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Sexually Active Kids

My daughter

Posted by mslaurie on 2023-12-21 03:17:18

@nighttime Hell yes we are his gf is 6yo they like getting it on anywhere around the house and dont care who sees yes they are both smokers and like to hang out with older kids.

Posted by nighttime on 2023-12-21 14:06:27

@mslaurie: when I asked about older kids, I meant do your boy & his girl $%!@ older kids as well? Do they ever go to drink / sex parties with adults? Or do they only $%!@ each other.

Posted by suckspacifier on 2024-05-14 14:50:35

My daughter started becomming sexually active when she was 13.A year earlier,when she was 12 she started puberty and bedwetting because of it.We put her into cloth diapers and plastic pants at night for her bedwetting which she was okay with.When she was 13,she made her First Holy Communion in the class of 7 year olds and had to wear a poofy,short sleeve,knee length communion dress and veil with lace anklets and white maryjane shoes.Cloth diapers and plastic pants and a tee shirt were required under the dresses,so i put her bedwetting diapers and white plastic pants on her.After her party,the husband and i took the relatives to the airport,so the daughter was home alone.When we got home,i went to the daughters room and caught her on her knees with her dress off,giving a 14 year old boy $%!@!I sent the boy home and then asked the daughter how this happened and she told me he came over,then went to her room and started kissing.She then said the boy put his hand under her communion dress and felt the diapers and plastic pants and got aroused.Then she said he unzipped her dress and pulled it off of her,got her to her knees,undid his pants and told her to give him $%!@ which she was doing when i caught her! We couldnt believe that she could do something like that on her First Communion day! Then the next year when she was 14,she was one of two flowergirls in a cousins wedding and i had her wear the diapers and plastic pants again under her flowergirl dress as the ceremony was 3 hours long.During the wedding dance,she went off with a 15 year old boy that time to a class room and when i found her,her dress was off and she was giving the boy $%!@ again! Now she is 15 and her bedwetting has ended,but as her punishment for giving the $%!@,she has to wear the diapers and plastic pants to sunday mass,for holidays,etc.which she doent like!