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User: Virginie99



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Posted in l got spanked today on 2020-01-02 23:13:13


Happy New Year to you and your family!

I haven't written here since a pretty long time,but I'll try to post a longer post soon!


Posted in l got spanked today on 2019-09-17 01:10:33


I'm back from holidays and got some time alone on the computer, so I am able to answer here.

The holidays were pretty good, even if, due to my recent misbehavior, I was closely monitored. I got some spankings for minor offenses, but no severe ones, and not on my thighs, which are very embarrassing when wearing a swimsuit. It was great too my boyfriend was allowed to spend all the holidays with us, and we still had the more lenient rules about intimacy and curfew. My twin liked a lot his girlfriend can spend the holidays with us(and they can sleep every night in the same bed, except when he was punished... I would like to be allowed to sleep with my boyfriend every night, too... ). It was a pleasant and welcomed break, anyway, during 4 weeks.

But now, it is different, as my parents want to be sure I do my best, with the License diploma at the end of the next university year. So, I've to review very well my lessons I had during the 2 precedent years at university and train to answer archives of partiels; and, of course, my parents take care I do it well. At least, it is more fair with my twin, as he had to do it, too. For now, I managed it well.

I think I should do my best to prove to my parents they can trust me, if I want to keep the most recent rules for university, about curfew and intimacy, and may have less strict ones later, if my grades and behavior are good. I missed the opportunity the precedent university year, as my grades at the first partiels were not good enough, so I'll have to take care to have better ones! I'm pretty confident about it, I'm well motivated.

-MarkM: Thank you for the very detailed decsription! It was hard and intense.

Some bondage, a bullwhip, totally nude, not easy. I can imagine how Sabreen felt when it landed on her breast or between her legs, even I've never experienced the bullwhip(and after reading you, I hope even more to never feel it)! Why did you get 20 in a row and not Sabreen?

Making each of you punish each other is original too, even if Sabreen have not punished you herself, but she was involved in how you were punished. The dressage whip seems far worse than the bullwhip; I thought the bullwhip was the worst sort of whip.

Yes, please post part 4; especially after teasing us about it, by telling us there is a part 4!

Thank you; yes, I've managed to recover before the holidays, but it damaged a bit the trust my parents have in me. But I'll prove them they can still trust me. I've too bought again these sort of clothes(except the thong); but I'll only wear it during dates with my boyfriend, as I should do.

I understand the meaning of destroying or giving theses clothes as I used them when I was not allowed to. But the other idea is not too bad, even if I think I would have prefered to wear these, instead of destroying/giving these... However, it depends, with the hits clearly visible on my thighs, not sure...

Misterpoll has often errors, it can be hard to post sometimes...

Mood Pictures/Elite Pain seems to be hard SM movies!

Yes, Sabreen was strong to not cry sooner, even if you punished her hard(and same for her, she was severe with you).

I guess your professional lady has rarely, and maybe never, the opportunity to punish two people who knows each other, and enjoyed it, and probably wanted to experiment a bit with the punishments she used!

When you read this, you may have got the second part of the punishment, I hope you'll do a detailed report again, it was very interesting, and unusual to have a professional lady punishing two people at the same time; it would seems logical the second part of the punishment is a caning, I think too. It seems Sabreen is afraid of the cane!

-Laura: I've took a look at Mood Pictures and it seems very severe! But not surprising, 50 with the cane in one session is a lot.

You've done very well with it, I sure haven't been able to endure it so bravely! Even more without breaks. I guess it is impossible to look as if you didn't feel it after it.

Very hard caning, but a pleasant conclusion, it is good(and I guess very welcomed)! A good way to deal with a painful bottom and to feel less pain, at least for some time.

I think you're right, if it is taken as a challenge, it may be less hard to not cry. I almost always cry, but it is always used as punishment or maintenance, so there is a strong emotional part too. And being spanked by a boyfriend/fiance/husband is probably way different than being spanked by parents.

It seems Evgenlya has surpressed his/her post...

I agree too with you, speed plays a large part about how painful it is, not only strength. I guess it is easier if it starts with a hand spanking, as, even if it hurts, it is way less painful than with an implement but enough to make endorphins works, by lessening a bit the pain when the more severe part, with an implement, starts.

Do your "practicing" lessen how much you feel the pain too, or only how much you react?

Two to three weeks is a lot; I generally need 2 weeks to heal completely after a caning, but you took much more hits than me, it seems logical it takes longer to heal completely.

-Rickie: I'm pretty sure I can't take 50 in one session too.

I'm scared by the bullwhip and dressage whip too. It seems very hard, even more than a caning...

Better she hasn't a dressage whip, and don't come here to get some ideas... Have you contacted her for an appointment?

-almir: Welcome! Unusual spanking experience, yes. Why did you spanked her? Did she asked you? And how did you know her?

-hannajane02: Welcome! Breaking curfew is often pretty strictly punished but it was very severe in your case, while not too late... And very humiliating to have to strip while facing him!

-Spankerman: In my case, I was in holidays and a bit busy since I came back. Lots of lessons to review, and closely monitored, and I spend most of my free time with my boyfriend and my friends. But I managed to spend some time writing here. I'll try to answer more, but difficult to be sure until I resume university, it'll depends of how much homework I'll have, and if my parents think that extra studying is needed...

