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b3ta users. 2003-06-10
do you use mac or pc primarily?
Best (and Worst) Version of Windows 2003-07-24
There are numerous versions of Windows, each one has more features than the last. What I want to...
Are USB Keys for Real? 2003-08-13
We want to know how many people are really using a USB key to store, secure, transport data.
WYSIWYG acronyms 2004-02-16
Think WYSIWYG, and think "What you see is what you get," right? Wrong!! On this site,...
Computer Literacy 2004-02-17
This is a simple poll to see the average computer literacy of the students of this class.
Computer hardware, OS favorites 2004-03-01
I know qbasic VBScript, VB.net, and c#, i've been building computers for years, and I've made goo...
How many computers do you have? 2004-08-16
I want to know how many computers you have
Worst Tech Support 2004-09-12
Which company provides the WORST technical support?
Computer Makes 2004-09-17
This is to see what the most faviote PC make is.
What is the best compression format? 2004-10-12
What do you think is the best compression format for general files?
Compu-Poll 2005-03-23
This is my first poll so please vote. If I get a lot of voters, i plan to do a Compu-Poll 2, 3 etc.
Computer or Playstation2? 2005-04-19
Which is better, a computer or playstation 2 FOR GAMING ONLY. Thanks
Which Operating System do you use? 2005-05-19
Which operating system do you use on your computer?
Who Am I? 2005-12-06
This survey relates to the topic "Who Am I?" It contains questions about my movie and ...
Internet Regulation 2006-05-15
This poll is simply to see how the public feels about the government regulating internet use.
Electronics Store Business Names 2006-07-28
A poll of how you feel about Retail Electronic Store Names.
Desktop Linux Poll 2006-09-25
This poll is designed to help gather information about current users of desktop Linux distributions.
Computers 2007-07-03
This is a poll to help me out in a project I am currently working on. Please participate, and ans...
Last time you used a floppy disk 2007-10-02
When was the last time you used a floppy disk?
My Computer 2007-10-26
What's up with YOUR computer?
Which Logs Do You Collect? 2007-10-26
This poll is about computer and network log collection for analysis and other purposes
Why did you get an Ipod? 2008-03-31
Why did you get an Ipod?
How should I suicide? 2008-10-09
How should I suicide?
which web developing technology would you trust to lay down your time and energy 2008-12-07
I am seeking the opinion of people that know about the specific object.
Windows vs Mac 2008-12-28
Windows vs Mac