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User: Virginie99


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Posted in l got spanked today on 2019-04-04 01:16:35


Not much news presently, I study a lot to be sure to not have bad grades; I know my parents will be strict about it, and if I have bad grades, I'll have to accept the old rules about curfew and intimacy, and I want to avoid it. Not getting more intimacy due to my grades at my partiels is bad enough...

Since my last post, I get 1 caning(breaking curfew)a few days after writing it and 1 with martinet a week ago(deserved, chatting with friends instead of studying only a few days after I got the hairbrush for the same offense). More often hand-spanking, hairbrush or belt, but these are not as hard as the martinet or the cane. I should improve about sassiness and talking back, mainly...

-Veronika: Welcome! Sorry you got spanked. It seems spanking for breaking curfew is often severely punished. It is, I think, a bit less usual to be punished this way when working, even if I think it'll be the case for me too as long as I live at my parent's home... Same for you? Does she spank you often or is it unusual for you?

I'm pretty sure you're not the only one to be punished this way, even by step parents.

-JohnPN: So not much shame or pain, if she planned to take your underpants down anyway. Not surprising you took all your clothes off as it is the rule in your house(except for your sisters, who can keep a piece of clothing on). Do you know why you(and your sisters)have to take the top off too if the rule is bare bottom,and not nude?Maybe for adding some shame to the punishment...

It seems this woman was skilled with the cane, as she uses it when she punishes her sisters; I wonder if she hit you harder as you're a man.

-Rickie: Do you know when your next appointment with your professional lady will be? Or how have it been, if you already met her when you're reading this post?

The punishment was hard but I knew it will be harder in university and they especially didn't appeciate my results were less good that the ones of my precedent partiels. As I wrote, I think it was partly deserved, but too severe.

I'll still have three years of studying after my next partiels; I get a Licence when studying for three years, and a Master after five years of studying. However, I must take care to be a good student, as studying for the Master is more hard than for the Licence, so getting only the average for the Licence means I may fail the Master easily.

If my grades are better at my next partiels, I may hope less restriction, especially with my boyfriend, after I resume university after the Summer holidays.

-MarkM: Thank you. I didn't feel comfort that my twin got punished too(I felt mainly sorry for him), even if I appreciate my parents are fair, and not apply different rules about grades. Since it, I'm more serious about my studies, yes, especially to avoid having the old rules again.

Good you can specify implements which will never be used. I wondered why you asked to not get the paddle and tawse and not the same for the cane, before reading it is not possible. Not pleasant, but understandable. The cane is an awful implement, but fit perfectly if the punishment have to be severe. How many implements can you choose to not be used?

It seems, even if the meeting was short, it was not an easy one for Sabreen... The singletail whip still scary me! I guess too she got the cane at least a few times, your professional lady seems to like to use it... So, you are expected to not discuss it ,even if both visting her? Can you tell who did it, and how he/she was punished for it?

Personnally, I don't like at all the waiting, I get more and more nervous and the fear of the upcoming punishment is very awful for me; I prefer getting it as soon as possible, even knowing it will be a hard one. For example, it is hard when I get a bad grade at the start of the day in university, knowing I'll get punished for it at home and have to wait all the day until getting the punishment... Too bad your graduate friend stopped to talk with you, even more without explaining why!

Not sure you should tell too much about Sabreen, especially if your lady don't like tattletales, it may backfire on you, even more if Sabreen has already told an offense to her... But it seems it was ok this time. Now you visited her, can you explain more about the "suspicion where that migh be headed", or do you prefer to not tell more about it?

It is understandable to separate these two parts of your life, sure. You're lucky to not have marks staying longer, it needs a lot more time to fade when I get caned.

I'm sure it wasn't pleasant at all, but it seems to have been far from the harder one you got. You were lucky she wasn't severe, if you thought you'll get more. Does your belt was more painful than the one she used previously? I hate getting spanked with my own "implement"(even if not the main use), getting punished with my own hairbrush, for example... Do you feel the same?

-Lorna: Welcome! Too bad you got caught by your aunt, as you were alone at home and more free to be late(even if I have to say that it was deserved... But I understand you want to break your curfew, I did(and still do)it often). I guess she lives next to your house, so. It seems you took the right decision; I probably have done the same, even if not knowing how many hits she want to do with the slipper, it was very unlikely to be worse than 6 to 8 with the cane. Even if probably a bit more shaming to be spanked bare bottom by your aunt, I think your choice was the good one, the spanking was not too hard.

