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User: shadowblood



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Posted in Cheerleading uniforms (For girls only) on 2004-03-08 02:02:50

OK, look, i seriously dont think "get a life" is a huge insult. Compared to actual insults today, "get a life" is REALLY soft.

========== In Reply To ========== As I told Billy, I never minded being "Eye Candy", as he put it. But that didn't mean I wanted to get sexually harassed either. And i do think it is a big deal when the cheerleader were talking about here received death threats. That's very bad, but hardly anyone here has commented on that. There are only a other few girls besides me that have posted here and some of them appear to be wanting a little too much attention, as was pointed out about Daphne and a few of the others. Polls on Mr. Poll are hardly scientific and anyone who believes otherwise is living in never-never land, so that hardly means anything given such a small sample of opinions here. I know plenty of girls that agree with Billy, though most of my friends agree more with my take on the whole thing than his. I didn't read everything about this particular cheerleader, but one of the news articles did say that the squad was split on the whole issue and that the School Board did eventually purchase new, longer skirts for the squad. She was exercising her right with Civil Disobedience and apparently did achieve some success, especially if she got the School Board to change the uniforms. That took a lot of courage to do. I also don't understand why so many people on Mr Poll have to get so negative when they disagree. Telling someone to 'Get a life' just because you don't agree with them isn't going to impress many people and it's not going to change or shape anyone else's opinion. As I said before, I don't think everyone will ever agree on this topic, so let's just agree to disagree - politely! Bye Kelly

Posted in Why girls win? on 2004-03-02 01:01:00

Umm, i think ur a girl or just plaine old lying. Or just bs ing like most people do on almost all of these polls.

========== In Reply To ========== I'm a pretty athletic male who loves to wrestle women. I've wrestled over 30 different women and lost to all of them. It shocks me how completely one-sided most of the matches have been. Here is how we matched up and how I got controlled 1) My advantage of being much bigger (I weigh 220 lbs.) was useless because they were much quicker than me. I constantly find myself in bad positions and struggling against the woman's leverage. 2) The women have been way more flexible, allowing them to escape the occasional hold I get them into. 3) The women control the matches with their legs. I have never escaped a woman's grapevine or headscissor hold!

Posted in Why girls win? on 2004-03-02 00:58:01

Get ovr yourself, gees.

Posted in Cheerleading uniforms (For girls only) on 2004-02-29 01:50:27

Dude, get a life. Yes, it was unfair of the school board to suspend her. But no, it was not that big of a deal that they were required to wear there uniform in class. Oh by the way, a feminist is some one who thinks girls and boys should be equall, not that girls are all powerful. Every GIRL here doesn't think its a big deal. Most girls don't. If you don't like the rules don't join cheerleading.

(I'm Male just encase you wopnder)