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User: rr32



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Posted in Shots: How far do you drop 'em on 2012-07-10 20:41:18

When I was growing up, my mom used to make me take my undies completely off and lie on the table while we were waiting for the nurse to bring the shot in. Around 10 years old or so, not sure exactly, I asked my mom if I could just wait for the nurse. The nurse (I had the same one every time) always had me pull them down to my knees for shots and temperatures. Around 13 I was allowed to take my shots leaning over the table instead of laying down, and was allowed to just expose my butt.

I've only had one shot as an adult, and I just dropped everything to my knees.

Posted in Injection site preference on 2012-07-08 22:19:47

I know as a child, I was one of the strange boys who preferred getting shots in the butt to the arm. My reasoning was purely to reduce the pain, though. I only got one shot in the arm the entire time I was growing up, and it stung very badly, enough that I never wanted another one, no matter how embarrassed I was about showing my bottom. As an adult I have had a few shots in the arm, and though they don't hurt like when I was a kid, they still hurt less when given n the butt.

Posted in getting injections in arm or in butt on 2012-07-08 19:46:49

As a boy growing up, I received all of my shots in the bottom all the way through 18 years old, with my mom always there with me. There are certain shots that have to go in your bottom because of the amount of medication; such as penicillin, gamma globulin, demorall, etc. I got a lot of shots for migraine headaches in my teen years, and these are ones that are always given in the bottom. Other shots are given there as a matter of preference.

When I was about 6 I asked to get one of my booster shots in the arm, instead of in the butt as normal. The nurse asked my mom and she agreed. The shot made me scream and cry and it was a horrible scene. After that, my mom insisted that I get all future shots in the bottom. I asked her one time as a teen if I could get one in my arm, and she reminded me how much it hurt last time. I thought about it, and told her never mind. I'm not even sure if that particular shot would have been allowed in my arm. I had the same nurse throughout my childhood, and all shots were just automatically given in my bottom, without question. As a child, mom would make me take my underwear off and lay on the table so that I was ready. As I got older, I just waited for the nurse to come in, then dropped my underwear to my knees and leaned over the table.

The first shot in the arm as an adult was a tetanus booster, which I had got in the bottom as a child. Like the previous experience, it hurt pretty bad, and my arm was sore for the next two days. My butt was never sore for more than a couple of hours from a shot, so I would still prefer to get shots in the bottom, though I seldom get shots at all any more.