-Sarah: Welcome! Yes, many of us know too well how we feel when getting a caning.

I can understand that getting pleasant feelings when being punished makes it not effective... I sometimes maturbate after being punished(even if it is forbidden for me and means a very severe punishment if I'm caught, even more right after a punishment), but it is not because I was aroused, more to console me, think to more pleasant feelings than to the pain during it.

I feel it very strange to pay you to cane you. If he has offered to cane you to help you avoid getting in trouble, as punishment when you misbehave, I thought it could be good, but as he would pay you, I think he only fantasizes about it... And so, a bit perversed, and there is a risk he goes way more than planned and hurt you badly, especially as the cane can cause injuries if used with too much strength or too much hits. I think you should not accept it, and maybe try to find a well known professional lady(or man), as MarkM or Rickie, even if not sure they would accept to punish because you want to feel it again, and not because you felt guilty of your behaviour... MarkM and Rickie may know more about it.

-Spankerman: So, you're for caning adult women too? I guess you like my parent's rules and punishments, so! Do you think it should be used until leaving home, or until end of studies, even if still living at home after it?

I've thought I'll come here more often but it was not the case at all... But I think I should be extra careful about studying now, and we have a lot of work presently.


Posted in l got spanked today on 2019-02-04 03:08:39


Sorry for the delay, but I had a lot of work before and during my exams and after resuming university after the holidays, was not a lot at home during holidays and I was not allowed to use the computer recently... I'll try to answer more often here.

I got my grades for the partiels, and I had 3 of them above average but under the limit set by my parents; 1 more than the precedent partiels ones, and these were worse than the 2 under limit grades I got at the precedent partiels, so my parents were very unpleased and a bit more severe.

The spanking was similar, I had to undress completely and get 10 with the martinet on my bottom and back of my thights(10 for each grade under the limit), but the other parts of my punishment were severer. I had to kneel in the corner, still nude, hands on my head for 1 hour(the pain on my knee added quickly to the one due to my spanking), then I had to apologize to my parents and promise to do better.

After it and redressing, they told me I'm grounded for 2 weeks, with no leisure, no friends, and, the worse, absolutely no contact with my boyfriend during it. Instead of leisure, I'll have extra studying: 2 hours each day after university, 3 hours on Saturday and 5 hours on Sunday! I understand the reason of the extra studying punishment, but I feel it was a bit too much... I too had extra chores, part of the ones my parents and twin do usually(he had better grades, only 1 under the limit, so he got 10 with the martinet, 15mn kneeling in the corner(both nude, a part he hated), and grounded(same rules than me)during the week-end). I hated these additional punishments, but anyway, after my studies and chores were completed, it was boring...

After they told me this part of my punishment, I was allowed to call my boyfriend 5 minutes to tell him about my grounding, and the reason for it, then I had to give my phone and computer to my parents.

My grounding is now finished, but I got a warning, too: if my grades won't improve, they'll cancel my "new" rules and use the old ones again(curfew sooner and only allowed to make love with my boyfriend 1 time a week, during 1 to 2 hours). And they added that I should not hope to have increased intimacy rules(if I got good grades, I would have been allowed to be intimate with my boyfriend 3 times a week ,instead of 2 now, and we would have been allowed to "share a bed" another night during the week, in addition to the Saturday to Sunday night), until, at least, next university year, if I'll get very good grades in my next partiels.

Very hard and long punishment. But, even if I hated it, to be honest(but I didn't tell it to my parents), I've to admit it was deserved to be separated from my boyfriend during the grounding, and it would be deserved it they decide to use the old rules about intimacy... When I reviewed my lessons for the partiels, I often thought more of my boyfriend than of my lessons, and I reviewed some parts a bit too quickly to spend more time with him... Not a very wise decision(but I think it is understandable as we're in love; even if I think my parents would disagree about it), and I should take care to not do this again when I had to review the lessons, each time I'll have an exam(and not only for the partiels, too)!

