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User: Nikrud


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Posted in I EXPEREMENTED WITH MY MALE FRIEND on 2011-01-03 11:00:54

skylark101. As i said he would my friend came to my house and after he ice warmed up we went to my bedroom and stripped off. I then showed Jerry Lee22's account of his great sexual encounter with his friend in the locker room. As he was reading it i noticed that his penus was getting hard. I look it in my hand and gently started to m asturbate him until he spilled his beautiful love juice all over my hand. I then licked it up and when he had finished reading he proceeded to pump my penus until i came and duly licked his hand clean. We had all day to ourselves played tv games in between bouts of m asturbation and sucking. We saved the best, ie rear penetration, until the evening just before everyone came home. Boy what a fantastic day we had and were we exhausted but nobody seemed to notice. Can't wait for the next time. Best wishes Nikrud.

Posted in Nude with friends on 2010-12-23 22:59:55

William Challis. I hate just read of your exciting sexual adventure with your friend Ollie and my hand immediately went to my penus and i was rubbing like mad. Tomorrow i am going over to my pal Jerry's place and we ourselves will be enjoying the same fun as you two. I just love to see the erect penus bobbing up and down when boys are running around. So erotic. Nikrud.

Posted in COMPARING YOUR PENIS BOYS on 2010-12-22 16:42:57

xxxxxx. I am sixteen and i am 3 1/2 soft and 5 hard. I do not care less what other boys think. You are born with what you have and there is nothing one can do about it. Enjoy your life and i hope you enjoy many great sexual experiences. Nikrud.

Posted in I EXPEREMENTED WITH MY MALE FRIEND on 2010-12-22 15:59:52

Wow! Reading about your account of your great sexual experience with your pal i have just about wanked myself into an almighty frenzy. I am having my friend round on Christmas Eve and when he reads it we will most definitely get naked and have the most mind-blowing sex. You have certainly brightened up an otherwise miserably dull winters day. Best wishes. Nikrud.

Posted in Sleeping Naked on 2010-12-19 18:17:37

Bobby in CA. Just myself and Jerry as usual at my place this time. That is not to say that we are not having a great time. Far from it. We have all weekend to ourselves until about eleven tonight. I wonder if i will have the strength to in to school tomorrow. Never mind it's all worth it.