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Why girls win?

A reflection for men!!!

Posted by Tulio on 2006-02-03 01:21:02

The text is really very long, but I think it is much worth reading!

It seems that the vast majority of men who vote these polls are submissive and the vast majority of women here are dominant. Does it mean that the results of mixed wrestling misterpoll surveys are false and they express the men's and women's sex fetishes? I think maybe some votings are false because of this but if most votings are false, then it would sound like a conspiracy, but a conspiracy isn't done by separate people, but by people thinking together. But if those results are close to the truth, are there evidences that women can beat men in most cases? I think these evidences exist.

My opinion:

Women are really much more resistant to pain than men, and I think it is because they suffered much more than men through the Humanity's History. Women can deal with pain and failure much better than men. We can learn good things with success and glory, but unfortunately we normally learn TOO MUCH MORE with pain and humiliation. Women were opressed and humiliated by men through the History and the more you opress the weak, the stronger they get if they resist (this is what happens when carbon turns into diamond). I think women were carbon, now they are diamond. On the other hand, men tasted many glories in the History. The results: men become arrogant, and arrogancy leads us to underestimate those who seem to be weak and make us fear to be defeated (for arrogancy doesn't admit defeat). Nowadays men are far weaker physically than they were in the past because many tasks that require strengh were substituted by machines, and men continue thinking they are strong and women are much weaker. Two thing that I think that can make the physical strengh decrease are $%!@ion and alcohol. My guess is that men $%!@e too much more than women and drink much more than females and it is not difficult to realize. Men are supposed to show they really are attracted by women and, since they must show they are strong, having in reality got many inside weaknesses, they get drunk to do things they wouldn't get to do if they were sober. Well, this all makes me think that women are now too much stronger inside than men and this must be why women must really be beating men most of the times when they discover they are very strong. Men should reflect about their bad acts. They should stop opressing women and regard them very much. They shoud see the pearl that women are inside and cry and repent for all sins they commited against women. Otherwise, I think that soon the women's domination age is coming and they will hit men back in a double portion.

Posted by You're wrong on 2006-07-18 22:34:23

Femnist extremist. Women this women that....shut the $%!@ up!

How about the Jewish Holocaust, or Slavery in America during the 19th and 18th centuries.

Stop acting like the damn victim and suck it up. Men and women have their troubles. Men are sent to war and die. In World War II of 21 million men were slaughtered fighting for you women and your children. Stop complaining and move on.

You have gained rights, you have gained power.

Look at you, you hypocrit....now you want women to dominate? Putting oppression on men? You truly feel that is going to happen don't you? Well it won't, not as long as idiots like you are around to bring women down. Females like you don't understand that the best way for humanity to exist is cohesively and you go around with your extremist views trying to prove something. Well let me tell you....you aren't proving $%!@, other than the fact that you are a stupid and ignorant piece of trash.

That is all...

Posted by Agent D. on 2006-07-25 03:22:59

Women can handle pain better than men, true. So inflict more pain to negate that advantage. Men are stronger than women, in most cases. I'm pretty sure none of the girls posting here can lift 300lbs and walk normally. Granted, I'm a beast, but still.

Posted by Corn Man on 2006-08-12 00:00:46

Try to keep in mind: every bit of power that women have today, was GIVEN to them. They TOOK none of it.

Remember that.

It is our sheer advantage over you, in size and physical strength, that is the basis of our power over you, for good or worse. That's why out of all the cultures that have existed on this planet, none have been governed by the weaker sex.

YOu ever try to pry an object out of your boyfriend's grip? You can't do it, right? He's stornger than you! He, on the other hand, can quite easily pry your soft little hand open, and take it from you. So it is with POWER.

So it's a joke to talk about a "women's domiation age." We just wouldn't let it happen. We won't let you. To dominate someone, you need to be stornger than them. And that you are NOT. You are soft, pliant, delicate--not made for raw displays of power. And we love you for it, you beuatiful things. But you can't touch the power, ladies. Sorry. That's for men only.

Posted by Tulio on 2006-08-15 05:05:18

First I wanna tell you all that I am a man, and not a woman. I have to admit I was a little hallucinated when I wrote those words. I exaggerated in some points. Probably, all the message is a big hallucination. However I see no point for people to call me names, but I forgive the one who did it.