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Do you agree with the compromise President Obama reached with Senate Republicans 2010-12-10 (closed)
President Obama and Senate Republicans reached an agreement to extend tax-cuts to all Americans, ...
Sexism in America 2010-12-01 (closed)
Just want to see how many people believe that there is sexism in America.
Best President of the Republic of Maldives 2010-12-01 (closed)
Best President of the Republic of Maldives
obama 1 2010-12-01
This poll asks about your voting in the last presidential election and what you think about Obama...
Should we get rid of marriage? 2010-11-28 (closed)
Currently, same-sex marriage is a highly controversial issue which many continue to debate. One o...
The 28th Amendment 2010-11-19 (closed)
Vote on your outlook for the success of the Peace Movement.
Christian boarding school funding 2010-11-18 (closed)
I go to a private Christian boarding school. The tuition for one year is $14,900. I am barely aff...
Who will you elect for president in 2012 2010-11-12
Who would you elect for president in 2012
Will Unemployment Benefit Extensions be passed the week of November 15 2010-11-12 (closed)
Will Unemployment Benefit Extensions be passed the week of November 15
More Sarah Palin 2010-11-11 (closed)
This poll is to find out what's up with the Sarah Palin
Is the Obama Administration causing the ultimate collapse of the United States? 2010-11-08
Is the Obama Administration causing the ultimate collapse of the United States?
Should the US have a free health care system like the NHS in England? 2010-11-07 (closed)
Should the US have a free health care system like the NHS in England?
President 2012 2010-11-07 (closed)
Who would you support for president among these choices in 2012?
Should the Republicans run Palin as the Republican nominee for President? 2010-11-07 (closed)
This poll is to find out what people think of Sarah Palin as an actual candidate for President of...
Election 2010 2010-11-07 (closed)
Election 2010
ELECTION 2010 2010-11-07 (closed)
Election Issues for Midterm 2010
Christine O'Donnell Poll 2010-11-07 (closed)
This is a poll to find out your opinion on the issues that Christine O'Donnell is either for or a...
Politics 2010 2010-11-07 (closed)
The political climate is like never before. Where do you stand?
Jarret Period 5 Statistics 2010-11-07
Jarret Period 5 Statistics
Patriot Act 2010-11-07
Since its passage following the September 11, 2001 attacks, the Patriot Act has played a key part...
Palin/O'Donnell 2012 2010-11-07 (closed)
What about a Palin/O'Donnell 2012 ticket for President?
Matt Williams 5 polls for statistics pd 5 2010-11-01
Matt Williams 5 polls for statistics pd 5
Abortion 2010-10-16
Possible Presidential Candidates for the 2011 Elections 2010-10-15 (closed)
The following Nigerians have either spoken of their intention to contest for the office of Presid...
Conservative, Liberal, or Neutral? 2010-10-15 (closed)
This is a poll for Mrs. Hitchcock's 2nd period US/VA Class. Miguel Soriano, Charlie Keith, Gio Ar...