailing precisely what was going to be done and how it was going to be done and ask for their support so that she could take it through proper channels.

Posted in Girls in men's changing room on 2021-06-30 03:40:23

You should read it. It was done without permission from anyone. Nothing normal about that.

Posted in Girls in men's changing room on 2021-06-27 20:19:11

Hi Don:

I don't think we're disagreeing. In fact, you've made my point. Nudist parents aren't damaging the kids. In the original article, the 'experts' were all on one side, but they failed to address the fact that the kids were with adults. They used the arguments that seeing adults was scarifying the kids for life. Again, I say rubbish.

Referring to the double standards, absolutely there were. Someone was to blame for making it such and it was never addressed. That was the school system, again, a quarter century ago.

The only thing that I would partially dispute you on is how the term "moral values have changed" is being used. Somehow a father with his young daughters in the shower is the decline of the western civilization. It isn't a change of morality that put them in the shower - it was the rules. While the first girl qualified, the second did not. So either way - the younger daughter would have been with her father. Did you want them to separate? As I said earlier, even if I were not a nudist, I would not fault the guy for bringing in BOTH daughters - just for safety. In fact, if he brought his daughter in and her entire Brownie Troop in wouldn't bother me.