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Workplace Punishment

Not sexual harrasment

Posted by ElenaB on 2013-07-04 00:24:25

Physical punishment by a male boss could be sexual harrasment but what you describe is just ordinary discipline. Be glad he punishes you with the ruler instead making deducitions in your pay. Do not try to tell him how to hit you or how in any other way punish you,

Posted by Donalbain on 2013-07-05 18:58:47

It may not be sexual harassment, but it does constitute harassment. If this is, in fact real, then you should file a grievance against your boss.

Posted by Divya_Shree on 2013-07-08 19:10:50

Why shouldn't I suggest him to hit me only on my palms? not even the school kids get punished this way here... Its very embarrassing...

Posted by shaun h on 2013-07-09 14:59:11

Donalbain is right! This is bullying, and if my boss tried this with me, once he'd come round, he'd sure as heck be facing a lawsuit! And if he tried to sue me for assault, well, I'd just claim provocation, since he'd tried to assault me! Don't EVER let your boss get away with this kinda behaviour, but report him to the management of where you work.

Posted by Andrew55 on 2013-08-01 22:59:45

In law this is harassment and he should stop/ be reported.

If on the other hand you feel that you need physical chastisement then what you agree with your boss is up to you. But this seems very random and bullying.