Now, my parents will look closely about my study habits and not being serious about it(like disobeying the rule about homework and chores before friends and boyfriend, a rule I often disobey)will be severely punished(not sure, but I think it'll be a spanking with the belt, followed by cornertime and grounding during the day or maybe a couple of days). No choice except obeying it; I don't like to have increased control, but I hope they will be a bit lenient about it, if I obey it better.

I'll answer to the posts here since my precedent message, now.

-MarkM: Thank you; as you now know, it doesn't turn out very well, but I'll try to remember your advice for the next exams.

Except the one for the grades, I didn't get severe ones, recently; a few handspanking or with the hairbrush for usual things like sassiness, talking back, being a bit late... , but, even if unpleasant, it was bearable(even if still screaming and crying at the end).

Good you had a good talk with Sabreen. So, she was used to corporal punishment before starting to meet the lady, maybe it can help to ask for it. I don't know what is a braided whip, but it doesn't sound pleasant; however, if I go to a party when it is forbidden and come home drunk, I would be very severely punished too, so not surprised she got a hard one for it.

I imagine with much more freedom, it is easy to use it a bit too much and start to behave badly, especially when knowing it won't have painful consequences when back home! But if she felt guilty and thought she needed such help to not misbehave again, it may be a good idea. Anyway, it was very brave for her to ask for it, even knowing well it can hurt.

Oh, yes, if you're both married and not to each other, a romantic relationship won't be good. But two friends sharing a same interest for it can be great too. I didn't know you're married; does your wife know about your visit to your professional lady(if not, how do you hide the marks when intimate)? If she knows you needed it, have you asked her to do it and she refused, or have you never asked her?

You talk about chosing the belt; can you suggest a specific implement(at least at the first meeting)but she decides to agree or to choose another one? It seems you got generally more severe ones, sure. Do you know if Sabreen got the cane since it?

Being spanked in front of each other could be a good idea, a bit more shame, which can increase the punishment, if the lady thinks it is needed. But it can work both ways, yes. Probably a good deterrent for both of you, however.

It seems telling about your misbehaving lead Sabreen to be more punsihed too, so, there is a risk to increase your punishment if you told her about Sabreen's offenses... Did you tell your lady she was drunk and a bit lazy the next day? What did you mean by having a "suspicion where this might be headed"?

Have you discussed more with Sabreen since your last post here?

-Laura: I agree with you, it would be interesting!

Not much improvement about being brave during my punishment, recently...

-Rickie: Have you needed another caning since your last post here?

Not very good for my results; good enough for the university and not too much risk of failing this university year and having to re-do it, but still not good enough for my parents, and so, some very unpleasant consequences...

-drg1: Welcome! Sorry you got the cane for bad results. Always the cane, even if the grades are only a little lower than expected? It is severe! Have you additional punishments like cornertime or grounding?

I understand the reason for the thong; even if very different in my case, as wearing a thong would be punished, my parents prefer to lower my panties when needed. No pants for me too, however(mainly because they think pants are not for women). Socks probably don't help to feel feminine and attractive, I guess too.

-JohnPN: Welcome! Everyone had to undress for the caning in your house or is it only the rule for you?

Undress completely in front of a woman you don't know, to get a caning, add probably a lot of extra shame! Did she made a comment when she realized you'll undress totally instead of just taking off your pants(and so,she was probably going to cane you on your boxer,so less shameful and less painful)?

Was it more severe than when your mother use the cane, similar or less hard?

As I said at the start of this post, I'll try to post more often.


Posted in l got spanked today on 2019-01-01 06:01:11

Happy New Year to everyone!


Posted in l got spanked today on 2018-12-25 18:49:11

Merry Christmas to you all and your family!


Posted in l got spanked today on 2018-12-15 04:18:21


Still studying for the partiels, I take a break to answer a bit here. And it helps me to relax a bit. My partiels are in a few days, and I'm pretty nervous, even if I'm satisfied about understanding and managing my reviewing for these partiels.

-Mark M: Thank you! I hope I'll get good grades.

Good that your professionnal lady helped you to discover who it is. It was unexpected to me it was a woman, I guessed it was a man too. Even if I have to admit that gossiping is more common among women.

Hoewever, it meant a hard punishment, with several penalty! I feel a bit unfair to give you penalty for using her informations to identify Sabreen... She probably told you these informations to make you able to know who told her about your offenses.

