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UK Girl's Corporal Punishment

I am finding these polls fascinating.

Posted by AmyBee on 2010-07-22 14:58:05

Hi Dave

I don't think it is fair having the cane at my age. I am 20 and at work.

My friends don't have the cane as far as I am aware but one gets the slipper.

Mum had reminded me about the caning due tomorrow night.

She has said I must have a shower when I get in from work and take my make up off.

She wants my bottom to be nice and clean.


Posted by Rickie4 on 2010-07-24 12:53:44


Did you get your caning?

Did you have to touch your toes or bend over a chair or table?

There would still appear to be plenty of young females like you who receive the slipper or cane which surprises me


Posted by AmyBee on 2010-07-28 14:51:24

Hi Rickie

I had all 3 canings 18 strokes in total. Mum did a cross stroke with each caning. I can still feel my punishment.

I had to bend over the desk and Mum took my knickers down.

I think there are a lot of girls / young ladies getting corporal punishment but I have some doubts when they say they get 25+ plus strokes in one go.

Looking at this polls I think more girls get caned than boys.


Posted by danielle weston on 2010-08-01 21:13:20

Hi Amy I agree with you that there are a lot of young ladies still receiving corporal punishment and i would say there would be very few ladies who could physically tolerate 25 strokes. Certainly whenever i was on the receiving end of 6 strokes with knickers down it was enough for me to concentrate my mind on not wanting it repeated anytime soon.


Posted by danielle weston on 2010-08-02 21:24:39

Hi Bytham I do still get the cane occassionaly following a warm up spanking.