Even if it was hard, I agree it was deserved. Not very wise to break every rules about my dress code at a party... I liked to feel sexy, but, considering my punishment, it was not worth it; even more as I can wear these clothes, except thong, when I've a date with my boyfriend, the only one I should want to be sexy for(not sure my sentence is right in english... ).

It seems many of our rules are similar, yes. Wearing a miniskirt, or minidress, generally means one or two hits on my thighs too, back and front during the recent severe spanking for it, as you probably have read, to be sure I don't want to wear one again soon, as my marks of the cane would be shown. Never got it on the calves, even harder to hide(are pants allowed for them? ), and I guess very painful too. I imagine it is a good deterrent...

Yes, my father have a lot of implements, he can use one or another(or several ones)depending on what offense I did and on how severe the punishment has to be. Have you a lot of implements too, or do you focus on few, effectives, ones? Is the cane the one you use the most?

I would say mainly I'm rebellious, but it's true that acting like a rebel can easily put me in trouble. Oh yes, this punishment, and especially the part on my feminine parts, make me think twice before breaking my dress code again, even if the "no contact with my boyfriend" during 2 weeks was worse for me(forbidden to have any contact with a boyfriend or forced break up were always the worst punishments for me). Do you use this sort of punishment, forbid them to date their boyfriends, for some offenses?

Not easy to stay in position when I get my breasts punished, but having them on a high drawer, hands tied behind my back, I would probably hates it more. I think I would feel more vulnerable this way. I guess the whip is a bit similar to the martinet, but the cane on the breasts, it seeems very awfully painful!

I agree, diaper position is more humiliating and it can be even more the case for $%!@ punishment, I guess. And impossible to hide my face like I tend to do when I lay on my bed or bend over a desk(which is not possible when I'm punished on my most tender places, however). Do you tie their legs, or do they have to keep them spread? And, if they have to keep their legs spread, are they allowed to move between each hit?

It is pretty effective, extra studying is a "good" addition to the punishment to improve the grades, and I had to do this more than once(and it worked), but the amount of time seems a lot, compared to what amount of time of extra studying I generally have to do.

My parents want to be sure they are smart enough, good looking, are polite, behave well and treat me well, these ones are the main points. Of course, if I want to date someone who use drugs, seems violent, has a lot of tatoos or piercing, talk badly to me or my parents, uses a lot of bad language, etc...I know it'll be a "No! " very quickly. If I behave well, it can help mainly on how often I can date him, when, and how often, I'm allowed to be intimate with him, and such... but not much on the approval. Do you refuse the approval if the man seems good for them, but they behaved badly recently?

I imagine it is humiliating to ask so clearly when one of them want to have sex with her boyfriend, especially as it shows what she's going to do the next time she's alone with her boyfriend... It seems logical that disobeying a "No! ", when they ask it, is punished this way.

How often do you meet them? It is logical that lying is considered as a a severe offense, it is the same for my parents, if I lie, and they caught me, I'm going to be severely punished for it. Did it happen that you suspected they lied, and, after the belting, they still tell the same, and you discover they're telling the truth?

I wonder, are they friends with each other, or does they know each other only a bit?

Yes, I guess it helps to give a more severe punishment without adding too much hits, and limit the risk to injure them. Sure, larger ginger root are probbaly hard to find(even if I imagine feeling it on my $%!@, even if not on other part on my $%!@, would be totally awful... ); have you used it this way?

My holidays were good, yes. I didn't avoid some spankings, not too severe however, but very embarrassing if I got it in front of my boyfriend(I was naked in front of him more than once, of course, but it is different when I am spanked in front of him, even if "only" bare bottom), or in front of my twin's girlfriend.

I won't watch such caning movies, but, when looking at Mood Pictures after Laura's post, I noticed the women's bottoms seems very badly marked, way worse than the worst I got. But it is very different than a punishment "for the own good "of the one receiving it(at least, it is what my parents say; not sure it was "for my own good" for each one I got, even if I think my parents think it is better for me to be punished for what I did... ); and I think these actresses get some painkillers or anaesthetics before the shooting.

Well, long post again; I'll try to answer more often, and so, shorter posts, if I manage to get enough free time to write here more frequently.


Posted in l got spanked today on 2019-07-27 09:24:39


Again, sorry for the lack of news, but I got punished for some time, and, with the heat wave in France in June and presently, I don't spend much time on my computer.

Firstly, I got my grades and I suceed, so no problem during my studies; 2 grades a bit under my parents' limit, but better than the precedent partiels, so the punishment wasn't too severe(but not easy either). As usual, I got 20 with martinet on my bottom and back of thighs, naked, and 30mn cornertime standing, still naked, than had to apologize and promise to have better grades at the next partiels(even if I think they were pretty good... ), and after redressing, my parents told me that I'll be grounded 1 week (including no contact with my boyfriend, no leisure and extra studying, 3 hours each day). Still hard, but better than the precedent one. No going out and no boyfriend during holidays is still very unpleasant. My twin got similar grades so he got the same punishment than me.

I got 2 other punishments, inclduing a very severe one.

The first was for staying too late on the computer, chatting with friends, so I got 30 with the belt, and 2 weeks without computer. Not fun, but bearable, especially as I'm less on the computer during Summer(still annoying to not be able to go on Facebook, however).

