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Ninja Poll 136: Pogo.com 2008-06-19
Ninja Poll 136: Pogo.com
Ninja Poll 135: Txt Language 2008-06-19
Ninja Poll 135: Txt Language
Ninja Poll 134: Do you always tell the truth in polls? 2008-06-19
Ninja Poll 134: Do you always tell the truth in polls?
Ninja Poll 131: Editors Choice 2008-06-19
Ninja Poll 131: Editors Choice
How many seconds is too long for a web page to load? 2008-06-16
How many seconds is too long for a web page to load? What is the longest time you are willing ...
Moblie me too expensive? 2008-06-16
Moblie me too expensive?
THE LONGEST POLL EVER!!!!!! 2008-06-13
German Fernandez Inter of the Week Award 2008-06-13 (closed)
The GFIWA (German Fernandez Intern of the Week Award) has been in existence since June 10, 2008. ...
ICARLY 2008-06-13 (closed)
Myspace: Good or Bad 2008-06-07 (closed)
The pros and cons of myspace.com
Who is the hottest guy on myspace high school forums? 2008-06-07
Who is the hottest guy on myspace high school forums?
Ninja Poll 129: Misterpoll Uncensored 2008-06-04
$*£@ me!
The Better Email 2008-06-02
made this poll for fun....i get bored easily.....
Who is the best Registrar? 2008-06-02 (closed)
Who is the best Registrar?
Avatar Size 2008-06-02
Avatar Size
Ninja Poll 126: Subscribers 2008-06-02
Subsribing to Pollsters has been an idea on Misterpoll for a while now, and I'm just curious of w...
Content-Free Friday #215: Instant Messaging 2008-05-24
Answers to fill-in-the-blank questions posted at <a href="http://www.touchytranny.com/200...
Ninja Poll 121: Your Blogs 2008-05-24
Ninja Poll 121: Your Blogs
Who is More Popular On Isketch? 2008-05-24 (closed)
Who is More Popular On Isketch?
Ninja Poll 120: What poll should I do? 2008-05-22
This poll asks you, the people, what I should do for my poll Ninja Poll 133. What should I do?
Ninja Poll 112: Why do you make polls? 2008-05-22
Why does one come onto Misterpoll and make such polls? Is it just Curiosity, or is it something m...
Ninja Poll 110: What is the deal with your username? 2008-05-22
You username is something you need to be happy with. So why on earth did you pick THAT one?
Ninja Poll 109: Online Gambling 2008-05-22
This poll is about Gambling online. Enjoy.
Poll to Study the Effects of Layout-Cohesive Advertising on the User 2008-05-22
In this poll (which will be part of a larger article hopefully to be published in the webdesigner...
Webkinz 2008-05-22