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User: theloser



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Posted in Strength Comparisons Between Mates on 2012-08-26 21:32:35

My ex-girlfriend was just a normal girl (130s). She wasn't an athlete but she did some running, yoga, and some weight lifting. Not power lifting or anything, but she did use free weights and would lift to failure. However, she didn't really stick to a plan and was very inconsistent. Ergo, she never really saw major results and would often skip the gym. I never exercised then (or now), I weigh in the 180s and after working behind a desk I have started noticing that I am getting weaker all the time. I'm going into my 30s, and what little muscle mass I had on my arms has really started going away.

Well, my girlfriend came home from lifting and made fun of my weak arms and said that even she was probably stronger than me. I said, no way, men are stronger than women and challenged her to an armwrestilng match to prove it. She back tracked a little bit, not only was she really tired from exercising, but she had pulled a muscle in her right shoulder. We decided to just do our left arms.

I tried to push her down as hard as I could but she wouldn't budge. I was pushing so hard that my muscles were actually shaking from where they never really get used. She bust out laughing and said "seriously babe! Oh my god you are shaking!" The match was over in a matter of seconds. She won and burst out laughing. I was humiliated. She destroyed me even after she had been working out and was tired. I could not believe how badly I was beaten; and couldn't imagine how bad she would have beat me if she wasn't tired. But that was my "weak" arm.

She thought it was so funny that she actually wanted to try right arms. Even with an injury, I was so weak that she was sure she would be fine. Well, we started and I apparently did even worse than before. I was really trying but she was just sitting there and she said with a smirk, "babe, seriously? This is all you can do? I'm not going to try because you obviously aren't." She wasn't laughing. I finally started winning and I said, "no, come on try." She reversed and slammed my arm down. She laughed and said, "oh my god you got beat by your girlfriend!"

My humiliation was complete. Not only did my girlfriend prove that she was so much stronger than me, but if she was that much stronger than me when she wasn't trying, most girls like her were probably stronger than me. The next two days I had a painful reminder of the humiliation because my arms were very sore. That was the most exercise they had gotten in a long time. Hell, every time I saw a women with a toned bicep I knew she was stronger than me. At least in my life, I was actually a member of the weaker sex.

My ex lost all respect for me after that and she told me she had to be with a man that could protect her. She said after "that pathetic performance, you are probably the weakest person I have ever met. You are going to exercise with me." She meat it too, because she told all her girlfriends and they had their own armwrestling tournament. She bet one of the women, but lost to three others. This was my wake up call, and I was determined to get stronger. This was it...at least for a couple weeks until I stopped going. The sex in our relationship stopped and she ended up cheating on me with another guy. She broke up with me to be with him.

That was a few years ago and as far as I know, they are still happy together. I'm alone and probably weaker than I was (I went to a gym a few weeks ago and struggled to bicep curl 10 pounds). I learned my lesson though, if I ever get another girlfriend I am not going to arm wrestle her. I accept the proof that I am weaker than most women.

Posted in girls vs boy armwrestling on 2012-05-23 23:11:30

One night my girlfriend laughed at my arms and said I needed to workout more because I have no muscle definition. She said she was probably stronger than me and I said no way. So, we decided to have an armwrestling match.

We are both right handed, but she had pulled something in her right hand so we decided we would only use our left hands. Well, the match started and I tried as hard as I could but I could barely move her. She started laughing and said "awe! You are shaking!" She beat me easily.

It was so easy for her that, even though she was hurt, she wanted to try right arms. We started and I tried even harder but couldn't move her at all. She laughed and said, don't worry, I won't try. I started moving her arm then and I said, no try. She said ok and slammed my arm down. Even with an injury she destroyed me.

She laughed and said "hahah, you got beat by your girlfriend! I cannot believe how weak you are! I am stronger than you!" I could only hang my head in shame and admit that she was much much much stronger than me.

Posted in girls against boys real high school fights on 2005-07-24 18:15:34

the stronger sex

there is nothing to be ashamed of. Women have proven that they are the stronger sex. I hate being the weaker sex!!!

Posted in Girls kickboxing Boys on 2005-02-12 20:18:40

One time I kickboxed with my girlfriend. It was no contest, she knocked me out in 2 minutes. I weigh 230 pounds and she weighs 120. Even without the weight advantage she is still stronger than me. Its weird to know my girlfriend can kick my $%!@.

Posted in The stronger sex? on 2004-04-08 21:13:21

No question, women are the stronger, sexier, sex. Not only can most women lift more than most men, but they also have more endurance so they can lift things longer. In school, there is no comparison as girls totally dominate. Men are weak. I'm glad the media has started to acknowledge female superiority. You are lucky, MissVenus, because nature made you perfect in every way.

========== In Reply To ========== Make no mistake about it, women are clearly the stronger sex. Not only have women passed men up in physical fitness and agility, it is also happening in schools as boys gradually fall behind the girls intellectually. Generations of past have conditioned boys to believe the female is the weaker of the sexes. But in today's world, that situation has been completely reversed.