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User: Rakeela



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Posted in Maximizing moolah on 2007-06-01 03:00:40

The best way to make money is to serve the values of others effectively. Money is not the only reward one can get for doing this, but it is very common and almost customary in our society to prefer monetary rewards.

Posted in A Nation of Gun Nuts on 2007-06-01 02:26:11

Our school systems are absolute hellholes. That's why we have so much violence. (Your poll doesn't give this option, sadly, so I didn't fill it out.)

Posted in What's your goal in life? on 2007-06-01 01:33:19

Good point. I see my life as revolving more around production than anything - I value productivity higher than raw happiness. This isn't to say I don't value happiness at all. Happiness is indeed a secondary result I achieve when I judge myself as being productive, while unhappiness tends to stem from self-appraising as unproductive. Production is a higher value though, with happiness being the second-order good that arises from it.

Posted in ABORTION illegal or legal choices on 2007-06-01 01:30:49

I think people give way too short of thrift to the maturity of people under the age of 18. A better age to declare someone incapable of such decisions would be 15 or under instead of 18 or under.

Posted in GENDER IDENTITY DISORDER - Medical Treatment on 2007-06-01 01:27:53

Wrong in another way, too. It assumes 'poor self image'. Accurately, it should assume 'poor body image'. There's nothing to stop a transsexual from being a very confident and capable person. By the definition, they only have poor body image, not poor overall self image.