The other one was very severe. I went to a party and changed in my friend's house to very sexy clothes: mini-skirt, thong, top showing a large part of my belly, no bra, high heels and more make-up than usual. At the end of the party, I came directly home(my curfew is not too strict in holidays, so it should have been ok, and I expected my parents are asleep), but my father was awake, watching TV and he caught me. I generally change back after the party, even more if I'm not late for my curfew, but my friend have left before with a man she met; I didn't know if she was at her home, in his home or at a hotel, but, anyway, even if she was in her home, I guessed she would not like to stop "what she was doing" for letting me change...

My father was really angry, what I understand, I've abo$%!@ely no cloth following my dress code... I was sent right to bed, and was punished few hours later, during the morning. As I said, it was very severe, with a lot of screams, tears and kicking. Of course, it was done nude, and I get several part for the punishment. I had 30 with the martinet, followed by 12 with the cane on the bottom and thighs(including 2 hits with the cane right above the knee, 1 on the front, 1 on the back, even if I beg him to not do this while I can be in swimsuit...)for the general breaking of the dress code and the mini-skirt, 15 with the martinet on my breasts(for the top and the no bra), 15 on my $%!@(for the thong), and 10 with the belt on the soles of my feet(for the high heels). I then had to kneel 1 hour in the corner and then destroy my thong, my high heels shoes, and the make-up I've used. My skirt and top, even if my parents don't appreciate it, were given to charity, they think it is better than nothing. I'll be allowed to buy such clothes again, as it can be allowed for a date with my boyfriend(except the thong), but it'll be expensive, especially the shoes...

After I apologized, promised to never do it again and get lectured for some more time, I was allowed to dress, but no party anymore until we're in holidays, and forbidden to have any contact with my boyfriend(he was at the party with me)during 2 weeks.We could easily cheat(I'm not grounded again, they think it'll be too much grounding during holidays, and that the other parts of my punishment are hard enough, the spanking and the no contact with my boyfriend parts,especially), but we decided to obey(I was allowed to call him to explain him my offense and my punishment), as they threaten me to force me to break-up with him if we disboey... Not sure they would do it, but as I was forbidden to date anyone during several months not so long ago, I decided to not take the risk, especially as I'm in love!

Very severe punishment, a very painful corporal punishment and a very strict limit with my boyfriend, but I knew it was very risked to break absolutely every part of my dress code at the same party...

-Susan: Welcome! I very rarely had to bend over without bending over a desk or table mainly, but for the times I had to do it(it happened a few times, like if we were walking in a forest(for example)and I had to be punished), it is harder to stay in position, yes. And the severer the spanking, the harder to stay in position. For a caning, it is probably very hard. While bending over a desk/table, it is a bit easier. I sometimes move, but most of the time, I only kick. Very different for punishment on my female parts, I've to stand, legs spread, and it is very painful, so I move much more than during a classical spanking(including caning)on the bottom/thighs bending over something.

If it isn't too personnal, why is it your mother who control Amelia's life, and not you?

Your mother seems to be strict with you and Amelia! Surprising she still punish you so often at your age and you still had to ask permission(very humliating... )! Does Amelia have to ask permission to have sex with someone and $%!@e, too?

Who is Kelvin? Your step-father? Are the five persons living under her roof members of the family or other people too? Same rules and punishments for everyone? Does the friends only come to punish you, Amelia and the other people, or does some come to be caned, voluntarily(a bit like MarkM, Sabreen and Rickie)?

What is the position you hate the most? Diaper position is clearly the hardest, in my opinion, it is painful and more revealing... By the way, how the spanking and caning are done? Clothed bottom, bare bottom, nude, or something else(some people have specific clothes they have to wear when getting spanked)?

50 with the cane? It is a lot! I doubt, no matter what I do, my parents would give me so much during a single day(if I would need a so severe punishment, it would be splitted in several part, 1 or 2 weeks between each session)... Were you not injured after it(especially as you were strapped before, too)? If you're ok, can you tell us why you get this punishment?

-MarkM: Thank you! As you've noticed if you've read the start of my post, I was not very wise recently, so the punishment after doing the partiels wasn't the worst I got recently...

I imagine getting a double punishment for the first time is stressing, for the two people involved on the receiving end; at least, you know a bit Sabreen and have exchanged experiences before, so you would be able to discuss how it went with her after, it should not be too awkward. Not a wise decision from her to e-mail your professionnal lady! But, if she answered, did she give any clue?

I guess it is unlikely she has to punish two people knowing each other, sure.

No restriction from your friend's daughter and her boyfriend? In such situation, I would have been more supervised when dating him during some time, at least(forced break-up would be possible if I disobeyed this way, if not in love and not asked for approval before). On the other hand, as they already been intimate(at least twice), they may allow them to "sleep" together, and they won't have to hide or do it elsewhere; and their parents may put limit to control it a bit, like the ones I have, or by having to ask permission before, as some people here have to do... But, if I understand why they both got caned(both disobeyed), why does he got more punishment than her? They both did the same "offense"(even if making love when in love(are they? )is logical). Her friend was punished less strictly(grounding a week-end was probably not fun for her, but it was not a long grounding). Does your friend's daughter and her boyfriend got caned together, or each privately?

Two friends dating two friends, and the two men both liking to spank their grilfriends, it open some possibilities, sure.

Did the punishment was done privately as horsewhipping is harder, and more unusual? Hearing her friend getting punished too, knowing exactly what she's feeling, was probably intense and make the punishment more memorable for both of them. I thought there have been other sorts of sounds(and screaming for other reasons)after it...

