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Sleeping Naked


Posted by secretskyguy on 2010-06-26 00:16:18

Jedi Lucas. Sounds like your friends family is pretty comfortable with nudity. Does he have any sisters and how old are they, and what did they think about seeing you, their brothers, and their dad naked.

So how did showering with your dad happen, were you showering first and he decided to joing you or what? Was it wierd since you were both naked, and was it the first time you saw your dad naked?

Posted by Jedi Lucas on 2010-06-26 02:05:01

Secretskyguy. Hey. Ya they are all ok with us being nakers. Nope he aiont got no sisters, juz brothers.

Showering with my dad was same day I asked him about Calebs dads hairs. So he took a shower with me so I could see him naked up close and answer my questions. It was all kewl. I dont think it was first time I seen dad naked, but it was first time I could see up close and was interested in knowing about why he had hairs and why his pen is was big and stuff like that.


Posted by secretskyguy on 2010-06-26 03:48:51

Jedi Lucas. Its cool that your dad was comfortable enough to let you see him naked, what year did you shower with your dad. Before you showered with your dad what stuff did he do naked, like did he sleep naked or walk around naked? Have your brothers seen you or your dad naked?

Posted by Jedi Lucas on 2010-06-26 09:12:57

Secretskyguy. I was maybe 6 when I showered with my dad first time. I seen him in bathroom naked a few times before that. I dont have brothers. I got 2 sisters. Julie is 6 and Jessica is 11. I dont think they seen dad naked. And I not sure if they ever seen me naked or not. Maybe when I was little. But not now.

Posted by secretskyguy on 2010-06-26 22:53:45

Jedi Lucas. Has your best friend ever slept over at your house, did any of your family see him naked, how did they react to seeing him naked. When he was at your house did either of you skinny dip, sleep naked, or walk around the house naked.