Interesting to know how she discovered it, anyway, and fair she was punished when asking her about it too.

Not surprising you got punished for staying near her house to know who told her about your offenses, but the punishment seems hard, even if I never get caned with such cane; it seems very painful, and an impressive cane! It seems too she wanted to make the punishment even harder by punishing you differently, more painfully. I hope you felt better now...

It seems Sabreen was pleased to be able to talk to you about it; I guess she can't discuss about it with many people, it probably is helpful for her.

Good way to ask here discreetly, to ask if she lives in the street of your professional lady! Like Laura, I'll like to know how it goes. Do you think there is a chance that your relationship develop in a more... romantic one, since you share it? Not usual but I'm a bit too much romantic, sometimes!

Anyway, I guess it'll be helpful to you to be able to talk with her about these meetings too.

About your friend, too bad the relationship didn't last; at least, it was helpful for her to quit smoking. I hope she doesn't resumed it after they break-up, as she wasn't punished anymore if she does it! The sessions of her punishment were close, but I guess it was enough, as it was not a caning. I've to agree that a punishment was deserved for smoking and for lying.

-Rickie: Thank you! I hope too my grades will be good...

Yes, it makes me a bit nervous when I don't know the results of my partiels, but I prefer to not get it too soon, and so, don't risk to be punished for it during the holidays.

As long as I'll live in my parents' house, I'll have rules and punishments, even if my studies are finished, and I'm looking for a job or working, but not having my own flat, my parents are very clear about it. However, I hope my rules will be less strict when my studies will be finished, but not sure about it.

I hope for you too that you won't need another caning soon.

-Sarahga: I've to admit I'm suprised, and impressed, that you accept the caning and think it was, more or less, deserved, even if you haven't directly misbehaved. Does your mother had told both of you to come back at your sister' curfew or are you supposed to do it, even without reminding you?

I agree too, getting one extra hit due to the breaking of the cane was a bit unfair, but it seems the hit is often not taken into account in these cases. She could have accepted this one, especially as you took care to have an extra cane, however, sure.

Can you told us why she was caned? Curfew offense again?

It would be "fun" to ask her to share the cost, especially as she seems to have more rules, and so can get punished more often than you. She would be very surprised(and maybe a bit angry after it)if you ask her to pay a part of the cost of the cane, I think!

Another extra cane, so it seems your mother think she'll still have to use the new cane pretty often, I guess... Sorry for you, I hope you won't get it often!

-Laura: It seems it is unusual; have you did such "breaking test" before? And do you plan to do another one(even on the bottom and not on the feet)?

The soles are a very sensitive place, it hurts much more than on the bottom, I agree; I get it sometimes(for specific offenses, like sneaking out, going somewhere I should not, wearing high heels... ), generally 5-10 on each soles with the belt, and it is a punishment I fear a lot.

Safeword and able to stop it when you want, good.

Were you restrained or were you able to not move your feet too much during it?

You described it well, and I think I can imagine how hard it was for you, even if I don't know how you can take it, without using the safeword, and even more without crying. I cry very quickly when I get punished on the soles and I get way less hits than you(and I think my father doesn't spank my soles as hard as my bottom)! Congratulations to have won this test, however. I understand you don't want to do such one anymore! And especially without a "resaon" (even as a game, like you do generally).

-Maryjayne: Welcome! Being spanked in front of a boyfriend(or a girlfriend)is generally awful, especially bare bottom or nude; very humliating, in front of someone we don't want at all to see us getting punished and reacting to the spanking. Did you reacted much or were you able to prevent screaming, crying or kicking? I try to prevent it a lot when I'm spanked in front of my boyfriend but I'm not able to not react this way for a long time...

The cloth brush can be painful, even if a cane is way worse. I hope you won't get it often. Bad news she decided to order one; even more as it seems she think she will still punish you for a long time too. As you have the choice, who you'll choose to do the caning if your mother isn't available? Your father ou your aunt?

I agree with you, it seems unfair to punish you for being late if you haven't a curfew. My parents make sure I know and understand my rules, to be sure I don't break these without knowing I have a rule on a specific point. For example, my curfew is very clear, and they often remind me of it when I go out, or for a party.

I'll resume studying now, and hope I'll manage to have good grades for next partiels!