The cane is harder(even more if they never got it before), but I think it was deserved, being drunk is a serious offense! Both did the same, so both punished together, not a bad idea. But why putting a miniskirt before? I imagine the worst for them, except the pain of the caning, is to be spanked by her friend's boyfriend, instead of her boyfriend...

Good revenge for the two women, and for a good reason. I totally understand they're very angry(I would be if my boyfriend goes to a strip club too! ). After the diner, they got surprised, I guess, and not a pleasant one if they expected a night of sex(especially if the women doesn't console their boyfriends after it). Caning too for them; I guess it was not usual for them. Do you know if they reacted as their girlfriends did when they caned them for the drunkness?

I guess when you read it, you got it, and I hope you'll post it soon after. I wonder how she planned to do it, too... Even if, as a woman ,I think it may not be a bad idea to spank women less harder, I think too it would be a bit unfair(even if there is different canes for both sex, and I guess the women's ones hurt less; as far as I know, my twin and me get the one for men, logical for him,but harder for me... )!

I've never been spanked over the arm of the sofa(but we've a table close to it, so... ). Is there a difference with bending over a desk/table?

The position, while kneeling on the sofa, seems to present your bottom for the punishment very well, yes... A bit stressing, I guess, and pretty revealing too. And it seems there is a risk to get it often, if it used for every penalty.

30 with a cane is a severe one too; same question I asked to Susan, you've not been injured by this caning?

"At the mail that is hot" , funny way to write it to avoid spamming bots!

-Laura: No more "spanking game" with your husband, recently?

At what age have you cried from a spanking for the last time? Was it one given by your husband?

I wonder too how Sabreen reacted during the punishment. And, as you, I'm impatient to know how it went for them!

-Spankerman: I agree more or less... Sure, my punishment was deserved due to my behavior, but they may have been a bit more lenient, knowing I reacted this way mainly because i was very stressed by the exams.

As you may have read at the start of my post, it was not perfect, as I was punished, but, mainly, even if not good enough for my parents, it was still pretty good, enough to not be too stressed for the next year of studying.

Even if I don't like being punished for it, I totally understand they're strict about grades and exams. I always thought that I may not be spanked if I get the average, but, I've to admit that trying to get better ones(to avoid punishment, of course, but to have good grades too, as it is pleasant to get a good grade after an hard exam)is a good way to lessen the risk I've one under average if I fail a part of an exam. A spanking works well for it, but I react "well" to this sort of punishment, generally.

Their parents seem to be very strict too, and not hesitating to still spank them. Can you tell why they were spanked(if they told you their offenses), and how they were punished?

Yes, my father use his hand too(logical), the hairbrush, the wooden spoon and the belt. It depends on the severity of the offense, martinet and cane are used for severe punishments.

It happened a few times that I got punished more than 3 times a week, but, in these cases, it includes less severe ones, I don't think I get more than 3 punishments in a week, while getting the martinet or cane for each of these. I think the most I got was 5, which is a lot, even including the less severe ones. I don't remember exactly one specific week, but generally, it includes some sassiness, talking back, lateness or bad grades, as it is offenses I tend to do often... Implements and number of hits varies, depending on what I did on the week and my general behavior; a bit more severe if I'm very "out of bounds" and can't stop misbehaving during the week, however. I probably got at least one with the martinet or cane and a couple ones with the hand or the hairbrush.

Yes, I got 6 times a month during 2 consecutive months. It was very painful, but mainly deserved, as I tend to defy my parents about these rules; I $%!@ed a lot, wearing very sexy clothes, sometimes even "$%!@ty", provocative... I had several boyfriends, without asking for approval and often having sex with them(or even "sleeping" with them)... I remember one time during these 2 months, I dated the son of friends of my parents, and when our family had a meeting, I acted deliberately in a very provocative way, a lot of kissing, caressing with him, knowing my parents won't punish me in front of their friends, and they won't end the meeting sooner than planned. I was right, but the punishment at home was severe(especially as they didn't knew I dated him before and I took care to implies in some sentences I had sex with him). However, I finished by understanding I don't win against them by defying their rules, and I'll only get a lot of pain of my most sensitive parts, so I calmed and respected more these rules, and never tried to defy them again about it. And I've to admit I'm not proud at all when I think about how I acted and what people may have thought of me...

I never had to "help" for my punishment by presenting these for breast punishment, I imagine it is very hard for them to comply, presenting their breasts this way while knowing they'll feel pain on these...What other positions do you use?

I know diaper position, I sometimes get punished this way, but, strangely, my father never used this position for $%!@ whipping, even if I think it is the "best" position for this sort of punishment(and the more humiliating position for punishment, on the bottom or the $%!@)... Maybe because I don't fight much when I've to be punished here, if I resist too much, it may be different, but I don't want to try it to know if I'm right! Humiliation is often a part of a punishment, and especially when the punishment is done on these places of the body.

I agree, marks can be effective reminder, and can force me to obey; marks low on my thighs are very useful to be sure I won't try to wear mini-skirt/mini-dress as long as these haven't disappeared, I don't want to show it, and, more generally, I hate having marks, even on covered parts of my body.

I think it is still harder to ask for getting punished, even more if they know how you'll punish them(I guess you explained to them before accepting to punish them), than getting punished while being used to be punished. Do you think they expect to find a husband using the same discipline for them?

