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User: You're wrong



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Posted in Why girls win? on 2006-07-18 22:34:23

Femnist extremist. Women this women that....shut the $%!@ up!

How about the Jewish Holocaust, or Slavery in America during the 19th and 18th centuries.

Stop acting like the damn victim and suck it up. Men and women have their troubles. Men are sent to war and die. In World War II of 21 million men were slaughtered fighting for you women and your children. Stop complaining and move on.

You have gained rights, you have gained power.

Look at you, you hypocrit....now you want women to dominate? Putting oppression on men? You truly feel that is going to happen don't you? Well it won't, not as long as idiots like you are around to bring women down. Females like you don't understand that the best way for humanity to exist is cohesively and you go around with your extremist views trying to prove something. Well let me tell you....you aren't proving $%!@, other than the fact that you are a stupid and ignorant piece of trash.

That is all...

Posted in Why girls win? on 2006-07-18 22:27:42

Mixed wrestler is child molester.

Posted in Why girls win? on 2006-07-18 22:25:53

Women are currently on a power high, thinking just because they have gained a little bit of power in the world they can do anything, totally disregarding the powers of reality and science. I find it amusing.

Posted in Why girls win? on 2006-07-18 22:24:05

I pity you... Pathetic.

Posted in Why girls win? on 2006-07-18 22:23:06

Shut up