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Girls Clothing Limits in summer.

My experience

Posted by rachelst on 2009-09-01 19:41:46

I obey my parents because I was taught that you always obey your parents no matter what. I will continue to do as they say. I don't know what I would do if I had to wear skirts that are so short, but if my parents told me to wear them, I would. And if my parents said that I couldn't wear panties anymore, then I would do as they say.

Posted by Sabrina90 on 2009-09-02 16:50:58

I agree that your parents are good enought to let you wear your panties, my parents never allowed me such luxury... and It's a nice thing that you want to obey them, after all what the do is what they think it's good for you, you are your daughter and they care about you.

Posted by rachelst on 2009-09-02 17:40:02

My parents have read the posts on here and have decided that I won't be allowed to wear panties anymore. They have all been disposed of. Now the only clothes that I am allowed to wear are shirts and skirts, and of course whenever I am home I can't even wear those I have to be totally naked.

Posted by Sabrina90 on 2009-09-03 19:39:26

That's cool, underwear is unconfortable anyway, and poor for personal hygiene, so it's only good for you that your parents disposed of your panties.

You will have a hard time at the gym at first, i guess, since you will have to go there in your tennis skirt and no panties, but you will get used to it quickly, I am sure.

Keep us updated.

Posted by rachelst on 2009-09-11 01:46:49

It has been very embarrassing so far. Since my parents have banned me from wearing panties I've had to be careful in everything I do so that no one can see up my skirt. At least it isn't as obvious that I am not wearing panties. Its REALLY obvious that I'm not wearing a bra though.