I think expecting good grades and behavior, etc... is classical. And I agree it is difficult for a young woman to never do a single offense, never get a bad grade, etc... , sure.

Yes, even if I feel it very hard compared to my punishments, if this extra studying and punishments for lateness is what they're used to get, it is understandable you use it too(but I still think it is very hard).

Very similar rules than me; are you strict during the approval meeting, with a lot of questions, even intimate ones? Or more a general talk, not too stressing? I prefer having limits set about how often I can have sex with my boyfriend than having to ask for it, I imagine it is very humiliating for them! How did they ask you? Something like "May I be initmate with my boyfriend", or something similar? In private or in front of their boyfriend too? Having limits is effective too to prevent me to have sex with him too often(my parents and me have very different opinions on what is "too often"... ), and they can adapt it to my results in studies or my behavior.

Logical they're not allowed to orgasm if edging is a punishment(and very frustrating, I'm sure; I guess they really hate this punishment, am I right?); but if not a punishment?

It seems logical that maintenance spankings are less hard than punishment ones, as the purpose is to get it to avoid punishment ones; even if I hate it(I got it a few times): knowing that, even if I behave perfectly, have only good grades during the week, I'll get spanked, and I can't do anything to avoid it, is very hard... At what frequency do you spank them for maintenance?

I guess lieing by not writing their misbehaviors in their diaries can lead to very severe punishment. My parents don't accept I lie to them too(logical! ), and, if they discover it(it is often the case), it is very severely punished; especially if I lie to not follow a rule or hide an offense.

I never got ginger or soap sticks, but I've read a bit about it and it seems very awful. If soap sticks seems to be used only in anus, do you use the ginger to punish their pussies too or only their anus? Do you often punish them this way?

Another long one! My parents, my twin, his girlfriend, my boyfriend and me are going to holidays in 2 weeks; I'm not sure I'll be able to answer here before we go, but I'll try. During holidays too, but it is very unlikely I can use a computer alone long enough to write here.


Posted in l got spanked today on 2019-06-17 02:47:27


Sorry for the lack of news, but I had very strict rules for the partiels... I was supervised when using the computer, to be sure I don't spend time chatting with friends or boyfriend instead of studying, I was way less allowed to spend time with him(only the week-end and 1 day during the week, both case after homework is done), no more than 30 minutes on the phone with him and had to come home right after university. And during the partiels week, no contact with friends, no meeting with my boyfriend, 20 minutes max on the phone with him and a lot of studying.

I was a bit stressed due to the partiels, so, right after my last exam, Saturday at midday, when at home, I was disrespectful to my parents(talking back, slamming my door... ), so I got punished during the week-end: a severe spanking with the martinet(30, for my behavior and a few offenses during the week; as usual, not punished during the partiels week, but punished for the offenses done during it right after the partiels have ended)and grounded during all the week-end, which meant no leisure(and I would have appreciated some fun activities after so much studying recently), and no contact with my boyfriend(and I needed him after 1 week with no meeting and very limited time on the phone)... But I took care to obey, even if it was very hard to be grounded so severely right after the partiels, and my punishment is over, so I should be allowed more leisure and to spend time with my friends and my boyfriend. Still a bit marked by the martinet, but it's ok.

However, I think I've managed my partiels well and I expect to get good grades, except maybe in one subject, not sure it was totally correct; but I should not have any grades under average. My twin think his partiels are good too. If the grades are good enough, and our behavior too, it'll be a bit more fun about hoiidays and relationship; both are in a relationship with our partner since more than a year(with no break-up during it), so my boyfriend and my twin's girlfriend may be allowed to spend more time on holidays with us(the precedent year, it was only 1 week with us for my boyfriend, and my twin's girlfriend wasn't allowed to come).

-Rickie: 6 months, it is a long time. Is it classical or longer than usual, between two meetings with your professional lady?

Have you any input about how much hits you'll get for an offense or does she tell you, and you'll have to accept it?

She never spanked you with the slipper before? it seems it was a hard punishment, especially the caning, 22 hits in total with two different canes!

You were brave to not cry, I would probably be sobbing a lot after such hard punishment!

But good you feel better now, even if your bottom seems to have been painful a few days(logical after a caning).

-SpankerMan: I studied a lot, yes, a bit too as my parents put very strict limits for me... I think it was a bit too strict, but, at least, I've studied a lot more than I planned, and I think I'll get good grades.

It seems to be way more used in Eastern Europe, yes! In France, it is, for now, still not forbidden(unusual, many other countries forbid it), but it is often discussed so I guess it'll be forbidden in France too sooner ou later. I'm not sure it is that common in France, except maybe a couple spanks; severe spankings, sometimes with implements, as I get, is probably more uncommon. I'm not surprised it is still used in Finland; I'm pretty sure my parents would still use it if it was forbidden in France(but they probably would have took care to not leave marks which can be seeen when changing for sports or under shower in this case), as they think it is a good way to raise daughters and sons(and probably mainly because they were raised that way too).

My parents do the same, the implements they choose for my punishment depends on the offense; a repeated offense can be punished with a more severe implement, too.

Like you do, they can decide to use a more severe one depending on how big the offense is; for example, for being late/breaking curfew, the cane is used only if I'm more than 30 minutes late.

Yes, I've to agree it helps to avoid to do the same offense soon, or to do my best to not get another bad grade. Even if it becomes less effective some times after the spanking, which can easily get me spanked again for it(but I try especially to avoid to do the same offense too soon, as it could be considered as a repeated offense, and be punished more severely). It is an effective deterrent, but not for long, I think(but I'm a bit rebellious). Depending on behavior and grades, I get punished is 1 to 3 times a week; I rarely get a week without at least bad grades, or being sassy, or be late, etc... And it is rare too I get spanked more than 3 times a week.

I get the martinet pretty often, I think it is probably 1/4 to 1/3 of my punishments; mainly for severe or repeated offense, as it is one of the most severe implements(even if the cane is way worse).

For $%!@(and breasts)whippings, it is 1 to 2 times a month, but it can be more often if I'm single, not in a relationship long enough to be allowed to have sex,or if I can't meet my boyfriend often(I need to "relieve my needs", even if not allowed for me, and tend to flirt a bit more, especillay if single). It tends to be more often during holidays too, as I've more opportunity to break one of the rules which is punished this way. The number of hits depends on the offense and if I've done another "sexual offense" recently, but it is generally 15-20; it can be 30 if more severe(and, much more rarely, less if they understand why I misbehaved). It is difficult to describe it exactly, but it is clear my father hits me on my feminine parts less strongly than on the bottom and thighs(but it still hurts a lot more), he probably know hitting me here too strongly can be dangerous and way too much painful.

The martinet needs a few days to heal completely(no marks anymore), and the pain doesn't last more than a couple days, generally; for a caning, it can easily need 10 days to 2 weeks to heal completely, and the pain lasts several days. It is more or less similar on my intimate parts(I guess I would be marked here longer if used with the same strength, however).

Generally, when I get such punishment, I'll have to be standing up, legs spread, hands on my head. I'm often allowed to move after a hit, but should take the position again quickly. This position(and, of course, it is done totally naked)is very humiliating, even if I don't care much about how revealing it is when the punishment starts.

Duration varies, but, even if I don't care much about it, I think it can be done in 10-15 minutes. Of course, "light" spankings(like the hand or hairbrush over the knee)are done quicker, "only" a few minutes of spanking. At home, it if often done quickly after the offense, I've often to wait a few minutes if my father is angry, as he doesn't like to punish when angry, so he generally takes a few minutes to calm down, if necessary. Outside, it depends; with family or close friends who know about my spankings, it can be done immediately(and often in private, but not always); if with someone who doesn't know about my punishments, I'll get it when back at home. I was spanked a few times in semi-public places(in the car, in a hotel room...), but always in private, on these case, when and where I can't be seen being punished. At home, I'm punished in my bedroom, the living room or the kitchen(rarer); only my father spanks, if my mother punish me, it is generally sent to my room, grounded, put in the corner, or, more rarely, writing lines, and she'll talk with my father when he'll be available to decide if he should spank me in addition to this punishment.

Yes, it seems it works well for couples, even if I guess the punishment have to be strict too. So, possible to make love rigth after it? I often tend to think a kiss or some hugs is ok, but not more, to not "lessen" the effect of the punishment(by consoling this way the one who got punished), so no lovemaking during at least several hours after the spanking. It's probably something I'll consider, anyway. Yes, he knows I'm punished, I often tell a boyfriend/girlfriend I'm punished before we had sex for the first time(or before he/she see me naked or in underwear/swimsuit; better than having to explain if he/she see marks of a punishment... ). He doesn't like it, but know he should not have an argument with my parents about it, and not disagree with them if they decide I've to be punished(even if he sometimes tries to help me, like saying it is his fault if I'm late, for example).

The students you're punishing are brave to ask you to punish them by their own choice, even if I guess they knew it helps them to get better grades. A bit more understandable if they're used to be punished at home(and can still get punished when they visit their parents), however. Good it helps them to behave and study better. I've stricter rules during partiels, too. By regular punishments, do you mean they often still do some offenses too, or do you use "maintenance spankings"?

Having to come home right after university is often the case for me too(and I don't like it, I like to spend time with my friends or my boyfriend after university, before coming home); however 5 hours studying is a lot! I still think it is way too much when I'm punished and I get 2 hours of extra stuyding... Yes, I've a dress code, a bit similar: no pants too, no thongs, no miniskirt or minidress, and limited use of high heels(allowed only for party sometimes and dating my boyfriend), top with some cleavage or showing a bit my belly(only at home, alone or with my boyfriend)and make up(not allowed for going at university); more generally, having to be feminine but not sexy, except a bit with my boyfriend. The rules for lateness are hard too, much more than mine, as the punishment they get is very sesvere even for being 1 minute late!

Yes, the rules about having sex are very similar to mine. Except it is a limited number of times each week, but no need to ask for permission every time. How long do they have to date the same boyfriend before being allowed to have sex with him? Are their boyfriend allowed to spend the night with them, too? They're a bit more free for $%!@ion, even if being allowed to $%!@e but forbidden to orgasm is probably very hard(not sure I would $%!@e if I've to stop before reaching orgasm, even if pleasant to caress me, not being allowed to achieve it and get an orgasm would be very frustrating)! But at least, it seems they're allowed to get a few orgasms during the week. Edging seems very awful(and yes, very frustrating); are they allowed to orgasm after several edging or not? Is it used as a punishment?

Are they punished even if they've not done anything wrong? If yes, how are they punished(I guess it is less severe)? Did they try to hide something while writing their diary and misbehaviors and be caught, sometimes?

I never measured it, and have no access to it, so not sure. It seems to be similar to the one you use, maybe a bit longer; I don't know where my parents order these and I'm shy to discuss about it with them(and I'm not sure they would appreciate I ask it).

I think similar too; my parents have decided that corporal punishments is a good and effective way to raise me and my brother, and, until we move out, we must accept it, even if not liking it.

-MarkM: No, my parents never used the cane as an investigating tool, even if they sometimes tries to make me think they know what I've done even if not the case. They're good at it, and I got more than one punishment because I told the truth about an offense I did to my parents, while they didn't know anything... I guess using the cane this way could be very effective too!

Yes, 11 hits is not easy to get, very painful. But right, I knew what happens if I break my curfew...

I imagine how it felt if your belt is thinner, not surprising it hurts more. I agree, even if not the worst implement, the hairbrush can be used for a pretty severe spanking; the wooden spoon is not a pleasant one too, and, even if rarely used, I fear it. I don't know this TV show, not sure it is available in France.

Yes, you're meeting was planned a long time before! Do you think you'll be punished together with Sabreen? Does your professional lady does it often or is it very rare? Do you know how it'll be, compared to a classical one?

Does your lists overlap well? It is surprising she asked for it if it is unusual, do you think it'll impact your punishment?

So you've mixed feelings about anticipation. I'm a bit like you, I prefer to know what I'm going to get... If not, I tend to worry a lot and get more and more afraid while waiting for my punishment. And I agree, it always seems worse than expected when getting it!

I guess she was very surprised when told she's going to get it on the front, and very afraid. It is a very hard punishment, and it seems she obeyed more her parents after it. I think too using it for the most serious offenses is not a bad idea, even if my parents' decision(using it to punish sexual offenses)is logical, but it means I can get it more often than if it was used for most serious offenses...

Original to be caught due to the WiFi! It is something we can easily forget, sure. However, if she tend to flirt too much, they should have guessed she won't obey the rules of not spending the night with him. When she was caught, due to her phonne, was her father angry or ok with it and finding out this way funny? Did she get punished for disobeying and lying(if yes, it was a classical spanking, it seeems)?

-Jamesd2003: Welcome! Not fun at all to be spanked in front of them, especially bare bottom. The part about warning you to not get erect was probably very humiliating... Good you managed avoiding it, getting erect during the spanking would have been even more humiliating and the cane is painful...

Well, not much activity here, I hope it'll become more active during summer! And sorry to not have given any news for so long. Now, the exams are done, I should be more available to answer(if not punished)!


Posted in l got spanked today on 2019-04-27 00:39:38


I'm in holidays presently, and, even if I have started to review the lessons for the next partiels(as many of my friends do too, starting to do it during the holidays seems common), I take care to spend a lot of time with my boyfriend too, especially as my parents have decided I'll be restricted about spending time with him after the holidays until the end of my partiels. Probably only allowed to meet him on week-end and only one day during the week and limited time on the phone with him... And no meeting, and only 15-30 mn on the phone with him during the partiels. I protested, but they told me that if I had better grades on my precedent partiels, it would have been different and added they can't trust me anymore to study instead of spending time with him when I've importants exams. It was pretty clear I should not expect them to change their mind about it...

-SpankerMan: I agree that I should take care of studying, but I think the upcoming restrictions with my boyfriend is too much. I've understood my mistakes on my precedent partiels and am decided to do my best to get good grades on the next ones anyway...

You're right, what you call a whip seems to be the classsical martinet, an implement very typical of France. Probbaly one of the reason my parents use it a lot. You seems to use several sorts of implements too; I guess wich one you use depends of the severity of the punishment, right?

Is it common in eastern Europe to use corporal punishment, or not much more than in France? And in Finland?

I've to admit that corporal punishment make me behave, even if it may not last long, depending on the offense. But I generally take care to not do the same offense too soon, even more as a repeat offense is generally punished more severely. My parents use it for behavior and studying, yes(bad grades, laziness, bad study habits, etc... ).

You've the same opinion than my parents, as long as I live in their home, I've to follow their rules or be punished. A bit like "their house, their rules"(and the punishments they choose if I break these).

Not sure about being punished by a boyfriend/husband. I don't want to be punished by him when I started to not be punished anymore by my parents, but, on the other hand, I've read sometimes than, when a couple use discipline in their relationship(and often the man who punish the woman), they tend to have less arguments and be more happy. And, even for punishing ones(not erotic ones), I guess spanking and the feelings I would feel would be different when done by a boyfriend. So I'll have to think about it, and discuss with my boyfriend about it too, but it is not needed right now. I think my parents woud like it, however, to know I'm still punished when misbehaving; not sure I'll feel the same.

So, the two students you punish have decided themselves to ask for a strict discipline, not an idea of their parents? Is it useful for them?

Can you tell more what are the rules they had to follow, what do you control and what are the punishments they may get? Have they have to accept these rules/control/punishments when they asked you about discipline, or did you decide it together?

The minimum number of hits with the cane, since I turned 20, is 10, it increases by 2 hits each year since I turned 18. So next year, when I'll turn 21, it would be 12... I generally get it, sometimes a bit more(for exemple, if I get more than 30mn late on curfew, I get the cane, and 1 more hits for each 5 minutes after 30mn I'm late... So, if I'm 40mn late, I get 12 hits).

With the martinet, it depends greatly of the offense, but it is often 20-30.

Yes, I get it on other parts on the body, especially my vulva and my breasts(if I get punished on one of these parts, I get punished on the other one too). It is really awful(very painful and humiliating)and I fear it a lot. I get punished, rarely, on my hands(on the palms)and feet(on the soles)too, but it is more ruler or belt than martinet here.

For hand spanking or hairbrush, I'm sometimes punished over the knee; for harder implements, it is bending over desk/table, laying down, or diaper position(the one I hate the most, more painful and more revealing).

It seems some of the offenses punished by spanking on the feminine parts are the same. I get it for $%!@ing(forbidden; is it forbidden for them too or can they ask for permission? ), having sex when not allowed(I've to date the same boyfriend/girlfriend long enough before it is allowed and I must have done my homework and chores before having sex)or too often(I'm limited on how much times I can do it during a week), if I date someone my parents haven't approved(get a "No" or not asking them)or someone they forbid me to date, flirting too much and breaking my dress code too often(easy to avoid by obeying it more if I'm close to get this punishment, however, only be punsihed this way one time for it).

How do you decide if they're allowed to have sex? Dating long enough, have good grades and behave well or something else? Is it limited as it is for me? And do you control who they date(like my parents, with the approval)? I'm curious about it, as I've some troubles to accept the rules relating to my relationships and my sexuality(including my way to seduce potentiel partner, like my dress code)...

-Rickie: I guess you had the meeting with your professional lady when you read it; how does it went?

Thank you, but, to be honest, I could have been more wiser and avoid it; especially the martinet, as I've been warned(and punished)for the same offense a few days before.

I hope I be a bit more free... With better grades and good behavior, I may be less restricted about intimacy with my boyfriend and curfew, but still have rules about it. I don't have much hope about less strict dress code, however.

-Anna1201: Welcome! Even at 19, curfew is not unusual when still living in parents' house, especially in strict families. Have you other rules on your dress code, or only about skirt length?

Breaking both rules is an easy way to be in a lot of troubles, if caught; sorry you got punished, however. It is easy to break these rules when going to a party(I guess you were at a party the Saturday evening you break theses rules)... The punishment was pretty severe, even if a handspanking is far from the worst, 30 mn spanked like this and 20 on the back of your thighs was hard. And shaming to be bare bottom in front of your aunt and spanked by her too!

-MarkM: Thank you for sympathizing with the french people about it.

Yes, I got caned for it; even if not the first time, it is an offense I often do... I got 11 hits(45mn late); it was before my birthday, so the minimum hits was still 8. Good luck if you get caned, it is not pleasant at all, as we both know very well.

It is logical there is a limit on how many implements you can exclude and not many can be avoided. Even if excluding 3 implements, there is still a lot of possibilities for her.

Your belt hurts more than the one she tend to use? I hate being spanked by my personnal things, like my hairbrush, as I often think about my spanking when using it after... Not fun to remember the last time I was spanked with it when brushing my hair before meeting my boyfriend, for example. And, even if I don't know exactly why I felt like this, I feel a bit more humiliated to be spanked with my own hairbrush(or belt, etc... ).

Ok, no problem; don't hesitate to tell more about it when you're ok with it, however.

Does she often ask you to write such lists or is it unusual? If it is not the case often, do you know why she wanted it this time? It seems she wanted to be sure you don't conceal anything to her, about saying she knows some(but not telling which ones)and to wipe the state clean...

Yes, you must take care no one hear when you discuss it with Sabreen! Do you know mostly the offenses Sabreen has done, when looking at her list or did you discover some of these? Why do you check if it overlap well? Did you decided together to both hide some offenses, and don't want your professional lady to notice your lists don't match? And why listing how often you discussed about it?

I think if Sabreen have never been caned by your professional lady, as it can't be excluded, she would probably get it soon; and I won't be surprised if she already have been, even if not knowing why she would want to conceal it to you, as you got it too...

I understand better how she feel, even if I don't feel the same... Not anything pleasant for me when I know I'm going to be punished! However, better for her if she can enjoy it a bit, even if I guess the punishment is hard for her anyway. Do you like the anticipation too, or is it something you don't enjoy?

I don't know if it is the case for Anna1201, but, in my case, reapeted offenses is more severely punished, and I think it is pretty classical.

The punishment of your friend's daughter was hard, but I've to say she was all but wise to sneak out and spend the night with a man right after she was warned! It is never a good idea to disobey after having been warned, even if I sometimes do it too...

Was it the first time(and maybe only)she was spanked "between her legs"? And did she know it could happen? If it was the first time and she didn't know it can be a punishment, she was probably very surprised. I remember the first time I got it, it was a shock to me to be spanked here(and on my breasts), and very awful, the pain was way worse than a traditionnal spanking on the bottom and thighs, and worse than I expected when I was told I'll get it.

-Sarahjane98: Welcome! Similar rules than Anna1201, curfew and skirt length! Is your dress code includes other limits or only the length of your skirt?

Slipper is not pleasant, but 2 canings a year is not a lot, you're lucky to not get it more often(or take care to follow your rules well enough).

Being punished by your mother's friend bare bottom at 21 is probably very humiliating(can you tell us why you got punished?), and very awkward when you met her at work! It can be a bit strange for some times when you meet her there; I hope she hasn't mentionned your punishment, even privately.

Back to studies and spending time with my boyfriend now!
